The Great 10mm Rules Directory

Started by Leon, 02 March 2020, 09:58:57 PM

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02 March 2020, 09:58:57 PM Last Edit: 02 March 2020, 10:07:08 PM by Leon

One of the most frequently asked questions from people new to 10mm is 'What rules can I use with them?'  In response to this, we're launching the Great 10mm Rules Directory!  The idea is to pull together all of the various 10mm-suitable rulesets out there into a single pdf document, broken down into period, that people can have a browse through when deciding on a new project.  Each entry will contain a few bits of key information about the rules, where to get them from, scale of game they're aimed at, and finally what tweaks might be needed to use them with 10mm miniatures.

So this is where you can help out!  There are potentially 100's rulesets out there and you'll know better than us how well they work with 10mm.  Below are the 6 questions we're asking, along with an example entry to give you an idea of what we're looking for.  Join in and let us know your entries for the 10mm Rules Directory!

Name of rules:
Available from/Published by:
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?

Name of rules: Blitzkrieg Commander IV
Available from/Published by: Pendraken Miniatures -
Period: WWII
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-10mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? One base = One platoon
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?  Designed for 10mm so no changes needed.

You can add your entries below or send them through to us by email using the Contact page on our website: - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Honours of War
Available from/Published by:
Osprey Publishing
Seven Years War
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
28mm to 6mm.
What tactical level is the game aimed at?
Infantry battalions, cavalry regiments and artillery batteries organised in brigades or as independent units.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
Little or none at all, depending on your existing collection. Quick Reference Sheets are provided for all scales. Basing is relatively flexible; ideally all standard size cavalry and infantry units should have roughly the same frontage and allow you to form line, march column and, in the case of cavalry, double line.
Simply match your preferred frontage for your standard infantry and cavalry units with the maximum "muskets only" range to determine which scale QRS to use. It is therefore possible to have figures in one scale and use the QRS for another scale.
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

Chris Pringle

Nice initiative, Leon. May it help more gamers to find the right games for them (and shift more 10mm figures!).

Name of rules: Bloody Big BATTLES! (BBB)
Available from/Published by: Published by SkirmishCampaigns ; retailers include Brigade Games ; Caliver Books BBB players' forum at
Period: 19th century (French Revolution to 1914)
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 2mm-10mm ideal; works fine with 15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? Entire battle (~20,000-200,000 a side), on 6'x4' table, in ~3 hours game time. 1" base typically 1,000-2,000 men but can be more.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?  None - ideal for 10mm. Rulebook includes 9 Franco-Prussian War scenarios. Campaign volumes available: 'Bloody Big European Battles!' has 16 scenarios from Crimean War through to Greco-Turkish War 1897; 'Bloody Big Balkan Battles!', scenarios for Balkan Wars 1912-1913.


Bloody Big BATTLES!


03 March 2020, 04:00:24 PM #3 Last Edit: 03 March 2020, 04:03:31 PM by Scorpio_Rocks
Name of rules:                                                                                                    HIND & SEEK
Available from/Published by:                                                                                 OSTFRONT PUBLISHING
Period:                                                                                                               1980's Asymmetric warfare in Afghanistan
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?                                                6mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?   COMPANY(ish)
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?      NONE WHATSOEVER!

Great fun and one of the few rulesets that manages to balance the game so that both sides have a chance to win within asymmetric battles

P.S. Author currently finalising a Vietnam ruleset again aimed at 6/10mm
"Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake - we must not interrupt him too soon."
Horatio Nelson.


Name of rules: Warmaster
Available from/Published by: Originally published by Games Workshop, now long out-of-print. But . . . Rulebook, Advanced Rules, Rules Update, Army Lists and Trial Army Lists
Period: Fantasy, set in Games Workshop's Warhammer world
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 10mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? 3 bases = 1 regiment(?)
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?  Designed for 10mm so no changes needed.

The game that introduced me to 10mm, and thus to Pendraken.


Great Idea Leon, anything that unites the holy trinity of figures, rules and basing systems is manna for the smaller scales.

My opener will surprise few.

Name of rules:                            Irregular Wars (Conflict at the World's End).
Available from/Published by:        Amazon, Vexilla Lts, Wargames Vault
Period:                                      1500 - 1700 (Fringes of the European World - Britain and Ireland), New World, East Indies and the Eurasian Steppe.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?                                                  15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?    Each "Lord" will command between 5 and 16 companies representing 80 - 150 men (or a far smaller contingent of specialists).
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?       I will put about 50% extra figures on each stand compared to the 15mm recommendations.


03 March 2020, 07:48:52 PM #6 Last Edit: 03 March 2020, 07:51:45 PM by ronan
Name of rules: Liber Militum : Tercios
Available from/Published by: El Kraken / Tercios Miniatures -
Period: Thirty Years War, and ECW
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 15mm-28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? One base = One regiment
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?  Resize the bases a little bit.


Name of rules: Chain Of Command
Available from/Published by: Too Fat Lardies -
Period: WW2
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? (15mm ?) 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? One base = One men
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?  None.


Name of rules:   Black Powder
Available from/Published by:  Warlord Games
Period: 1700 - 1900
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Units are battalions of infantry and regiments of cavalry (Artillery is rather vague)
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? The rules are rather "Free and easy" about basing, through they feature large movement distances and do recommend unit frontages. Decide your own scale to the distances, then adopt a basing system that reflects this - Ignore their "2 / 4 figures per stand"and use what looks best.


Name of rules: Soldiers of God
Available from/Published by: Artorus Games, available from North Star Figures.
Period: Medieval - Crusades
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Full army divided into three battle divisions of individual units.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None really, the only requirements are number of bases (1-4) and roughly matching frontage. Distances are in "paces" which you can designate the unit of yourself, with some suggestions for different scales including 10mm.


Name of rules: DBA (and other DBx rules)
Available from/Published by: Wargames Research Group
Period:  Ancient & Medieval
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 15/28mm with mention of smaller scales
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Armies
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? Additional figures per base to give massed effect
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Name of rules: For King & Parliament
Available from/Published by: BigRedBat
Period: English Civil War (Wars of the Three Kingdoms)
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28/15/10mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Each unit is a batallia of foot or regiment of horse
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None

Andrew may wish to improve the above
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Name of rules: Volley & Bayonet
Available from/Published by: Frank Chadwick
Period: 1700-1890
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 54-15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Each unit is a brigade, but variants go as small as a unit as a wing of a battalion
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None

The rules are supported with a number of scenario books for the Jacobite rebellion, Seven Years War, Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War, Spanish American War
Unofficial variants are available for most of the colonial wars of the 19th century
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Name of rules: If the Lord Spares Us
Available from/Published by: TooFat Lardies
Period: WWI
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 15/28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Brigade or Divisional games with multi-stand companies being the manoeuvre unit
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None

Designed for fighting actions in the Middle East during the Great War, these rules cover Gallipoli, Palestine, Messopotamia, Africa and the more mobile periods in Europe.
Lord Lensman of Wellington
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2022 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2023 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


I already have some rules listed suitable for 10mm

Wargaming Rules

Take care

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