Official Entries Thread!

Started by Leon, 01 May 2011, 02:17:59 AM

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01 May 2011, 02:17:59 AM Last Edit: 03 August 2011, 04:48:18 PM by Leon
Please post your entries in this thread.  If you have any trouble posting your pictures, please contact me, Matt or Nik, and we'll help you out with that.

Please note, this is for entries only.  If you wish to discuss any of the entries, please start a new thread.  


Final entries list -

- Cultist with spear by Black Ed (

- Cultist driver by Black Ed (

- Worm swarms by Black Ed (

- Amorphous Blob by capthugeca (

- Giant scorpion by annatar (

- Yeti by Annatar (

- Cyclops by capthugeca (

- The Squog by Karl (via Privateer) (

- Bore Wyrm by Sinister Jester (

- Iron Golem by PAR UK (

- Elder Thing by Black Ed (

- Orb Beast by Sinister Jester (

- Kraken Mage by annatar (

- Chariot monster by Black Ed (

- Manticore by Nico (

- Tile Golem by Nico (

- Terrortoad by Ivan (

- Fang by Ivan ( - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Here is my first entry.  This is a Cultist armed with spear.

2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Next up.  Cultist driver for a chariot.  I left out the reins.

I'm working on a chariot and crew.  The crew are ready first, so I'm showing those first!
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Next:  Worm swarms!  The best way to get rid of dungeon invaders is to send carnivorous worm swarms after them.  Here are a few!

You may notice some bones, skulls and empty armour.  <Burp>
2012 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


The Amorphous Blob is complete:






To keep it in one entry, here's the explanation (previously included in my WIP(s) thread):

These creatures have no fixed form. While they can appear to have eyes and drooling mouths, they can neither see or use their mouth to eat. They simply adopt this sickening form to strike fear or madness into their victims.

They spend their time on the ceiling of confined spaces, such as corridors, sensing the movement of creatures below.

If an individual person passes below them their prefered method of attack is  to drop on them, knocking them to the ground and suffocating them before absorbing them into their bodies and disolving them.
If there is more than one creature, they will often drop in front of them blocking the corridor. When the "dungeoneers" turn to retrace their steps they will find another blob behind them blocking their escape. The blobs will then gradually move towards each other and seeking to engulf their victims. [It is not actually certain whether this is carried out by two blobs or whether these creatures are able to divide into two and then reform again].

I see it as a wandering monster and can give you my idea for stats and special abilities for Dungeon World if you want.

Life is too important to be taken seriously.


Please note, this is for entries only.  If you wish to discuss any of the entries, please start a new thread. 




06 June 2011, 07:42:42 PM #6 Last Edit: 31 July 2011, 11:11:13 PM by Leon
My first try at sculpting a whole miniature :)

With its tough armor, vile sting and brutal pincers it may be a nasty surprise for some foolhardy adventurers :d

Furthermore, the anubis troops and mummies needed some company.

1. C r y p t   S c o r p i o n

The black coloured crypt scorpion lives in small swarms. It dwells only in dry underground places and is highly aggressive. It can endure long terms (centuries?) without food in a hibernation like state. It has special sensors which acitivate the scorpion, when it senses vibrations. Once activated the creature is determined to make a kill since it can return to "hibernation" state only once more. If a swarm manages to make a kill, the creatures reproduce and die. Their offspring feeds on the prey, grows till sexually mature and looks for new victims or- if no prey is available-  enters the "hibernation" state. The green fluorescent poison of the crypt scorpion is also a powerful acid and prized by alchemists. After being stung by a crypt scorpion the best thing to do is to burn out the wound, survive and tend the burn later. The only known antitoxin is the blood of young scorpions. Its carapace is often used by armorers as a basic material. The name derives from the fact, that the scorpion is often used as tomb or crypt guardians by the builder of such places.

[attachment deleted by admin]
2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


06 June 2011, 07:43:37 PM #7 Last Edit: 06 June 2011, 07:45:22 PM by Annatar
one more picture

the base is a 2 cent piece ( â,¬ )

[attachment deleted by admin]
2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


Something hairy this way comes....

2. F r o s t t r o l l

The frosttroll is a tall an massive, hairy humanoid creature, which normally lives in the nothern polar reaches of the known world. However some specimen have been to travel south in long harsh winters and take dwelling in remote mountain regions. The frosttroll is a "lone wolf", therefore meeting several of this kin is a rare occasion and takes only place for territorial fights or mating. It has a very low intelligence and acts in most ways more like an animal than a intelligent being. Due to this is seldom used as guard by evil masters. Other creature normally shun the presence of a frosttroll because it magically reduces the temperature of its enviroment. So in temperate zones the well educated and prepared adventurer is warned when in a dungeon complex the temperature suddenly drops to near zero degrees. The frosttroll prefers living food and therefor it not infrequent, that after you have survived an encounter with a frostroll you can find an unfortunate or rather fortunate deepfrosted vicitm in its lair. One might think using fire against a frosttroll is a good idea, but it only leads to a frenzy by the troll. Its horrns of a make a nice trophy. Some northern barbarian tribes are infamous for brewing a strong liquor from the troll blood. It has no use for riches, so you can sometimes find wonderful items cast aside in its lair.

[attachment deleted by admin]
2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


09 June 2011, 08:50:36 AM #10 Last Edit: 09 June 2011, 09:23:29 AM by Annatar

[attachment deleted by admin]
2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


2013 Painting Competition - Winner!


Here's my Cyclops

And a picture with a Pendraken skeleton for scale of the Cyclops and the Amorphous Blob

Life is too important to be taken seriously.


28 June 2011, 11:53:40 PM #13 Last Edit: 29 June 2011, 12:01:24 AM by privateer
Hi Leon - This is posted on behalf of member Karl - as he is having issues with is computer today - hope this does not break the rules

Here is his entry - things that go bump in the night - "The Squig"


[attachment deleted by admin]

Sinister Jester

29 June 2011, 05:43:54 PM #14 Last Edit: 29 June 2011, 05:52:13 PM by Sinister Jester
Here is my first entry into the contest

I am calling it a Bore Wyrm. These large creatures tunnel through the earth in search of precious metals. These are consumed by the Bore Wyrms, so if you were to defeat one, there would be a hoarde treasure to find inside of one! They have very strong jaws with very sharp tearing teeth, they can also create a burst of electricty that emanates from the front. When they are encountered in the dungeon, it has usually tunneled into a dungeon treasure chamber. So following a Bore Wyrm tunnel could be very lucrative or foolish, depending on the DM's whim  ;)

Head shot


Right side on a 16mm drawn square

Left side

Scale comparison with a 28mm Reaper mini