Pendraken Future Plans - Please Read!

Started by Leon, 01 August 2023, 10:41:41 PM

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Thanks for sharing. You have identified the issues which is half the battle, as they can be divided into those you can respond to directly - ie price rises to cover increase in materials/wages/rates- and those that will take time via third parties.

Shipping; A lot of mail order using RoyalMail are now manditory signed for. The wargame customer profile is most likely to be retired, free nester with disposable income. You have also a brand loyality and the current customer base will accept the need for you to retain your margins if Pendraken is to survive.

EU customers. IOSS is the long term answer. Suggest your website/shop window displays nett costs. N Ireland is spared via the Windsor Framework from customs decs.Republic of Ireland being in EU is not. I need to check the new EU rules about UK firms attending shows in Europe with trade samples. Might be worth checking if the cost and time could be recovered in sales?

US market? The current low on Sterling should make Pendraken good value - even with shipping? Does the forum have any leads/intelligence on how this lucrative market can be cultivated? perhaps we need to inflitrate US wargame forums and do a bit of promotion for Pendraken??

Rates:Have you considered getting your MP Andy McDonald involved via a Private Office Query ? Costs nothing, but prompts an instant review. It is not unknown for a query over small business survival to appear at PMs Questions.

And for us in the Forum- keep wargaming Pendraken.


Re posting, dunno if this is relevant:
Was talking to another trader yesterday, they said that when RM 48hr tracked service was automated, their damage rate went up dramatically. So they've switched back to 24hr tracked service which is still manually sorted, and their damage rate has gone down again.


Quote from: Phaid_Knott on 05 August 2023, 02:12:50 PMLeon, I would definitely look at the "rebuild" valuation the Insurance company has decided to give you. Usually the Rebuild valuation is LESS than the market valuation of the property (as the market valuation includes the cost of the land the property is on). The actual rebuild valuation of the property should be shown on the deeds.

Quite often Insurance companies will sell you a "package" which is unsuitable and overvalued (for example my 70 year old Aunt was paying for a £5000 bicycle insurance as part of her property insurance even though she doesn't own a bicycle...nevermind be able to USE said bicycle).

It my be worth contacting them again, or another Insurance company (in fact it's probably worth contacting every Insurance company you can and asking for a bespoke Insurance policy (quoting the rebuild valuation found on the deeds if you are happy with that valuation (sometimes a more recent quote from builders in the area is needed). The Insurance company CAN NOT dictate the valuation on the policy, if you want to under-insure then that's your lookout if you own the property and said property is detached and doesn't run the risk of a claim being made against the property if damage could occur.

If you rent I'm surprised the Landlord doesn't have Landlord Insurance on the property (although I've absolutely no knowledge of how Business policies operate). It should declare if there is on the rental agreement (if so the Landlord is passing the costs onto you as part of the rent). If this is the case, then the Landlord should be the one organising the rebuild valuation and would need to be contacted if you feel the rebuild valuation is way too high (and they would need to be able to validate the valuation to you) 

Anyhow definitely worth challenging the rebuild valuation by the insurance company if you feel it's WAY over valued (don't worry the insurance company will assess the rebuild costs again should you need to make a claim). For example we halved my Aunt property insurance payments by challenging the insurance package (and what additional coverage had been added unasked for over the years) and we dictated the rebuild valuation for the property (and they were charging about 100K over the £200K market valuation for a modest Bungalow). Quite often the first agent you talk to in the call centre is "pushed" to maximise profits rather than finding a product that is right for you (and will swear blind that's the best that they can offer you). However speak to a different agent (sometimes in the complaints or retentions department) and it's a different story.

The practice isn't illegal, but it certainly falls within a moral "grey" area when it comes to insurance companies overcharging for coverage which you haven't a hope in hades of claiming the full amount (eg a 70 year old lady claiming £5000 for a non-existing bicycle) because it's all shown in the small print that everyone either signs (or clicks on the accept button) without a double check.

Lastly when all else fails, as a "Hail Mary" it's always worth contacting your MP about the situation. It's highly unlikely that they will change the laws and challenge things in Parliament, but as a matter of course they will throw a few letters about to the involved parties in an attempt to poke them into reviewing things.

