September Newsletter!

Started by Leon, 15 September 2021, 09:27:53 PM

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15 September 2021, 09:27:53 PM Last Edit: 15 September 2021, 09:30:26 PM by Leon
Many of you will have received the new newsletter by email but for those who didn't:

Welcome to the Pendraken newsletter!

This month we've got some new releases, the return to the wargames shows, and updates on some upcoming projects.

New Releases

> Belgian Gates in multiple scales from 10mm to 28mm!

> New I-94 Decal designs with Soviet flags and British unit markings!
> Additional Napoleonic flags for French and Bavarians!
> Re-scaled African/Afghan buildings for 10mm!
> New Raiden 1:285th aircraft for WWII Polish and Post-War Soviets!

Return to the Shows

After a long 18 months the wargames shows are finally returning!  Our first event will be the Carronade show up in Falkirk, taking place on Saturday 25th September.  We'll need any pre-orders for this one sending through by Sat 18th please.

Following on from that, we will be attending Partizan in Newark for the first time ever!  We've been on the waiting list for this one for some time so we're really excited to be able to come along.  Partizan takes place on Sunday 10th October and we'll need your pre-orders sending through by Sun 3rd please.

Show orders can be placed through the new website using the Collect at Show delivery option and then entering the name of the event in the Comments box on the following page.

Show Dates for 2021

> 25th Sept - Carronade, Falkirk
> 10th Oct - Partizan, Newark
> 31st Oct - Fiasco, Leeds
> 13th Nov - Salute, London
> 20th Nov - Battleground, Stockton-on-Tees
> 27th/28th Nov - Warfare, Ascot

We're really looking forward to being on the road again so hopefully we'll see you at one of the shows.

Peninsular Project

All of the Portuguese sculpts have now arrived at Pendraken HQ and we're working on the production moulds at the moment. Once these are complete we'll be sending another batch of packages out to everyone who backed this project.  Pics of the Portuguese can be found here:,21081.0.html

AWI and LoA additions

Clibinarium has added a few new sculpts for both our AWI and LoA ranges, with some British skirmishers, command in round hats, and Queens Ranger command coming soon for the AWI.  And for the League of Augsburg he's done some excellent new Hussar figures.

Cold War Commander 2

Work is continuing on CWC2 but we're obviously a bit behind schedule.  Currently we're hoping to be able to release the rulebook at this year's Salute show (Nov 13th) so the wait is almost over.  There are some tweaks to the formatting needed and then we can send it out to our playtesters to give it a check.

Custom Order Pricing

Many of you will have seen the increases in metal costs across the industry, with most wargames alloys now over 50% higher than 12 months ago.  There's no real timeframe on when these prices will come down but for the timebeing we're only going to adjust the individual figure prices for custom orders.  There's more info on our Forum here:,21052.0.html

And that's it for this month, head over and have a look at those new releases and make sure to send your pre-orders through to us ready for the return of the shows!  We'll hopefully see you on the road somewhere! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Clib's new AWI British Skirmisher sculpts are excellent - like something straight out of an illustration in Osprey's Philadelphia 1777, of the 1st Light Infantry at Brandywine.   :-bd
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.


Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021