Samurai Apes - Primordial Ones

Started by Big Insect, 26 February 2021, 10:55:57 PM

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Big Insect

26 February 2021, 10:55:57 PM Last Edit: 26 February 2021, 11:01:33 PM by Big Insect
See my latest lock-down experiment:

I am still trying to work out how to publish photos on the site - following Steve J's advice I popped them onto an article in my rather intermittent blog.

No idea how I now publish any photos from the blog though ... not great at all this technology stuff am I!!!

Hey ho ...
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

This communication has been written by a dyslexic person. If you have any trouble with the meaning of any of the sentences or words, please do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Remember that dyslexics are often high-level conceptualisers who provide "outside of the box" thinking.


In forum start or reply to a thread

Go to the blog

Find the picture (not a link to the picture)

Right click

Select "Copy Image Location" from list

Back to forum thread

Place cursor where you want to insert the image

Click the image icon (3rd from left, second row above text box)

Place cursor between the two image tags created

Paste link you created (if it doesn't end jpg, gif or png it's probably a link to a link not the image itself)

Preview the post.

If image is too big use width=XXX or height=XXX (replace X's with numbers 600 - 800 is usually about right) the code between the brackets should now read img width=750 or similar

Preview again

Rinse and repeat until you are happy with the size

There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


That link doesnt work for me at all sorry (but hopefully the answer I popped into the other thread will work...)

EDIT: Or the directions posted by Ithoriel above
"Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake - we must not interrupt him too soon."
Horatio Nelson.

Big Insect

26 February 2021, 11:35:38 PM #3 Last Edit: 26 February 2021, 11:39:05 PM by Big Insect

Like so  :D :D :D

Many thanks Ithoriel ... much appreciated and that will also encourage me to get back to my blogging as well - so a double positive result.

Now to try and enter my painting competition entries.

NB: not sure I 'get' the way to increase the size as there appear to be no XXX in the link - but I'll worry about that later.
'He could have lived a risk-free, moneyed life, but he preferred to whittle away his fortune on warfare.' Xenophon, The Anabasis

This communication has been written by a dyslexic person. If you have any trouble with the meaning of any of the sentences or words, please do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Remember that dyslexics are often high-level conceptualisers who provide "outside of the box" thinking.


You need to edit the first tag from [img] to [img width=750] or similar
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data