Heroes & Heretics; my dungeon crawler rules free download!

Started by TheKatanaDan, 27 June 2013, 01:14:01 PM

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Quotesixsideddice You're PAID to do that? With money? To play and assist in the development of games and writing for magazines? How did you get into doing that? Sounds like the kind of job Tom Hanks would have in an 80s movie!

LOL, I`m 50 years old *gulp* and have been in this writing/industry for a long long long   time, its how I make my living.... I was there back in 1974 even (Jeeese I feel old). How did I get into it? Well, I`m a writer first of all. But I was around in the industry when it was in its early stages (before the days of commercialism even) so used to know people like Terry Wise, George W Jeffery's, and D Featherstone (stayed with Don and played wargames at his house quite a few times), later on I suppose I got a bit better known, and got commissioned to do this and that for some of the growing companies back in the hayday (early infancy of company production)... the rest is just history really.

But here, I`m happily just "Six" and am in my happy element moderating this forum, and always delighted to help gamers get the most out of their Pendraken 10mm Fantasy gaming hehe.

Six  :D


tightened up a bit and tweaked.... you have the makings of a nice game Dan.    :)