Rules Q&A

Started by Chieftain, 01 February 2015, 10:13:01 PM

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It may have been asked before, if so apologies but is movement measured or hex/grid based

Thanks guys

2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Quote from: Ironduke on 18 March 2015, 09:34:52 AM
It may have been asked before, if so apologies but is movement measured or hex/grid based

Thanks guys


Hi Craig,

Movement is measured, using the scalable 'base width' metric.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Thankyou Chieftain
2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Quote from: Chieftain on 16 March 2015, 08:18:07 PM
Hi Ricardo

Glad you liked them!  Would you consider putting up a batrep thread, or perhaps a 'review of your thoughts about the rules?

A unit that falls back 1BW remains within 1BW of the opponent (see Distances p4).

Motivation is important.  More important than other abilities?   :-\

There is no restrictions on the maximum distance that can be generated by a CP-boosted Motivations test.
You could charge 10BW if the Motivation roll generates that distance and terrain doesn't limit you.
It would lead to a unit being isolated.  

That's up to you, either way is fine, provided the CPs are spent immediately before or after the dice are rolled.
Note also, that you can continue to spend CP until you decide to stop.
E.g. you roll 2d6 and fail a Motivation test.  So you spend 2 CP and roll +2d6.  Still fail, so you could spend more CP, etc.

How does it make your cannon 'most effective' at long range?

If I were your opponent, i'd consider the use of terrain to break up your cannon's sight lines.   :D

Yes, slow shot applies if your unit makes any motivated move (basic, restricted, melee), even to pivot on the spot.

The flank attack bonus applies based on the position of the unit at the completion of its melee charge move (p23).  If your unit has the move to get around onto an opponents flank, it may do so.  Positioning of units to prevent this is wise.   ;)

Cheers for the replies.

Cannon: When you are at extreme range you can afford to throw all your CPs into a single cannon shot. At close range you have far more to spend your points on, so won't be rolling 12d6 attacks.
The actual experience was that the cannon was not dominating in any meaningful sense. It did screw the opponents moves up as he tried to stay out of firing lanes. So I think it worked nicely in that respect.

New question:
With the magic missile spell everyone has. We assumed you could only buy each bonus (+1 range etc...) once. But we were unsure. in other sections of the rules it said +1d6 PER command point. It didn't do that with the spell so we figured you couldn't make a super long range/6 dice spell.
However I thought it might be wrong...?


Quote from: ricardo440

New question:
With the magic missile spell everyone has. We assumed you could only buy each bonus (+1 range etc...) once. But we were unsure. in other sections of the rules it said +1d6 PER command point. It didn't do that with the spell so we figured you couldn't make a super long range/6 dice spell.
However I thought it might be wrong...?

You may spend as many magic points as you like on the relevant 'magic missle' spell.

Official Guru of our Warband rules!


A couple of questions came up in our second (fun) game last night.

1: When using Magic, if you have rolled a high number of magic Points, can you use the same spell more than once in a turn?

2: When a unit is damaged and has lost 2 points of Morale, if it then suffers just 1 more point loss next turn, when throwing for Protection, can you 'save' points of damage from previous turns, so the unit that suffered just one potential hit/damage this turn could actually pass its 2 protection rolls and save 2 points of Morale, or can it only save damage suffered this turn?
(Have  explained that well enough?)

Other than that we had great fun last night and even these points were discussed in a nice sensible manner, but then I have been gaming with these guys for over 25 years.

'If I throw a six I'll do my happy dance'!

2016 Painting Competition - People's Choice!


Quote from: Bodvoc on 25 March 2015, 07:19:25 AM
1: When using Magic, if you have rolled a high number of magic Points, can you use the same spell more than once in a turn?

Yes.  You can cast the same spell multiple times.

And you can cast multiple spells on the same unit.  In this case, ability bonuses stack, but special abilities only apply once.

Quote2: When a unit is damaged and has lost 2 points of Morale, if it then suffers just 1 more point loss next turn, when throwing for Protection, can you 'save' points of damage from previous turns, so the unit that suffered just one potential hit/damage this turn could actually pass its 2 protection rolls and save 2 points of Morale, or can it only save damage suffered this turn?
(Have  explained that well enough?)


Protection rolls remove Hits.  They do not restore lost Morale.  Any 'un-saved' Hits reduce Morale, and do not carry over to following turns.

To restore lost Morale requires the expenditure of Command Points with the Rally inspiration action.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Brilliant, many thanks for the quick reply, that is how we played it so I am glad we got it right, a couple of the players asked the questions so I thought it worth getting clarification.
'If I throw a six I'll do my happy dance'!

2016 Painting Competition - People's Choice!


Ive noticed that Dire Wolves in the Eldritch Vampire list & the Undead list are different. Was this on purpose or missed?

Maybe there should be an Errata thread so we can list errors & such. There is a thread, but we cannot post or add to it.


I think it's that the vampires have Werwolves and Undead have Direwolves.


Quote from: Upgraydd on 02 April 2015, 04:13:55 AM
I think it's that the vampires have Werwolves and Undead have Direwolves.

No, Werewolves are a separate entry.  Eldritch Vampires have dire Wolves in Core for 34 points. Undead have them in Optional for 26 points, with 1 less MT.


Quote from: Bloodaxe on 02 April 2015, 04:29:42 AM
No, Werewolves are a separate entry.  Eldritch Vampires have dire Wolves in Core for 34 points. Undead have them in Optional for 26 points, with 1 less MT.

That's correct.
Official Guru of our Warband rules!


Quote from: Chieftain on 02 April 2015, 07:14:07 AM
That's correct.

So it was intentional for there two be Dire Wolves with two different sets of stats/points? Or typo?


They are intentionally different. 

The dire wolves under the influence of the eldritch vampires are possessed of more motivation than those in the slower and more sluggish undead army.

In general the undead army suffers motivation and movement problems (after all their troops are dead!)

Whereas the eldritch vampires troops are more mobile, because most of them are alive (although enthralled).
Official Guru of our Warband rules!