Brigada Tripeira meeting at Salute 2016

Started by jfariahitech, 12 April 2016, 01:45:21 PM

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Hi guys.

As you know, the Brigada Tripeira ( will be present at Salute.

We'll be there with some friends by noon at "Caliver Books" stand.
Lorenzo Sartori (Impetus author) and Massimo Torriani (Operation Squad Evolution author) will be there too.

We'll also pay a special visit to Pendraken stand, with a very nice surprise for Pendraken guys.

And we hope we can meet there some of Battlegroup guys, like Warwick and Piers.

Meet us there!

See you at Salute!




Well, can't make that one, but pass on to Lorenzo how much I enjoy Impetus and Baroque.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!