The Mummy / Pulp-era / Egyptology Dungeoneering

Started by nikharwood, 07 September 2010, 06:01:04 PM

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Six is a reincarnation of master Yoda, I tell you !





 8) Maybe decreasing attack rolls for multiple shots after the first: so 5 to 4 to 3 etc, with a limit of d6 shots per action...


Maybe decreasing attack rolls for multiple shots after the first: so 5 to 4 to 3 etc, with a limit of d6 shots per action...

OOo I like it. I think I`ll set that officially in my own personal updated copy of the rules.


Six  :D


Wow... pulp in 10mm... I have to see how it looks like!... btw any references or future pack of minis to do The mummy?


Beyond the codes in my original post, I think you're looking at raiding the SCW range for the heroes...I must admit I've neglected this one a bit & I ought to get back to 'properly' thinking about it  :)



It would be nice to have pics of the references. ;)


If you can find it, try and find the Nile Empire Supplement for the Torg RPG  it is a most excellent source for Steampunk/Pulp
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Just organising my list for my pulp, on top of the dinosaur hunting, got my DAK troops etc as well as some Arab civillians, however I tend to steer clear of egypt, I have run games in central america, north africa,China etc.   oooh ninja - i need some ninja! :D
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


I suggest to have a look at this:


That's nice  :)

And has just made me want to give this project a bit more attention!  8)

O Dinas Powys

Quote from: nikharwood on 08 September 2010, 10:03:28 PM
Quote from: Cyril on 08 September 2010, 09:18:53 AM
For the pulpy feel, even though not being really egytian-centered, I would add the scene from "Conan the barbarian" where he and his buddies pay a visit into the Thulsa Doom temple. With Doom's snake pet and the bunch of half naked ladies. This way, you would have to add some "AC2 Helpless Maidens" to your list Nik. You always need helpless maidens to rescue when you want to do some pulpy dungeon exploration !
The only question remaining is: are the Pendraken maidens "half naked" ?  :P

Nah - there's another remaining question: which half is naked  :d =O

Some good suggestions here folks - and reminders of films I need to drag out of the DVD collection!

They come in two varieties: chained to post and strapped to rock/altar and dressed in suitably disarrayed gowns!  The relevant halves (quarters?!) are naked  :d
(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )


And just how are you defining "relevant halves"??!  ;) ;D