Brits vs Germans, Somewhere in Italy, Late '43, Game 3

Started by bigjackmac, 03 December 2014, 01:21:46 AM

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The Brits carried out a hasty attack in Game1, and won the battle, but then lost ground to a German counterattack in Game2.  In Game3 the Germans are trying to encircle the Brits.  They have a large force, but it's split into three groups in three separate areas, while the Brits have a smaller force, but it is concentrated in the center of the field.  The Brits must evacuate their forces off one of the map edges (I don't know which one yet, I'll be rolling for it after set up).

The Brit force of CO, a 3" mortar, M10 tank destroyer, and five rifle squads.

The German force, with 9 rifle squads, a Sdkfz 234 armored car, a PaK-38 (with a prime mover, as I don't know which table edge the Brits will be evacuating off of and I wouldn't want them to get caught immobile on the wrong side of the table), and an MG-42.  I will say that the Krauts got kinda screwed with the support rolls; if they'd gotten something bigger than an armored car (to take on the M10), they could have taken another MG or a mortar.  But sometimes life bees like that...

Starting positions: the Germans have 3 rifle squads and the PaK-38 in the northeast (top right) corner, 3 rifle squads and the MG42 in the southeast (bottom right) corner, and the Sdkfz 234 and 3 rifle squads in the southwest (bottom left) corner.

I roll the dice, and, as luck would have it, the Brits must evacuate off the table via the road the German armored car is sitting on.

The M10 makes quick work of the Sdkfz 234 armored car.

And the Germans throw infantry at the armored beast, trying to get lucky and overrun it in close combat, or at least buy time for their AT gun to be moved up.

On a side note, I didn't do up a campaign roster for this series of fights, but I did make up a quick sheet of names, and when units get eliminated during the game I change the name and drop him a rank for the next game, kind of showing attrition.  So, for the Brit 3rd Squad, in the first game they were led by Sgt Carter, and eliminated.  In the second game they were led by Cpl Cooper, and eliminated.  In the third game (this one) they were led by LCpl Crews, and they survived.  The ranks, from top to bottom, are Sergeant, Corporal, Lance Corporal, and Private, so by the last game I suspect some squads will be led by Privates.  Notice that the original Brit CO, Captain Penny, was cornered and surrendered in game 2, so the Brits are now led by Lieutenant (Leftenant?) Page.

To see how it turned out, please check the blog at:
