Painting and basing Kallistra 12mm ACW Confederate.

Started by Norm, 02 October 2014, 02:23:37 PM

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I have just completed a Kallistra 12mm confederate army pack and have put a video together on the blog, it shows the army composition and some painting and basing notes.



Well I particularly enjoyed that. The hints and tips were very useful, especially the application of varnish before wash and the artists palette knife. I do think it's a pity the two companies ranges are not compatible, but there you go. As a member of the Liverpool club I'm sure I picked up a hint of scouse there. Thanks for taking the time to put that together.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Enjoyed the video and tips, even if ACW is not my bag.

I also enjoyed the earlier walk through the Pendraken German WWII figs. Looking forward to more.

I agree with DP (also being a member of the club), think I also heard the strains of the Mersey in some pieces


The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding DP.

Didn't realsie you meant wargames club, thought you meant people from Liverpool in general. I fall into the latter group but the not the former. haven't been to a wargames club in the'Pool since leaving school, some time ago :o