There's been a lot of 18th century interest recently. If you haven't read Christopher Duffy's "The Military Experience in the Age of Reason" yet, give yourself a treat. It's an irresistable page-turner.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 08 July 2010, 06:21:35 PM
= Christopher Duffy's "The Military Experience in the Age of Reason" yet, give yourself a treat.
Back, in print, too. Just bought a new copy.
Never heard of it.
I'll chase a copy down.
Yes, an insightful look at how officers and men were recruited, trained and served in the second half of the century. As usual, Duffy is spot on in his style and knowledge
of the period.
Got my copy of the Wordsworth Military reprint, nice and cheap if you can get it
Very interesting book about SYW is to be published by Osprey in October 2010 :
A Far-Flung Gamble â€" Havana 1762 (Raid Series)
Must have for me, as I am planning to wargame it.