US Army manuals online

Started by pierre the shy, 20 November 2024, 05:05:58 AM

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pierre the shy

Not sure if this site has been mentioned here before but I see it has been heavily updated recently.

If you want to know anything about the US Army from 1919 to today have a look here:

for example the last update included these manuals:

FM 1-0 Human Ressources Support (2010).pdf
FM 1-04 Legal Support to the Operational Army (2012).pdf
FM 10-500-1 Airdrop Support Operations in a Theater of Operations (1991).pdf
FM 10-534 Airdrop Of Supplies And Equipment-Rigging Air Defense Artillery Gun (Vulcan) (1996).pdf
FM 100-5 Operations (1958).pdf
FM 101-10-1 Organization, Technical, and Logistical Data Vol 2(1987).pdf
FM 12-50 US Army Bands.pdf
FM 17-15 Tank Platoon (1991).pdf
FM 17-18 Light Armor Operations (1994).pdf
FM 18-15 Tank Destroyer Drill and Crew Drill- 3-Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10- 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage T70 - 3-Inch Towed Gun -Gun M5 and Carriage M1.pdf
FM 18-20 Tactical Employment of Tank Destroyer Platoon Self-Propelled.pdf
FM 18-21 Tank Destroyer Towed Gun Platoon.pdf
FM 18-5 Tactical Employment Tank Destroyer Unit.pdf
FM 18-5B Organization and Tactics of Tank Destroyer Units.pdf
FM 19-15 Domestc Disturbances (1945).pdf
FM 21-20 - Physical Fitness Training (1992).pdf
FM 27-1 Legal Guide for Commanders (1992).pdf
FM 3-04.500 Army Aviation Maintenance 2000.pdf
FM 3-05.40 Civil Affairs operations (2006).pdf
FM 3-09-34 Multiservice Tactics, Techniques and Procedures for Kill Box employment (2005).pdf
FM 3-100-12 - Risk Management Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures For Risk Management (2001).pdf
FM 3-11 Multiservice Doctrine for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Operations (2011).pdf
FM 3-11-11 Flame, Riot Control Agent, and Herbizide Operations (Excerpt) (2003).pdf
FM 3-19-50 Police Intelligence Operations (2010).pdf
FM 3-21-10 The Infantry Rifle Company [2006].pdf
FM 3-22-68 - Crew-served machine guns, M249, M60, M240B Jan2003.pdf
FM 3-23-30 - Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals (2005).pdf
FM 3-34-471 - Plumbing, pipe fitting, and sewerage (2001).pdf
FM 3-50-1 Army Personel Recovery (2005).pdf
FM 3-52-3 - Joint Services Air Traffic Control (2003).pdf
FM 3-7 NBC Field Handbook (1994).pdf
FM 31-23 Special Forces Mounted Operations, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (1998).pdf
FM 31-27 Pack Animals in Support of Special Operations (Draft) (1998).pdf
FM 310-3 Military Publications-Index of Training Publications-1959.pdf
FM 5-5 Troops and Operations [1941].pdf
FM 6-01-1 Knowledge Management Section (2008).pdf
FM 7-92 The Infantry Recconaissance Platoon and Squad - Airborne, Air Assault, Light Infantry (2001).pdf

Hope there is something useful for somene :)

"Bomps a's enough to make you weep!"

Last Hussar

I've earmarked "Human Ressources [Sic] support 2007"

But not-joking - thanks
I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


I wonder if

   FM 19-15 Domestic Disturbances

could possibly be caused by

   FM 3-05.40 Civil Affairs operations
