How many HQs?

Started by DaveC, 05 October 2022, 09:53:52 PM

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Hi all, First post from a newbie player about to give BKC IV a try.

I have a question regarding the number of HQs to use when creating the OBs from historical unit TOEs when using a stand/base/unit as a platoon.

How many HQs should I use with a typical 1941 German Infantry battalion with 9 platoons, 3 MG. 8cm mortar, 7.5cm infantry gun, 3.7 Pak and a supporting leFH battery?

I have a few of Mark's army lists which show company commanders, but that would give 4 HQs per battalion so the regiment sized battlegroup would have 12 plus a CO which is possibly too many.

Thanks in advance for any advice




With number of HQs I find you need to lean into the game side more than the OB. A good rule of thumb is 1 HQ per 500 points. So for your infantry battalion with supports I'd be looking at 2 HQs - I tend to rationalise this as you often read of two companies attacking together with the third and the support weapons under a company commander supporting.

For tanks I do tend to go with a HQ per platoon / troop.

If you are starting with BKC I'd suggest trying a game with a couple of battalions (including supporting weapons in that count) rather than a regiment of infantry. You can certainly work up to the bigger game - but better to start small and get the hang of the mechanisms, and the pace of the game.
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Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Forbes has it about right. You can add more HQ's for better commanded armies. First game or two use a meeting engagement scenario, with no artillery or air support and a battalion a side with 2 HQ's (Co 2ic). Second game add a company of tanks, thereafter add some artillry, but keep it at low levels otherwise it will dominate. I tend to follow OOB, but not the snapshots Mark B produces. Theyb are just that.
Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
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Thanks for the replies folks.

From your comments, I take it a regiment is considered too large a formation for a single player.

In our group, we generally play multiplayer games. Would you suggest that I break a regiment into two or more "battlegroups" each with a CO and 1-2 HQs, or play it as a single battlegroup but with the individual players each having a battalion slice or similar?

Have tried a couple of games to explore the mechanics, one CWC and one BKC, so getting more familiar with the rules mechanisms, but want to move on a bit.


Steve J

I use an HQ per Company, 3-4 stands of infantry, which works for me. In my experience it works best for multiplayer games if one person is in charge of a Battalion, with its integral support etc. Anything larger and it tends to get harder to keep tabs on what is going on IMHO.


Having written the MicroMark BKCIV lists, the CHQs were put in the lists mostly for informational purposes and completeness, and to give an option for players to pick from. It makes sense if you are detaching a company and adding it to another force.

I would expect players to actually field a RHQ, 2-3 Bttn HQs and maybe within each battalion, only one of the CHQs to replicate the 2nd in command taking half or a third of the battalion, depending on the battleplan you envisage for the day.
If you are using an army where you can cross-attach companies, eg put a Panzer Grenadier Company in a Panzer Battalion, then taking that CHQ with you then also makes some kind of sense.


Steve J

I think for bigger games, your approach sounds abour right Mark. Most of my games are at Battalion level, with maybe an additional Company attached, so the CHQ's works better at this level IMHO.