D&D You Tube

Started by sixsideddice, 31 May 2013, 11:29:48 AM

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The rules of WoW Dungeoneering

if youre a huntard or other DPS.

Rule 1. All the kewl lewts are mine
Rule 2. See Rule 1

if youre the Tank

Rule 1. Spam "FFS Healer, HEAL ME!!!" in chat every 30 seconds.
Rule 2. All the kewl lewts are mine.

if youre the healer

Rule 1. Respond to tank with "Then stay in sight then, my heals cant go round corners, you FCKING MUROON!!!"
Rule 2. Spam "Cmon guys, slow down a bit I'm not getting time to loot." in chat every 30 seconds.

Ah well, thats how it used to be, nowadays its all 5 teleport into the dungeon using LFD, then proceed at breakneck speed throughout the instance without saying a word, and leaving half the loot still lying there.



I`m v----e----r----y nearly ready  :)

I have looked into going pro on my website, which will mean I can upload my videos pretty much complete, without having to dice and splice anything. At this stage there are so many game sessions... with more every few weeks being added as the campaign continues, that I doubt I`d ever be able to undertake the mammoth task of splicing it all up into small You Tube chunks (it would be a Herculean task).  However, if I upgrade my own site, I will be able to add everything fairly seamlessly and quickly.

Sooooo, just give me a few weeks to save pennies for the upgrade, and things can finally start to happen yeeey!!

Nearly there....  nearly there  8)



its still in its infancy, but I think its ready for anyone to take a look at now if they wish.

still lots more of the Video campaign sessions to go up, but I`ll adds those that over the next few weeks. After which, I`ll add each new D&D game session as it happens.

Lots of other things to see as well in the various sections, but like I say... still loads more to do yet as the site`s still new. Have a browse about at your leisure. I`ve added a couple links to a few of the various pages below.