Thanks for the info, the whole insurance side of things is an overly-complicated nightmare to be honest.  I'll have a check on the deeds and see if it shows a rebuild cost there. 

We're lucky that our insurance broker is a friend of ours, so I spoke with him about the rebuild value when we took out the policy.  He said it's largely due to the clearance costs so if the building burnt down tomorrow then there'd be a significant amount of money needed to clear the land and dispose of everything, potentially put in new drainage and power lines, replace foundations, etc before you were able to start rebuilding the place.

We've reduced the general insurance policy almost down to the bare basics required by law, so public and employer liability, basic stock and equipment valuation, things like that.  We were limited a little in what we could do on the building insurance aspect as it's a requirement of the commercial mortgage so we had to send the full policy off to the bank before they'd even agree to lend to us. 

There's also limitations when it comes to simply finding insurance cover as the majority of the companies won't touch anyone who is exporting toy soldiers to the States (due to the lead content, the small parts and the general US enthusiasm for litigation) so we've found for years now that we always end up with the same few options. 

Quote from: Sunray on 06 August 2023, 12:52:24 PMShipping; A lot of mail order using RoyalMail are now manditory signed for. The wargame customer profile is most likely to be retired, free nester with disposable income. You have also a brand loyality and the current customer base will accept the need for you to retain your margins if Pendraken is to survive.

I'm tempted to insist on Tracked only options for our international packages as that's where things are going missing.  I might leave it until we get IOSS sorted out first and see if that remedies anything.  From talking to other companies there's a bit of a conspiracy theory that some countries are treating non-IOSS packages a little 'differently' shall we say.  We've had dozens of German parcels returned to us as 'no fees paid' but the customers have never had any contact from their customs people.

Quote from: Sunray on 06 August 2023, 12:52:24 PMI need to check the new EU rules about UK firms attending shows in Europe with trade samples. Might be worth checking if the cost and time could be recovered in sales?

When we last spoke to the Department for Trade the amount of paperwork required for us to take any type of show stand onto the continent was ludicrous.  One declaration for of all the stock and another for all of the non-sale stand equipment on the outward journey, then the same again for your return trip. Sales statements for what was sold while in the EU and the VAT to be paid before leaving, the option for the customs people at any of the borders to insist we empty the entire van at the roadside, etc., etc.  Just not viable in the slightest.

Quote from: Sunray on 06 August 2023, 12:52:24 PMUS market? The current low on Sterling should make Pendraken good value - even with shipping? Does the forum have any leads/intelligence on how this lucrative market can be cultivated? perhaps we need to inflitrate US wargame forums and do a bit of promotion for Pendraken??

US orders had gone up slightly since the £ nose-dived so that helped to offset some of the initial EU losses (11% of orders in 2019, 13% of orders in 2022, 11% of orders currently in 2023).

Quote from: Sunray on 06 August 2023, 12:52:24 PMRates:Have you considered getting your MP Andy McDonald involved via a Private Office Query ? Costs nothing, but prompts an instant review. It is not unknown for a query over small business survival to appear at PMs Questions.

If I can't get any joy with a surveyor and a challenge then we'll have to try our MP, yep.  Ours is Jacob Young though (Conservative) so I'm not sure how much he'll be wanting to rock the boat.

Quote from: sultanbev on 06 August 2023, 02:56:48 PMWas talking to another trader yesterday, they said that when RM 48hr tracked service was automated, their damage rate went up dramatically. So they've switched back to 24hr tracked service which is still manually sorted, and their damage rate has gone down again.

That's interesting, our local sorting office is still entirely manual so we've not seen much damage in transit thankfully. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Good points Leon. You are on top of the game. Forgot you were Redcar- Don't discount Jacob Young as a boat rocker. He has working class roots, a social conscience, AND anxious to keep his seat in what used to be the Labour Red Wall.
I would counsel that you involve him via POQ sooner rather than later as a very senior council official always has to sign off in person the local governmnet reply to such a question. If there is any error in your rates, it will be spotted.

But its your train set. Your call.


