May Newsletter!

Started by Leon, 15 May 2023, 10:56:02 PM

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Welcome to the latest Pendraken newsletter!

With all of the recent shows, plus some staff holidays, things are running a little behind at Pendraken HQ but we're working hard to get your orders posted out to you as quickly as we can.  Please allow a little longer than usual and we'll get your goodies to you asap.

The Forgotten War released!

After its launch at Salute, our new Korean War supplement is now available!

The Forgotten War is a supplement for the popular Blitzkrieg Commander IV wargames rules, focussing on the Korean War from 1950-1953.

Written by Mark Fry and Rob Anderson, The Forgotten War contains 8 new army lists as well as 6 historical scenarios complete with maps.  New rules include Line Commanders (for Wave Attacks), Street Barricades, Static Smoke Dischargers and Medical Bases.

This 52-page supplement is available in hard copy through our website here or as a PDF through Wargame Vault here.

We have comprehensive ranges available here for this conflict with another 65 releases coming online in the next few weeks, including a wide array of artillery, AT rifles, cavalry and more!

Upcoming Korean War additions!

As mentioned above, we've got some new Korean War releases planned so we've added some photos of them to the Forum here.  These should have gone straight into moulds but the jack on our low-temp mould press decided to call it a day, so we're waiting on a replacement to arrive.

This batch will be combined with a whole load of new artillery to fill in most of the gaps in the ranges and add some fun stuff to go with The Forgotten War supplement book.

Russo-Japanese range progress

Our other big release for this year is the upcoming Russo-Japanese range, which we know a lot of you are waiting on.  There have been some delays due to the shows and our broken mould press, but the majority of the moulds are now complete and there are only 6 moulds left to do at the time of writing.  We should have those finished this week and then we can get everything blackwashed and photo'd for the website.

We'll do our best to get them released next week but we've got a quick turnaround for the Partizan show on the 21st May, so we might hold the launch until we get back from that event.

More AWI additions!

One of our customers has been busy commissioning Clibinarium to make some more AWI sculpts, so we've previewed all of these here.  These need low-temp moulds (broken mould press again!) so will need to wait until that's fixed.  Hopefully that won't be long after Partizan and we can get these released later this month.

Partizan Pre-Orders

We've mentioned it a couple of times already but one more time!  We'll be at the Partizan show on Sunday 21st May so please make sure to get your pre-orders sent through to us asap!

We try to bring as much as possible to the shows but with nearly 7000 products now it's impossible to fit them all into the van.  Pre-ordering is the best way to guarantee that we have what you need on the day.

Painted Marlburians!

We're continuing to add painted images to our website and this month we've had the Marlburian/WSS range done by the talented Battle Brush Studios.  You can see his excellent work on this popular range here.

Important Dates

Sun 21st May - Partizan in Newark (pre-orders before Fri 13th May)
Sat 17th Jun - Phalanx in St Helens (pre-orders before Fri 9th Jun)
Sat 24th Jun - Renatio et Gloriam Magna event at Pendraken HQ

New releases are impending so we'll see you next month for all of those and more! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!