Addicted? Moi?

Started by Plasticoutsider, 09 June 2014, 08:30:38 PM

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Heh, see the recent thread in Barkerese! He's famed for such sentences. In an attempt to be clear an cover all situations he makes them unreadable :)
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I like him more with each passing minute.  I'd rather esotericism than the shallow gloss of many rule sets.


Wow, that sounded so pretentious!  Sorry everyone!!!


You've not really played DBA until you've played it in the original Serbo-Croat, you know.
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Quote from: toxicpixie on 12 June 2014, 10:46:13 PM
You've not really played DBA until you've played it in the original Serbo-Croat, you know.

Surely, for true authenticity, one should read the rules in the language of the army one is deploying on table?  ;)
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


I like Barkerese, the bloody awful sentence structure means that by the time you had decrypted it and understood it you had actually learned the rule.

Also his rules were quite innovative DBA and DBM sat nicely between old school 6th Edition (write orders for all units) and the bloatware that was to become Borehammer (every unit moves, every unit shoots, every unit fights, every turn).

Phil has more than his fair share of knockers (its become the national sport on TMP) but for wargaming, he's the best thing since sliced Featherstone.


I thought DBA was amazing, and I still do - even if it's long in the tooth now it's still a cracking game and as you say full of innovation at the time. Real breath of fresh air and very energising. I'm still of the opinion that the "big battle" versions (DBA and all its spin offs) were actually a step backward :D

Quote from: Ithoriel on 12 June 2014, 10:59:52 PM
Surely, for true authenticity, one should read the rules in the language of the army one is deploying on table?  ;)

Haha, yeah... I think I need to learn about three dozen languages retrospectively :D
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Well I got a nice email this morning (sent late last night) telling me my Wars of the Roses figures are on their way.


Quote from: Plasticoutsider on 13 June 2014, 08:03:52 AM
Well I got a nice email this morning (sent late last night) telling me my Wars of the Roses figures are on their way.

Update: figures are here!
That's amazing service.  Much appreciated.


Actually, I must congratulate Leon & co as well, got an order thru yesterday from last week. Stirring stuff, see if I can get them painted for next weekend...
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Quote from: Plasticoutsider on 13 June 2014, 10:39:04 AM
Update: figures are here!
That's amazing service.  Much appreciated.

Quote from: toxicpixie on 13 June 2014, 10:59:34 AM
Actually, I must congratulate Leon & co as well, got an order thru yesterday from last week. Stirring stuff, see if I can get them painted for next weekend...

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19 June 2014, 08:38:00 PM #41 Last Edit: 19 June 2014, 08:40:20 PM by Plasticoutsider
Here's a quick photo of some finished Welsh auxiliaries for DBA.  Also pictured, a cottage I made out of foam core and wood filler.


Not bad at all ... but even better the right way up!

Adding images is always such fun on the forum :)
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Quote from: Ithoriel on 19 June 2014, 08:40:09 PM
Not bad at all ... but even better the right way up!

Adding images is always such fun on the forum :)

Weird.  They're the right way up in real life...


If you click to enbiggen they flip back upright...

Nice hut btw!
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -