So how do you play with your Dungeon set?

Started by Blaker, 24 August 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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Howdy Yall,

Well its been a while, but my college boy saw the pile of Worms on my painting table out in the barn and wanted to play DW. Sooo, my high schooler broke out a piece of graph paper and did up a quick one room dungeon using the worms.

Soo folks no camera, enough to say our Happy Heroes were only three on this trip, we had a War Mage, Sorcerer and Strange Old Man (sage?) anyhoo 3 magic users and the War Mage was handy with a sword. The Sorcerer had a familiar and the Strange Old Man (SOM), well, er , was strange with Control Enemy and Gaze Attack.

We entered the dungeon with a very long corridor where we quickly waded through grubs and biting ooze with one giant snake. Along the way there were several openings in the cooridor that led to a one move deadend but there were potions and crates of apples and antidotes so our Happy Heroes were recovering well from their wounds.

Then just before the end of the corridor where there was an open room, was a right turn to reveal another short hallway ending with door. Both the open room and the hallway housed some Worms. These were the offspring and female worms. After some intense moments the edge swung back in our favor with 3 straight round of winning the initiative. We cleaned up the worms. The open room had another crate of apples that the War Mage gladly ate since he had taken 4 wounds. We entered the hallway and found another right hand turn leading into another open room. So we sent the familiar to snoop around and discovered 3 more worms, an offspring and 2 male worms.

Hunter, the DM, stated the male worms with an acid spit attack and a poison melee bite and an armor of 5+, yikes  :o

So we kilt the offspring and none of our magic attack had any effect on the males that proceeded to spit acid on the War Mage. Then they won initiative and charged the War Mage. They gave him 3 wounds and poison and the SOM one wound and poison. They did manage to inflict some wounds on the males. However the next initiative the War Mage dissolved into a gooey mass on the floor having rolled all the poison dice with sixes  :'(

The SOM succumbed to more acid spit from the two remaining males while the Sorcerer kilt off one of them.

The Sorcerer had an outstanding melee round getting the second down to only one wound left. The next turn our Sorcerer was kilt by the worm and joined our War Mage and the SOM respawning at the dungeon entrance   :o

The next few turns saw no wandering monsters and our Happy Heroes having reformed moved before the closed door at the end of the hallway.

Sooo War Mage opens the door and enters followed by the familiar.

This is a medium sized room with lots of good stuff in it, several crates of apples, crates of skulls, potions, antidotes, a pool of water and a teleporter. However, there are three angry male worms along with two female worms in the room  :-\  what were they doing.

The battle begins, SOM controls a male and moves it to block the path between two crates thus stalling for a bit the rush of the other worms. The gives the War Mage and the Sorcerer time to move behind the pool of water and a crate of skulls. The War Mage had Dedicated Shot and poofs one of the female worms. Luck is on the Heroes side and they win initiative. SOM does Gaze Attack on the blocking male worm and the War Mage and the Sorcerer with Multi Shot take the other female worm and hurt a male. However, the third male was able to acid spit the SOM but he held his gaze on the other male.

Heroes win initiative again, SOM continues to strain his eyes on the blocking male and the War Mage and Sorcerer kill the second male. Now the SOM decided to stop looking at the blocking male and takes control of the third male and moves him way back behind the wall into a corner which blocks its LOS to our party. (we decided that since the SOM took his eyes off the other male to control the third male that released the blocking male) which promptly spit acid on the SOM with 3 wounds upping the total of wounds on the SOM to 5 one more and kaput.

But lady luck was shining on our Heroes and they won initiative, since the third male was effective out of their LOS all three concentrated their magical attacks on the blocking male and vaporized it. Next turn the worms won and the last male came charging around the corner into LOS with was its doom  :D

Now the room was cleared and the treasures could be picked up. The next turn revealed no wandering monsters again (so far none have showed up, bad rolling on the DM) and the SOM ate apples to recover wounds. Next turn, same thing, no monsters and the party moved to the big door at the end of the room.

While preparing to open the big door the initiative was lost and the ground began to shake when all of a sudden a monster of a worm broke from the ground right behind our party. This massive purple worm took up 4 full floor spaces and engaged all three heroes in its kill zone. Its melee attack dealt out 2 damage to each hero. Stunned by the event none of the heroes were able to scratch the worm in melee.

