Just been given a dremel by the old man!

Started by Duke Speedy of Leighton, 05 October 2015, 06:23:47 PM

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Problem could be that, if we're not creating masters, we'd have to remove the GS afterwards? I was thinking of using a Dremel to attack whole units. The time the Dremel saves might be wasted preparing GS and then carefully removing it? Might be quicker to make a cushion of Instant Mold? - assuming all the figures are the same pose.
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Quote from: WeeWars on 07 October 2015, 12:26:54 PM
Problem could be that, if we're not creating masters, we'd have to remove the GS afterwards? I was thinking of using a Dremel to attack whole units. The time the Dremel saves might be wasted preparing GS and then carefully removing it? Might be quicker to make a cushion of Instant Mold? - assuming all the figures are the same pose.

I've never had too much problem getting the wee men off the GS, Michael.
One of the dental tools I've got is a good 'lever' for that job.....and if any GS DOES stick to the base, it usually peels away without too many problems. (Perhaps because I've done this so often, it's become pretty easy.  ;))

Not having to mix up larger batches of GS would save you a bit of time, I suppose.  :-\

I don't worry about having to wait for it to cure (normally)...as I tend to make 'sticking figures to corks' a job for late on in the day, so that it cures overnight and the figures are ready 'to go' first thing the next day.

Instant mould should work (I'm guessing).
Give that a whirl, and let me know how you get on. ;)....I may try that myself !

Cheers - Phil