Brits vs Germans, Somewhere in Italy, Late '43 Game2

Started by bigjackmac, 02 December 2014, 01:39:27 AM

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In our last fight, Captain Penny's men took the German forward line, but before the position could be consolidated, the German commanding officer, Captain Penzig, swiftly organized and counterattack.

The Brit force, consisting of their CO, Captain Penny, a PIAT team, and five rifle squads.

The German force: the CO, 7 rifle squads, an MG, and a Pz Mk IV (w/short 75mm).  This force will be split into two elements, the 'holding force,' consisting of two rifle squads and the MG, and the 'relief force,' consisting of the CO, 5 rifle squads, and the Panzer.

Starting positions: the German have Cpl Albrecht and Cpl Borger's squads, and Sgt Jernigan's MG, on the hill (far left), while the Brits have (counterclockwise from bottom left) Sgt Abbott's squad, Sgt Belmont's, Cpl Cooper's (on hill next to Germans),  Sgt Dupont's, and Sgt Enis' squads, with the CO behind Enis and Cpl Leon's PIAT team behind Sgt Dupont's squad.  Then the Germans have Cpl Colgen, Sgt Dietrich's, and Cpl Egan's squads at top center left, looking to cross a ford, with the CO, Sgt Nuen's Panzer IV, and Sgt Falmstadt's and Sgt Gohrman's squads accompanying them coming up the road at top right center.

Cpl Cooper's boys (bottom right, with CO next to them and PIAT team to right) turn their weapons on Sgt Falmstadt's men of the German 6th Squad (leading the tank down the road), and they are eliminated!

And this clears the way for Cpl Leon's PIAT team to move up and fire on Sgt Nuen's Panzer IV.  The German tank is damaged, but it's enough to force the crew to bail out!

To see how it turned out, please check the blog:

This is game 2 of 5; more to come, so stay tuned!



'If I throw a six I'll do my happy dance'!

2016 Painting Competition - People's Choice!



This man has too much time on his hands !  ;) ;D ;D ;D
Good for you, Jack......Keep 'em coming.
Cheers - Phil

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Or he had some time and a large backlog of reports!
I suspect the reports take longer than some of the games....
Great stuff Jack!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Thanks Bodvoc, I appreciate it!

Phil and Lemmey - Yes, the write-ups are taking longer than the games.  I played three on Saturday and two on Sunday, still trying to catch up with the paperwork.

Next up is the Brits breaking out of the German encirclement brought on by this fight (German counterattack), which is almost finished, hopefully get it posted tonight.

The rules are Ivan Sorenson's "Five Men in Normandy," which cost about $5 for the PDF at Wargames Vault.  It's a skirmish game (each figure is a man, they activate individually), but I wanted to play 'bigger' games, so I made a few small modifications and play one stand is a squad/weapons team, one vehicle is one vehicle.  Having a great time so far!
