New Russo-Japanese range previews!

Started by Leon, 11 October 2022, 11:05:45 PM

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Scott, thanks for funding the new range. I anticipate I will be one of the beneficiaries of you spearheading this.

This is an absolute stunning range. Many years ago (maybe 20?), I purchased quite a few of the older range and painted up a portion of them. The limits of the range  helped influence my abandonment of the project.

I can already see the sweeping miniature battlefields with these miniatures in my imagination.
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Scott Blair

Hi Street Gang!

My pleasure, same story here, started with the old RJW range and supplemented with some WW1 and other proxies but decided to go large. I think you will really enjoy this lot when they emerge. Truly comprehensive range and well researched. I think you will find all of the major troop and gun types here as well as some interesting extras.

Out of interest do you plan on using a particular set of rules? I have used Bloody Big Battles with success.



Scott, many thanks for this. Definitely one high on my to-do list.

I've never been quite able to settle though on whether it would be better suited to skirmish level actions or bigger battles, there's scope for both! Would be interesting to do a linked series of the smaller battles through Liaodong, or a huge Mukden game.

Rule wise, for really low level skirmish stuff the lardies rules Through the Mud and Blood (and their Chain of Command variant of it) could work quite well. For the larger battles BBB as you say has some interesting scenarios, and Great War Spearhead II could potentially work too.

Definitely one for the future  :-\


The priest in this range looks useable in any Russian army from the 16th century through to the First World War! Great figure for a command group - just needs another carrying an icon!
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tony of TTT

Now that we know that Vapnartak is definitely on do you think the new RJW range will be available by then or not ?

No, I'm not starting a new period, just wanting a few packs to add to my RCW units.

While I'm at that subject, can anyone suggest figures to represent the tribal troops that both sides stirred up over in the East ? Usbeks would be one lot but not sure about others until I get back to my references.


Quote from: tony of TTT on 17 November 2022, 07:25:33 PMNow that we know that Vapnartak is definitely on do you think the new RJW range will be available by then or not ?

I'd hope so, once we get past Battleground next week I can focus on getting the production moulds sorted out.  There's about 40 moulds needed I think so it's a few weeks worth of moulding. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!

tony of TTT

Hi Leon

Sounds brilliant. I'm not exactly short of stuff to paint but I'm still slowly working my way through stuff I bought when we were last in York. For me, that's almost up to date.



17 November 2022, 10:36:53 PM #37 Last Edit: 17 November 2022, 10:43:00 PM by GrumpyOldMan
Hello ToTTT

QuoteWhile I'm at that subject, can anyone suggest figures to represent the tribal troops that both sides stirred up over in the East ? Usbeks would be one lot but not sure about others until I get back to my references.

The only ones I can think of for the Uzbeks would be the WW1 Polish with czapka which sort of looks like the Uzbek cap :-\ .

Otherwise you could go with the fur hatted dismounted cossacks as generic tribals.  :) Or use some of the Afghan figures from the Colonial range



tony of TTT

Thanks for that GOM. I'm using some of the Afghan troops in woolly hats already and have some of these sets for another project. They may be a bit archaic though - need to dig out some pictorial references again.

Tony of TTT


That priest will do nicely in my Byzantine baggage.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.

Scott Blair

Delighted to help here! Like you I debate scale for this one. I have collected 28 mm Tsuba for skirmish but this was a war of big battles in the main. Ideally fight as a linked campaign and even bring in naval elements given the nice micro ships out there.

I have toyed with Mud and Blood and can see that working quite well. There is a set of battalion /company level  called Ikonki as well via Wargames Vault.

I did a brigade level action a few months back using Bloody Picnic. Worked quite well. Russian victory secured by a dragoon counterattack on a faltering Japanese .

Be keen to see how your project goes!


quote author=mmcv link=msg=349499 date=1668112317]
Scott, many thanks for this. Definitely one high on my to-do list.

I've never been quite able to settle though on whether it would be better suited to skirmish level actions or bigger battles, there's scope for both! Would be interesting to do a linked series of the smaller battles through Liaodong, or a huge Mukden game.

Rule wise, for really low level skirmish stuff the lardies rules Through the Mud and Blood (and their Chain of Command variant of it) could work quite well. For the larger battles BBB as you say has some interesting scenarios, and Great War Spearhead II could potentially work too.

Definitely one for the future  :-\

Scott Blair

Tony! Scott here. Phil is working on Chinese ie Chunchu Bandits, foot and mounted. These might afford some additional options for you.

Catch up soon,


QuoteThanks for that GOM. I'm using some of the Afghan troops in woolly hats already and have some of these sets for another project. They may be a bit archaic though - need to dig out some pictorial references again.

Tony of TTT


We've used If the Lord Spares Us for a lot of WWI gaming for both western front 1914 and 1917/18. It takes a little while to understand the rules, but overall gives a good game, and seems to have that WWI feel. 

I'd certainly think it would work for Eastern Front, and probably RCW. 

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I think it would do reasonably well for the Russo-Japanese War as well
Lord Lensman of Wellington
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WOW. These are perfect to plug gaps in the WW1 codes I have needed for russian forces and back of beyond gaming... Even if current world events have somewhat curved my interest. These still look excellent!

Not that I need anything else to add to the leadpile of shame...