The undead command squad (and other undead things)

Started by Cyril, 06 September 2010, 06:04:25 PM

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Hi everyone,
in a few words, I'd like to build an elite guard for a skeleton king some heroes should have to defeat. :)

As such, I saw the undead army has some giant skeletons, one of the items being a command squad. What is the composition ? Could it be used as a decent elite guard ? If not, do you have other ideas ?

As the king, how does the "FU26 Hero" look like ? Could I use it as a decent skeleton king ?
Note it doesn't have to be a skeleton, it can be any undead.. "thing".

Also, is the giant crucified mummy able to move or is it "really crucified" ? (weirdest question ever)

By the way, since each army seems to have a "command squad" is it always the same composition ? (so I won't ask for each army :) )


The Giant Skeleton command is just 5 standards, so wouldn't be much good for that.  You could use one of the other Giant Skeletons, they come in some good poses, but none of them are very 'Kingly'.  The Undead Hero is a skeleton in mail with his sword over his head.  If you're any good with a bit of putty, you could put a simple crown on one of the figures.

The Crucified Mummy is actually crucified, so won't be doing much wandering about.  He's got long arms though, so don't let the heroes get too close!   :D

The command packs are usually 2 general types, and 3 standards, but there are a few exceptions. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!