Hi Leon,

sorry to read your news but thanks for posting, like the others have said.
The whole EU VAT thing is a real nuisance and has really curtailed my purchases. As you say, I don't want to order £50 worth of miniatures and then pay almost the same in VAT and 'admin charges' - this seems to be the way it works in Luxembourg, where I live.
Even ordering for delivery to my UK address is not that simple, as the local post office seems to do its own thing. This Easter I found  delivery note on the mat saying the posty had been, but not leaving any details of the package. A trip to the office was fruitless as there was no code indicated so they had no idea what they were looking for.  I was finally contacted by the manufacturer about two months later and informed that the package had been returned as 'refused' by recipient. Maybe just easier for the postman?

Do what you have to do and hang on in there.


Very sorry to hear this. I am planning on getting an 1859 Austrian army, 1864 Danish army and an 1866 Hannoverian army. I will hold on until the new website kicks in with IOSS. Meanwhile I am continuing to work on the 1866 Austrians and Bavarians and unpainted winter campaign FPW armies. Unfortunately a combination of Covid and Brexit seems to have killed off the Crisis show in Antwerp, just when I would have been able to get to it easily. Wishing you every success in the future and that things begin to turn around after the next general election.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!

Enigmatic Gamer

As already posted, your openness and honesty are to be commended and once again show your commitment to we the customers.

I share the view that your price increase is a reasonable one and completely justified.It's good of you to give such a long notice period and much appreciated.

We all want to see the company succeed and for people to keep their jobs and support you in doing what has to be done.

Thanks again.


Thanks for the info, Leon, and sorry to hear of your frustrating challenges. I'm a big fan of Pendraken, and you've given a huge amount to our hobby. I'll be sticking with you, for the duration, which I hope will be a long time!


Thanks again for all of the positive comments!

Quote from: Malbork on 08 August 2023, 03:17:28 PMThe whole EU VAT thing is a real nuisance and has really curtailed my purchases. As you say, I don't want to order £50 worth of miniatures and then pay almost the same in VAT and 'admin charges' - this seems to be the way it works in Luxembourg, where I live.

Quote from: Leman on 10 August 2023, 03:19:52 PMI will hold on until the new website kicks in with IOSS.

Hopefully we can get the new site up and running quickly as we've got dozens of EU customers in the same boat and it's a real shame that these new processes have made it so difficult.  We'll need to do an extensive promo run when we get IOSS activated so that we can try and tempt some of those customers back.

Quote from: Malbork on 08 August 2023, 03:17:28 PMEven ordering for delivery to my UK address is not that simple, as the local post office seems to do its own thing. This Easter I found  delivery note on the mat saying the posty had been, but not leaving any details of the package. A trip to the office was fruitless as there was no code indicated so they had no idea what they were looking for.  I was finally contacted by the manufacturer about two months later and informed that the package had been returned as 'refused' by recipient. Maybe just easier for the postman?

That's not good to hear, the Royal Mail level of service has taken a real hit with all of their strike action and ongoing disputes. - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


I regularly receive 'signed for' packages left at the front door with no signature given. I know they changed the requirements for Covid and went to photographs of abandoned packages as 'proof' of delivery but that can no longer be an excuse.

And I used to get the same treatment before Covid when I was running a business and books delivered were abandoned willy nilly in bins, behind flowerpots and at random neighbours with no note through my door.

I was also a Chair of Governors of a School and 'tracked, signed for' letters from the Local Authority that people's council tax were paying for were dumped through the door with no attempt to get a signature. I frequently reported the latter as a waste of tax payers money but nothing happened as far as I know.

This has all been in the lead up to privatisation and subsequent to the sell off. I know there have always been problems but it is much worse now.

I must say that the new private delivery companies are a damned sight worse and regularly adopt US style delivery of hurling parcels from vans at the drive, or attempting to smash 8inch parcels through a four inch slot, and unfortunately succeeding on occasion.

Anyway - best wishes for the future despite the current delivery systems. I remain happy to buy Pendraken.


Thanks for the update Leon. The price rises seem quite restrained considering all the issues you have had.  As one of the lost package customers I am more than happy to pay extra in postage if that helps in any way.

