Charge question

Started by madpax, 20 May 2015, 08:03:05 PM

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It seems that a unit may charge an enemy it doesn't see at the begining of the charge. Is that true?



Quote from: madpax on 20 May 2015, 08:03:05 PM
It seems that a unit may charge an enemy it doesn't see at the begining of the charge. Is that true?


Hi Marc,

What do you mean by 'doesn't see at the beginning of the charge'?

As a melee charge move a unit can charge any enemy unit it can reach within its generated move distance.  It must intend to contact (charge) an enemy unit within 1BW, otherwise it can choose any enemy unit in range (with exceptions).  Of course, it may not count as a direct charge.

During the 30 minutes of battle each turn represents, the charging unit has time to seek out and attack a target enemy.

Official Guru of our Warband rules!


I understood the rule, I was just wondering how a unit may be ordered to charge something it is not aware of at the beggining of the move. This is related to the god eye's view we have as players.
It's ok like that, just uncommon.



Warband units are generally 300+ strong units.  They include skirmishers and scouts, sl over the course of a half hour turn you may assume they are able to identify enemy units nearby, even jf the constraints of putting figures on a fixed base makes it look like they can't 'see' X enemy unit.

Its just a different scale of game that approaches the usual wargame conventions in a slightly different way.

Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Maybe the way to view this is that a charge is merely an order to contact so line of sight is not important as the units ordered will engage the enemy as targets become available, whereas a direct charge is a move to contact a know target by the shortest route and at full gallop/ run thus the +1bonus in melee.


Quote from: runelord on 21 May 2015, 09:32:11 PM
Maybe the way to view this is that a charge is merely an order to contact so line of sight is not important as the units ordered will engage the enemy as targets become available, whereas a direct charge is a move to contact a know target by the shortest route and at full gallop/ run thus the +1bonus in melee.


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