Initiative failed our Heroes in their moment of need and the purple worm gulped down the War Mage in a blink of an eye and sorely damaged the SOM. However, revenge is sweet and both the Sorcerer, the familiar and the SOM all did serious wounds to the purple worm giving it half of its wounds.  The Heroes won initiative this time and wounded the worm down to only one wound left. Its attack back was just as vicious and delivered 2 more wounds to the Sorcerer and 2 to the SOM. 

Purple won initiative and destroyed the SOM but the Sorcerer and his familiar finished off the worm. As the Sorcerer turned toward to the big closed door the DM politely announced that he had achieved victory with 5 points - having kilt the entire party once and then the War Mage and SOM a second time. So the Sorcerer high tailed it out of the dungeon closely followed by this familiar in search of some more able bodied heroes to help him open that big door in the purple worms room!

We had a blast playing that little one room dungeon and it was down to the end who ever won that last initiative roll. If the Heroes had won they would have finished off the purple worm and been able to see what was behind that door. But that is for another day and another adventure, and by the time the Sorcerer returns I am sure the dungeon will be filled again with nasties or maybe not . . .  :d


OMG Blaker, what an amazing game; and oh so close. I LOVED your write up, and you explained it so well, it worked really well even without photos. Really most enjoyable. You really got the balance thing right as well.

I loved your use of Gaze Attack... that’s how to do it  ;)  quite a useful little spell.

I was glad to see you using Hero re-spawning for the game (I notice a lot of people play it like D&D and once dead, a Hero stays dead). I think it adds a nice edge to the game, means players don`t sit bored once they are out of the game, and creates a `race` to see who wins first - do the Heroes complete the level, or will the DM whittle the Heroes down before they manage to complete the dungeon; either killing them all or allowing the players a chance to lick their wounds and `try again` another time, better armed and with more wisdom as to what  potentially lies ahead in wait for them  :D

I absolutely loved your write up, and can`t wait to see more. You`ve really got a hang of the rules, which makes me a very happy chappie   :) <--- happy dance.

You`ll have noticed that like early D&D, the scope for a DM to make up all kinds of `house rules in Dungeon World is very high (like in Tunnels and Trolls). The game can be as simple or as complex as you like.

Wonderful stuff, and thank you so much for sharing.

Six  :-bd


Howdy Six,

Thanks for the kind words about our game.  We let the Heroes re-spawn twice before they are out for good. All of us are liking the Strange Old Man. I was thinking we should call him the Old Man from Scene 24, but my boys liked the Strange Old Man title.

Now I am thinking about how to work up a multi entrance, multi party dungeon with two or more 4 member parties entering the same dungeon looking for the same items to get out safely.  However, it looks like I will need more dungeon pieces - which is a good thing  ;)

Any thoughts on stats for pistols, rifles and shotguns?

Hopefully we will have another dungeon crawl later this week and hopefully, we will find that camera  :D


QuoteHowdy Six,

Howdy Blaker,

QuoteThanks for the kind words about our game.  We let the Heroes re-spawn twice before they are out for good. All of us are liking the Strange Old Man. I was thinking we should call him the Old Man from Scene 24, but my boys liked the Strange Old Man title.

Yep, allowing  Heroes to re-spawn twice is a good twist on the rules, I like it. I LOVE that name Strange Old Man (SOM) hehe, he really comes to life. It would almost be a sacrilege not to include him in further adventures, wouldn`t it    hehe.

QuoteNow I am thinking about how to work up a multi entrance, multi party dungeon with two or more 4 member parties entering the same dungeon looking for the same items to get out safely.  However, it looks like I will need more dungeon pieces - which is a good thing 

Multi party games are great fun. The rules were sometimes play tested that way at the local club(s). I love the scramble for initiative sequence each turn with multi parties... though I`d suggest moving to a D10 for these; it seems to give a better result. But keep the +2 max Initiative Bonus per team as it is.

QuoteAny thoughts on stats for pistols, rifles and shotguns?

geee, yes. There`s a forum thread about that from ages ago. I`ll hunt it down. It`s also covered in the website, so we have a double bash as locating that one quickly.

QuoteHopefully we will have another dungeon crawl later this week and hopefully, we will find that camera 

I`ll really look forward to that... seriously. I love reading these batreps, especially if part of a campaign game.