All the best for the future and I will be ordering again as soon as I paint my last delivery  :)



As my grandmother used to say "fair worms batter no parsons", and I think we can all agree that she was as natty as a fruit bat.

In her own, weird, oddly scented way she was right. I have read through Leon's honest and concerning post, and the resultant comments. It seems to me that the provision of good quality 10mm figures is shrinking, and  I have invested too much time and pennies in our favourite producer to stand idly by as it goes through a tough patch.

So I sat down.

And made a decision. I am careful with the amount I spend*. I have a nominal monthly budget, but I have decided that for the next few months I shall double my spend. I realise that in the grand scheme of things, this will make as much difference as a PaK36 against a KV1, but I will at least feel that I am taking a practical step.

In real terms, this means that my lead mountain is going to grow, which may lead have consequences later, but it will also mean that I can get through the purchasing phase quicker. If I need paint, I shall go to Pendraken first. I may just have to buy a V2 missile for the Bishops' Wars Scots, and maybe one for a WWII objective as well. I shall definitely be drinking deep of the Amazon range which is surely, certainly going to get released soon. I'm twitching to add to my Cold War Brits, and if PaulR doesn't stop blethering on about his Russo-Japanese war fleets, I shall certainly have to retaliate with some ground forces.**

Hopefully, some of the rest of you will find that extra tenner down the back of the sofa and think about spending it with Pendraken.

I'm not being noble, I'm not looking for brownie points. I'm trying to help the good people at Pendraken get through a difficult situation. I've been buying from Pendraken for 10 years now, and I've always found them to be honest, fair, friendly and genuine.*** I keep my face mask that Pendraken produced for local services during the Pandemic. That act was the act of good people.,19623.0.html

By Milady's Dimpled Golf Ball, they put up with our inanity on a daily basis and it wouldn't be a bad thing if we could demonstrate a bit of support. I know that time's are rough all over, but as my grandmother used to say "when the toenail gets tough, the toffee get doughy."

I never ate her home made confectionary.   

Thank you for getting this far.

*If you believe that, may I interest you in a 33% share of Runcorn Bridge? 
**Actually, I could do with some trees, but they're not on offer.  =) 
***All except that 2017 incident with Dave in Reading. The nun was Ok, but the pony is still in therapy.
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Hi Leon, glad you are optimistic you will get through all this. We are a very rich country that is very bad at distributing wealth more evenly.

Have you checked out which zone of the Teeside Freeport you are in? (it extends for 20 miles around the actual freeport, each 'zone' offers different 'benifits' (if you can call not having to consider enviromental planning a beneifit) anyway they may be something there to tap into. Rupert


Quote from: fsn on 11 August 2023, 09:30:38 PMThank you for getting this far.

And thank you for the kind words, that made me chuckle.  Please don't unnecessarily enlarge the lead mountains though, I don't want anyone stretching themselves in these difficult times.

Quote from: rupert on 12 August 2023, 06:07:09 PMHave you checked out which zone of the Teeside Freeport you are in? (it extends for 20 miles around the actual freeport, each 'zone' offers different 'benifits' (if you can call not having to consider enviromental planning a beneifit) anyway they may be something there to tap into. Rupert

I'll check with our local business team but I'm sure we're not within any of the zones.  They put out some info a while back showing which bits of Teesside are classed as within a zone and sadly we're not in any of them.  Annoyingly our old unit might have been...! - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


13 August 2023, 07:43:57 AM #44 Last Edit: 13 August 2023, 09:30:01 AM by fsn
Quote from: Leon on 12 August 2023, 10:08:00 PMAnd thank you for the kind words, that made me chuckle.  Please don't unnecessarily enlarge the lead mountains though, I don't want anyone stretching themselves in these difficult times.
Every enlargement of the lead mountain is due to my own inability to paint fast enough. Besides which, my current Expected Date of Lead Mountain Exhaustion (EDLME) an hence continuance into another plane of existence is 25th April 2025. My daughter gets married in September 2025, and I want to be around for that.       

In the grand scheme of things I am proposing a small increase in my outlay. My self imposed limit is more about my painting capacity.

Also, I can now put in bigger monthly orders without feeling guilty about breaking my own self-imposed rules. 

Call it enlightened self-interest.

Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!