Dungeon and Booster Pack!

Started by Leon, 12 July 2010, 01:30:39 AM

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12 July 2010, 01:30:39 AM Last Edit: 12 December 2016, 10:14:12 PM by Leon
The full Dungeon Pack is now available and is on the website here: http://www.pendraken.co.uk/DNP1-p5196/, priced at a bargain xxx!  Remember you're getting 5 various rooms, and the corridors to go with them;  17 pieces of furniture; 30 monsters; 5 Heroes, and a FREE set of rules!  All you need to do is get them painted up, and away you go! This item will not be affected by the impending price rise either!

Also included is a small set of instructions on constructing your own Dungeon, with fully labelled pieces:

(Although of course, you can create any number of different variations for your own Dungeons!)

The Rules, written by our very own 'SixSidedDice', come in a handy little A5 booklet, with separate sheets for all the Monster and Hero stats!

Full contents list:

4 x Small room (3x4)
3 x Medium room (3x6)
1 x Medium extension (1x6)
1 x Medium doorway
2 x Large room (3x8)
4 x Large corridors (2x4)
2 x Small corridors (2x2)
2 x Corners
1 x T-junction
1 x Crossroads
2 x Dead ends
= 5 rooms, various corridors and bits.

1 x Floor grill
1 x Well
1 x Camp fire
2 x Rock Slide
2 x Treasure piles
1 x Crate of apples
1 x Bed
3 x Chairs
1 x Empty table
4 x Assorted doors
= 17 pieces of furniture

1 x Giant with club
1 x Troll
4 x Skeletons with spears
4 x Skeletons with bows
4 x Zombies mixed
1 x DN2 - Deadly pudding
1 x DN50 - Vicious Grub
2 x DN47 - slime
8 x Orcs with swords
4 x Goblins with bows
= 30 assorted monsters

1 x Barbarian Hero
1 x Elf Hero with bow
1 x Wizard
1 x Healer
1 x Rogue
= 5 assorted heroes

1 x Dungeon World rules

Future additions to this item will depend on it's popularity, but will hopefully include different scenario settings for the Rules, Booster Dungeon packs for bigger layouts, and various themed Monster and Hero packs!

Hope you enjoy, and let us know your thoughts!

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!



Finally ::)

Feels like my little baby is all grown up  ;D


12 July 2010, 09:51:48 AM #3 Last Edit: 12 July 2010, 10:28:35 AM by sixsideddice

Feels like my little baby is all grown up  

Awww Germy, its a princess.... but BOY she packs a punch  :)

Ultimate credit goes to you Germy for being the original designer and creator of the resin dungeon tiles and the monsters.



Cool 8)

Top of my purchase list for August paypacket :D
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Quote from: sixsideddice on 12 July 2010, 09:51:48 AM
Ultimate credit goes to you Germy for being the original designer and creator of the resin dungeon tiles and the monsters.
I still can't believe Dave agreed to cast it up!
I must have been very persuasive back then ::)


12 July 2010, 11:34:56 AM #6 Last Edit: 12 July 2010, 11:37:26 AM by sixsideddice
Quote from: sixsideddice on Today at 10:51:48 AM
Ultimate credit goes to you Germy for being the original designer and creator of the resin dungeon tiles and the monsters.

I still can't believe Dave agreed to cast it up!
I must have been very persuasive back then  

hehe, actually  I imagine it was on pure quality and genius alone. The 3D resin dungeon, the dungeon furnishings, and the amazingly complete set of monsters to go with it are not only incredibly well sculpted, but sublime to look at when painted up and placed in the actual 3D setting.... the whole visual feel is (to my mind) to date the most attractive looking bit of RP kit I`ve ever seen - and in 10mm too, incredible   :o

Six  : 8)


Quote from: sixsideddice on 12 July 2010, 09:51:48 AM
Ultimate credit goes to you Germy for being the original designer and creator of the resin dungeon tiles and the monsters.

Quoted for truth!  The Dungeon bits are such a fantastic item, it's nice to be able to finally package them up properly and see where we can take them.  Although if it gets too popular, we might need some more bits making!
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Quote from: Leon on 12 July 2010, 07:17:18 PM
Quoted for truth!  The Dungeon bits are such a fantastic item, it's nice to be able to finally package them up properly and see where we can take them.  Although if it gets too popular, we might need some more bits making!

Which, of course, would be a good thing  8)


I have one teeny tiny niggle.  I got the original dungeon pack a month back and was surprised how the bases of the dungeon pieces looked, either a convex or concave curve on the resin, ive sanded it down.  I was just wondering if they would be anyway to get these sanded at source on a belt sander or something.

These are my first resin pieces so i dont know if its just a thing of the matieral and i need to get used to it.



There were some moulds that were getting towards the end of their life, which we've now replaced, so hopefully that will fix most of those issues.  We are looking at getting a lathe though, to put a nicer finish on all the Resin products.
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


13 July 2010, 09:42:55 AM #11 Last Edit: 13 July 2010, 09:45:07 AM by sixsideddice
For me personally, any blemishes, any bubbling etc... I count it as a bonus when it comes to painting the resin pieces. Bubbles make great mushroom spores and fungus, and blemishes painted ugly greens and purples make great cave mold and slime, and looks like the modeller has gone to a lot of effort to create extra detail to the work... my cup was half full (as opposed to half empty) when I received a few of these latter mould tiles.




Great work, guys! Leon, it's obvious you've put a lot of work getting this together-and it shows. I've already got my dungeon set-up (9 rooms and counting...) or I would definetly buy this starter pack. I hope it sells well!

Now I'll just start praying for cavern pieces!


.... a big (2 piece) chamber with a sunken well in the middle of the floor....  heck, even more simple; a free standing circular well you can place yourself like you do with furniture - bit like the well The Fellowship encounter in Moria.
