Dungeon World RPG Rules Variation

Started by sixsideddice, 04 August 2011, 05:21:10 PM

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Remember also, in the Dungeon World Variation,  if Dungeon World trap or similar causes 1, 2, 3, etc damage... multiply by 5 to get the total result (e.g. 3 points damage from a trap would become 15 points total). Similarly with healing, always multiply by 5.

However, pluses (+1) to Attacks or Armour are not multiplied, rather they give plus bonuses to the D20 attack roll or Armour Class.


14 August 2011, 10:09:27 AM #16 Last Edit: 14 August 2011, 10:12:09 AM by sixsideddice
... Of course, I`m just throwing thoughts into the forum really; running ideas up the flag pole to see who salutes them.

The Dungeon World game, as it stands (especially the new 3D edition, which no one has seen yet) is as complete as you`d wish it to be. But the Variation add on is really just a taster of how easy it is for anyone to make slight alterations and turn the game into a simple role playing experience that can stand alongside the main body of the rules... not by changing things, but by interpreting the miniature stats slightly differently.

In my own family (and solo) games, I now combine both Dungeon World and the Dungeon World Variations in a slightly different way. I use Dungeon World as normal in almost all situations - but I don`t use the "Weapon Attacks" to represent the number of dice I throw (and add together) as the rules are written. Instead I tend to use the Variation rules so that the “Weapon Attacks” and "Shooting" dice represents +1s which are added to the D20 “To Hit” roll... pretty much as the Variation rules advice. However, successful hits only cause 1 Wound in my games (I personally don`t multiply figure stats by 5). So for example, if my Hero with 7 "Attacks" gets into a fight, and let’s say each of his 3 Attacks* manage to score a Hit; that would represent 3 wounds on the enemy in front of him (remember, in the Variation rules figures make individual attacks and do not combine their melee dice like they do in Dungeon World).

*Models with “Attacks 5” may roll to hit a second time if the first attack is a hit.
  Models with “Attacks 6” roll to hit twice in combat.
  Models with more than “Attacks 6” roll to hit three times.


3D edition .......... sounds intriguing :D

I've still not had time to try out the variation rules yet - life getting in the way - but keep these thoughts coming!




Quote3D edition .......... sounds intriguing

hehe, they`re out of my hands now. I handed them over to Leon ages ago. I`m sure they`ll surface sometime.

QuoteI've still not had time to try out the variation rules yet - life getting in the way - but keep these thoughts coming!

Another thing I do when I use the variation rules is... I still use the Dungeon World 4 phase move (Initiative, Movers Action Phase, Non Mover`s Shooting Phase, and Melee Phase). I find it keeps the game interesting and intense.

