Illustrations of Ilkhanids & Arabs from an early 14th Century Manuscript

Started by Druzhina, 26 July 2012, 08:08:28 AM

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Illustrations in the 1305-14 Jami' al-Tawarikh (Universal History or Compendium of Chronicles) by Rashid al-Din.
Ilkhanid Heavy Cavalry
Ilkhanid Light Cavalry
Arab Cavalry

Modern drawings of, & notes on, Ilkhanid Light Cavalry by Ian Heath based on the above paintings
A modern drawing of, & notes on, Ilkhanid Heavy Cavalry by Ian Heath based on the above paintings
Modern drawings of, & notes on, Bedouin_Tribesmen by Ian Heath based on the above paintings

Individual folios:
Edinburgh manuscript Or 20
Manuchehr enthroned with Rostam in attendance, f6
Lohrasp enthroned with scribes in attendance, f12v
The dying Rostam shoots Shaghad, f15v
Eskandar enters the Land of Darkness, f19r
Birth of the Prophet Muhammed, f42r
Mohammad as a youth meets the monk Bahira
Mohammed receiving revelation from the angel Gabriel
Mohammed positions the Kaaba
Mohammed and Abu Bakr on their way to Medina while a woman milks a herd of goats
Night Ride of Mohammed on Buraq
Mahmud of of Ghazni in robe from the Caliph
Mahmud of Ghazni crosses the Ganges
Mongols besieging a City
Khalili manuscript 727:
The emperor Xuandi of the late Liang, f14b
The mountains of India, f21
The mountains between India and Tibet, with a female pilgrim in Indian dress, f22a
Battle of the Pandavas and the Kauravas, a scene from the Indian epic, the Mahabharata, f25a
The Execution of Jalal-al-Din Firuzshah II (r1290-96), the Khalji, sultan of Delhi, by his rebellious nephew, f27a
The nobles of Kashmir enthrone a fakir as King Yashaskara (r939-48), f28b
Ravan, king of Lanka and king of the demons, lies dead before Rama, a scene from the Indian epic, the Ramayana, f30b
Shakyamuni offering fruit to the devil, from the life of the Buddha, f34a
The Grove of Jetavana, where the Buddha achieved Enlightenment, f36b
Kushinagar, where the Buddha achieved Nirvana, f37b
Noah's Ark, f45a
Jacob, with three of his sons and his two wives, Leah and Rachel, f47b
Joseph, his robe torn by Potiphar's wife (Zulaykha), appears before Potiphar, f48a
Joseph and his brethren, f49a
Moses commands the Levites to behead those who had worshipped the Golden Calf, f52a
The death of Moses on Mt Nebo, f54a
Saul, abandoned by Jehovah, is defeated by the Philistines and falls on his sword, f56a
Jonah and the whale, f59b
Mohammed exhorting his family before the battle of Badr, f66a
Mohammed (on the left) leading Hamza and the Muslims against Banu Qaynuqa
Mohammed receiving the submission of the Banu Nadir
Mongol soldiers

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More illustrations in the 1305-14 Jami' al-Tawarikh (Universal History or Compendium of Chronicles) by Rashid al-Din.
City of Iram
Prophet Salih Produces a Camel from a Rock
Moses in the Bullrushes
Moses Hearing God's Voice
Musa Slays the Giant 'Uj ibn 'Anaq
Abd al-Muttalib and al-Harith about to Discover Zamzam
Besieged defenders of a town advancing to battle, f125
Battle Between Abu'l-Qasim and the Samanid Muntasir and Muntasir Crossing the Jayhun
Kublai Khan on an elephant
Two Emperors of the Qi and Liang Dynasties

Contemporary paintings of Ilkhanid Mongols from the Inju Shahnama made in Shiraz in 1341CE.

These images have larger versions with more detail:
Hunt in the mountains
A Ruler Enthroned
Zal joins Mihrab in battling the Turanians *
Zahhak and Farshidward before Afrasiyab
Rustam Lifts Afrasiyab from the Saddle
Iranian and Turanian Armies in Combat
Rustam Pleads for Tus Before Kay Khusrau
Rustam returning to Iran after killing the Div Akvan
Bizhan Slaughters the Wild Boars of Irman
Rustam Rescues Bijan from the Well
Rustam confronting the Turanian Pilsam
Nastihan Slain by Bijan
Two of the Duels between the Twelve Rukhs *
Shida Son of Afrasiyab Slain by Kay Khusraw
Kay Khusraw crossing the sea
Execution of Afrasiyab
The Paladins of Kay Khusrau Perish in a Snowstorm *
Story of Luhrasp
Rustam Discoursing with Isfandiyar
Rustum Fighting with Isfandiyar
Yazdgird Shahriyar Enthroned
Bahram Gur in a peasant house
Bahram Gur Slays a Dragon in India
The Sasanian King Yazdigird Killed by a Kick from a Horse
King Khusraw Anushirvan Enthroned
Kharrad Recognizes the Princess as being an Automaton

Images with a * have standards, flags or banners.

or MIRROR site:
Hunt in the mountains
A Ruler Enthroned
Zal joins Mihrab in battling the Turanians *
Zahhak and Farshidward before Afrasiyab
Rustam Lifts Afrasiyab from the Saddle
Iranian and Turanian Armies in Combat
Rustam Pleads for Tus Before Kay Khusrau
Rustam returning to Iran after killing the Div Akvan
Bizhan Slaughters the Wild Boars of Irman
Rustam Rescues Bijan from the Well
Rustam confronting the Turanian Pilsam
Nastihan Slain by Bijan
Two of the Duels between the Twelve Rukhs *
Shida Son of Afrasiyab Slain by Kay Khusraw
Kay Khusraw crossing the sea
Execution of Afrasiyab
The Paladins of Kay Khusrau Perish in a Snowstorm *
Story of Luhrasp
Rustam Discoursing with Isfandiyar
Rustum Fighting with Isfandiyar
Yazdgird Shahriyar Enthroned
Bahram Gur in a peasant house
Bahram Gur Slays a Dragon in India
The Sasanian King Yazdigird Killed by a Kick from a Horse
King Khusraw Anushirvan Enthroned
Kharrad Recognizes the Princess as being an Automaton

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Superb finds as usual D.....I have to keep going back to them to see the ones I miss first go !
Cheers - Phil.