Sample Army Lists

Started by Big Insect, 16 May 2019, 08:55:29 AM

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Big Insect

This section is to allow players to post up army lists for play, for discussion, but also we've had a number of requests from new BKCIV players for sample 'starter' lists, as they need to get their heads quickly around how to build forces.

What would be helpful is if each set of lists (as ideally matched pairs would be useful) was posted as a new topic and the points value of the lists included in the header for the topic, a along with any specific rules scenario.

So for example: France 1940 - French v German 1,500 points Encounter

I'll run up a 1500pt French v Germans 1940 pair as an example.

All lists gratefully received ...

Many thanks


'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

This communication has been written by a dyslexic person. If you have any trouble with the meaning of any of the sentences or words, please do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Remember that dyslexics are often high-level conceptualisers who provide "outside of the box" thinking.


1500pts seems like quite a large figure for a starter army.

How many points are the French & Early German starter army packs that Pendraken sells?


16 May 2019, 12:37:00 PM #2 Last Edit: 16 May 2019, 12:38:46 PM by Ithoriel
The sample I gave here,18556.0.html

for a British, NW Europe Starter Army force, came out at c.1500 pts

So 1500 might be a little high for 1940 but not hugely so.
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

Big Insect

It's actually not a lot of units - army BP 8 & 7 respectively

The idea (& this was a play-test matched pairs that I used with a friend to introduce him to BKC) was to use a variety of unit types and mechanisms.
We were done in 2 1/2 hours - and the Germans won decisively - once the French AA got knocked-out the Stuka dominated the battlefield - not helped by the inability of the French commanders to roll more than 1 order in a turn  >:(

Oh ... yes ... I was the French
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

This communication has been written by a dyslexic person. If you have any trouble with the meaning of any of the sentences or words, please do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Remember that dyslexics are often high-level conceptualisers who provide "outside of the box" thinking.

Kev Tingle-Sheffield lad

I'm building a pacific theater of war, Japanese V USMC
Just wondering if anyone else has played this yet

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

First off who let you in Kev ? I havn't personally played the Pacific theatre but don't see any problem, use a small board and start with small forces. Obviously there won't be lots of armour. Keep the USMC naval gunfire support down, otherwise it will dominate. Similar for air support. It may be slow as a game though. (Lord Kermit has lots of Zulus and was ianrs54 before elevation   
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