Austro Prussian Wars of 1866 Rules

Started by sdennan, 01 June 2014, 05:57:51 AM

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Dave Fielder

Just got hold of the book (Neil Thomas One Hour Wargames) ... great little book and the rules, although very simplistic, look like fun.

@ Dour Puritan: Any photos of the games yet? Have you tried them for larger actions? I recently played Battle Cry (ACW on hexes) which has really simple mechanics but does require well thought out ideas - Gettysburg in one evening with a result :-)
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


TBH keep forgetting to take my camera down the club. Recently played scenario 14 as a FPW game using the rifle and sabre rule section. This has been by far the most interesting of the five games I've now played. However I have gone back to Dave Thomas' C19th rules and had a really good few games with them - the Alma in 10mm using 1" square bases and slightly different formations, i.e. one rank of four for a line and two ranks of two for a column. Visually it just looked better. Did the same in a recent Franco-Austrian battle, but this time in 15mm, still on 1" bases. It played well and looked a bit like a game from the 70s, as there were only 15 units a side. His rules, though very simple at first glance, do give enjoyable and very exciting games that reach a definite conclusion in reasonable time.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!