Cheers for now,



19 September 2011, 02:40:48 PM #19 Last Edit: 19 September 2011, 02:44:13 PM by sixsideddice
Here you go Blaker, will this do:


Attack Dice 8: Range 12 (8-12)

-1 from target Armour (on the Kill roll) when range is 6 or less squares.

If the shooter rolls 4 or more 1`s when rolling the “To Hit” dice, the weapon misfires (no hits on the enemy this move I`m afraid) and the shooter must, instead, take 2 automatic wounds.



Attack Dice 6: Rage 7 (6-7)

-1 from target Armour (on the Kill roll) when range is 3 or less squares.

If the shooter rolls 3 or more 1`s when rolling the “To Hit” dice, the weapon misfires (no hits on the enemy this move I`m afraid) and the shooter must, instead, take 1 automatic wound.



Attack Dice 8: Range 5 (8-5)

A Blunderbuss has no short range.

A Blunderbuss may potentially hit multiple targets when fired. The first target (the nearest) along the line of fire is hit on the “To Hit” roll of a 4, 5, or 6 and has Armour reduced by -1 on the Kill roll. The second nearest target (which must be within 2 squares of the initial target square) is hit on the roll of a 5 or 6 (no target Armour reduction). A third potential target must be adjacent to the second and hits on the roll of a 6. A forth available target must be adjacent to the third and is also hit on the roll of a 6.

A Blunderbuss may be fired at an adjacent enemy or enemies (i.e. within the shooters kill zone) in the Non Movers Shooting Phase â€" but only on the initial move the enemy moved adjacent to the firer.

A Blunderbuss goes BANG! Inflicting 1D6-1 wounds on the weapon wielder if the shooter rolls 3 or more 1`s when rolling the “To Hit” dice.


Very helpful Six.  Just what I need. These weapons sound like from the 17th century.  Do you have more modern stats for the western 6 shooter, shotgun and then more modern, German Luger / machine pistol and the Tommy Gun/ machine gun. And since we are plotting what about a grenade?  Hmmmm. . .  I hope this hasnt started Nik to thinking again who knows in 40 minutes he will have painted up entire armies for what we are talking about  ;D 

Man, I just re read the write up and I couldnt believe all the typos   :o



QuoteThese weapons sound like from the 17th century.  Do you have more modern stats for the western 6 shooter, shotgun and then more modern, German Luger / machine pistol and the Tommy Gun/ machine gun. And since we are plotting what about a grenade?

Hmmm, not really Blaker. These weapons would really be the most advanced I`d dare use for a Fantasy setting, without turning it into Science Fantasy.

However, I do use a lot of Science Fantasy in my own games, so if you wait `til the websites properly opened, you`ll probably find what you`re looking for in there.

QuoteHmmmm. . .  I hope this hasnt started Nik to thinking again who knows in 40 minutes he will have painted up entire armies for what we are talking about  

Only way to slow Nik down is to tie his hands behind his back, and even then he`d probably just use his teeth instead.  

QuoteMan, I just re read the write up and I couldnt believe all the typos

geeee, just look at all my threads; I don`t think there are many that don`t have "modified" written all over the bottom. I typo badly almost every page I write.

Sooow if ui wer U I wuldn`t wurri aboot it tooo muttch

Six  ;)


 ;D   ;D   ;D

Get that website up and running seems like a lot of gamers are waiting to devour all the info you have stuffed on the site, me included  :D


I had a Tommy Gun suggestion in this thread: [on p2]

I would use my teeth to paint y'know  ;)

Great stuff here though Blake - nicely done: next time I want to see some pics as well though  :D


Excellent stuff Blaker, thanks for posting!  Let's see if the Sorceror manages to recruit some more Heroes... (and a camera...  ;) ;D )

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I sure hope so, last time I saw him he had half a dozen empty pint mugs in from of him and he just order another round while his familiar was passed out on the floor  :D


Hey Six,

Any thoughts on Sci-fi weapons?  Laser guns, pulse rifles, etc  ;)


Strangely, I`m writing about that sort of thing even as we talk. But its for a different game, for another company, and its work I`m afraid.

Still.... I`m sure I`ll manage to get something interesting into DW at some stage ;-)


Thats exciting Six.  Go check out on this forum the Sci-Fi Dungeon Crawl thread   :d


But its for a different game, for another company, and its work I`m afraid.

Oooops, what am I talking about. there IS NO OTHER COMPANY except Pendraken Miniatures  ;)