Pendraken Future Plans - Please Read!

Started by Leon, 01 August 2023, 09:41:41 PM

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Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


On the topic of poor delivery companies...avoid FedEx like the plague if you're posting anywhere outside England (or just in general). Had a company try and send me a parcel multiple times only for it to get a "delivery exception" and returned to sender before even leaving the sorting hub. The company were fuming as they gave no reason for rejections other than "training issues". I suspect they just didn't realise we existed on the other side of the Irish sea... Thankfully they've resent it with another delivery company and it should come tomorrow.  🤞🏻


On the topic of Evri they 'delivered' a package last week by not ringing or knocking - I was in, as was my daughter whose package it was- but having tried a side gate and broken the latch, by forcing the bottom of the garage door open a crack, breaking the opening mechanism, and jamming the parcel into the garage and running off. The garage was not marked as a 'safe place'. Discussions are 'ongoing'. >:(


Royal mail delivered a parcel to my daughter by dropping it over a gate into a bucket of water then photographing it and posting it on their site as proof of safe delivery.
Its a mad world.