So how do you play with your Dungeon set?

Started by Blaker, 24 August 2011, 01:22:52 AM

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So how do you play with your Dungeon set?

Do you lay it all out first and set up each room as the characters enter?

Or do you just lay out the Dungeon hall or rooms only when the characters can see them?

Or do you lay out all of the dungeon with each room fully stocked with furniture and baddies and then cover the entire thing with a cloth and roll back as the heroes advance into the spaces?



QuoteSo how do you play with your Dungeon set?

Do you lay it all out first and set up each room as the characters enter?

Or do you just lay out the Dungeon hall or rooms only when the characters can see them?

Or do you lay out all of the dungeon with each room fully stocked with furniture and baddies and then cover the entire thing with a cloth and roll back as the heroes advance into the spaces?

In the Dungeon World rules, you can do all of the above you mention. Normally you lay the dungeon tiles as your Heroes explore the Dungeon and each new tunnel or room is explored. Some prefer to lay everything out first, and either place the monsters and furniture as it is revealed by the heroes; or cover the unexplored tiles until the heroes move into them (line of sight). Covering unrevealed areas with a cloth can look a bit ugly and is not the way I do it personally, but you can do it that way if you like.

The rules for solo play are a bit different, but this is covered in the rules.

Hope this helps.

Six  :D


Howdy Six,

I personally dont like the cloth covering method either, I was just seeing how other are doing their crawls  ;)

I draw out my dungeons on graph paper and fill each room with furniture and baddies and then as our Happy Heroes gain LOS of an area, I place what they see and then leave it. I think someone here did a simple card system where you flip a card and build what is on the card. That sounds like something to try one game.

However, I have been toying with the idea of picking up everything behind them once LOS is no longer maintained and they have to figure out where they came from if running for their lives   :d



QuoteHowdy Six,

Hiya Blaker  :)

QuoteI personally dont like the cloth covering method either, I was just seeing how other are doing their crawls  

Gotcha. Yeah I`m with you on that one, though at a pinch I`m sure it works well enough; I have seen it done this way at a few shows.

QuoteI draw out my dungeons on graph paper and fill each room with furniture and baddies and then as our Happy Heroes gain LOS of an area, I place what they see and then leave it. I think someone here did a simple card system where you flip a card and build what is on the card. That sounds like something to try one game.

Thats exactly how I do it too. Graph paper as a blue-print, then refer to it when needed. Yes the card system (which think can be found on Boardgamegeek) is excellent and well worth a look.

QuoteHowever, I have been toying with the idea of picking up everything behind them once LOS is no longer maintained and they have to figure out where they came from if running for their lives  

I LOVE it... I may borrow that idea to use in my campaign, which will include lots of long `crawls`. Certainly should add a bit of spice and tension to the game. Really nice idea.


Cheers for now, and take good care,

Six  :)


25 August 2011, 03:50:19 AM #4 Last Edit: 25 August 2011, 03:53:19 AM by Blaker
 :d  Yes I like taking it up as they leave the area!!  That would really mess me up if I couldnt remember.  I just have to make sure there are multiple intersections that go on for quite a long while then turn right or left into a dead end  :D  Then they have to fight they way back through all the critters  following them to the intersection again and pick another way   8)

I for one am ready for your Dungeon Campaign book to be published so I can get the ball rolling . . .  hmmm  :-\

Big ball rolling down a hallway chasing the Happy Heroes Indiana Jones style  ;)

Yeah and have the dungeon stocked with all sorts of Mayan and Aztec 10mm warriors protecting crystal skulls and throw in some competing Nazi party entering from a separate entrance to the dungeon both winding their way to the center or being ambushed along the way by 10mm Aztecs and Mayans, or shooting it out with each other...

This all seems familiar  :P

Or have a Super Dungeon with 4 separate entrances with 4 competing Hero bands trying to get to the treasure and getting out alive - - ooh ooh I need to order more dungeon walls and rooms  :D


25 August 2011, 09:10:37 AM #5 Last Edit: 25 August 2011, 09:12:17 AM by sixsideddice
QuoteYes I like taking it up as they leave the area!!  That would really mess me up if I couldnt remember.  I just have to make sure there are multiple intersections that go on for quite a long while then turn right or left into a dead end    Then they have to fight they way back through all the critters  following them to the intersection again and pick another way  

You`re evil  ;D

QuoteI for one am ready for your Dungeon Campaign book to be published so I can get the ball rolling . . .  hmmm  

hehe, I believe Leon is waiting on the publisher to get that proverbial ball rolling. I handed it all over yonks ago; so I guess - soon, sooooon sooooon  <--- *evil manic laugh*  :d

QuoteBig ball rolling down a hallway chasing the Happy Heroes Indiana Jones style  

I WANT you in MY game - cool ideas.

QuoteYeah and have the dungeon stocked with all sorts of Mayan and Aztec 10mm warriors protecting crystal skulls and throw in some competing Nazi party entering from a separate entrance to the dungeon both winding their way to the center or being ambushed along the way by 10mm Aztecs and Mayans, or shooting it out with each other...

This all seems familiar

You`re making me want to get my Pulp minis out and continue with "The Adventures of Carlotta Wynn" I never did quite finish that saga  :-\

QuoteOr have a Super Dungeon with 4 separate entrances with 4 competing Hero bands trying to get to the treasure and getting out alive - - ooh ooh I need to order more dungeon walls and rooms  

hehe,  keep those idea coming... I`ll be there for your next game along with the rest of the gang  ;)

*makes mental note to place my next order for more dungeon walls and rooms! Has mental image of both our orders sitting side by side in the Pendraken pile*

Six  :)


Six, yes you need to finish "The Adventures of Carlotta Wynn"  that was cool.

Are you in the states?


QuoteSix, yes you need to finish "The Adventures of Carlotta Wynn"  that was cool.

Yeah I plan to transpose all 9 episodes of Miss Wynn over to the new website soon as I am able - then I`ll get cracking on episode 10. Need to work out how to run the dratted site first though. Why do websites have to be so complicated  @-)

QuoteAre you in the states?

I`m way down south in Southern Ireland Blaker, on the Ring of Kerry... a place called Kenmare.

Six  :D


Ireland you say, always wanted to tour Ireland  :)

As far as websites, I wont even go there, I cant figure out how yall are imbedding the quotes in this forum  :D

Soo  it seems that only Six and I are creating dungeon layouts and our preferred method of revealing the dungeon to your gang of Heroes.

Anyone else doing it differently?   ;)

O Dinas Powys

Well, it had always been my intention to use the dungeon for a Swords and Sorcery Savage Worlds game, but then my daughter got hold of it and it kind of became a slightly unusual dolls house...

(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )

Leon - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!



Quote from: Blaker on 25 August 2011, 05:59:50 PM
Soo  it seems that only Six and I are creating dungeon layouts and our preferred method of revealing the dungeon to your gang of Heroes.

Anyone else doing it differently?   ;)

I've used ad-hoc dice rolling to determine next piece & population of room / corridor etc...although I've more often [when playing with the kids] made it up as I go along - to keep them interested [secret doors etc] and balanced - monster / trap / nothing etc...

Batrep with the girls from nearly a year ago [WTF? Where is my life going? And why is it going there at Mach 3?]:


I suggest to use a card system i created some time ago. It helps you determine new locations, enemies, events and others fir each location. You can find it at

Also you will find a cheat sheet and a summary of the traps and items.

Hope it helps!


Thanks Cranko about the cards.

Nik - I know what you mean mate, my little boys that used to help me paint and set up are now the oldest is 2nd year college and the youngest is a Senior in high school!!!   ;)