After tidying up a few odds and ends this afternoon, we are now officially closed until the 6th of January! Any orders placed in the meantime will be processed on our return, so may be delayed slightly.
We'll still be getting some stuff done though, no worries there! Dave's going to be getting the last of the Mongol production moulds finished off and I'll be catching up on some Forum stuff, including the 'What We're Working On' list, and also the 'Top 10 Requests' lists as well.
All of us here at Pendraken would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their orders, emails and posts over the last 12 months, and to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We've got lots planned for 2014, so keep checking in and we'll keep churning out the goodies!
Thanks for another great year. Hope all at Pendraken have a good holiday.That includes the Clones
Cod rest ye merry gentlclones.
May you scrape Dave off the floor.
Each xmas time you get some sleep.
Before the dark lord's next chore...
Have a happy christmass and a jolly Year's end pendraken team!!
Still can't believe it was just about a year ago i painted my first pendraken miniature! (It is exactly a year today, posted my first picture on the 23rd last year!)
And if i put all my pendraken stuff togheter, i REALLY can't believ that's all just from 1 year ;D ;D ;D
Have a great break Guys !
Cheers - Phil.
Just like to wish everyone at pendraken a happy Christmas and new year
take care
Merry Christmas to the whole crew. 8)
Holidays - your life is one long holiday :D
I thought I should mention that Leon posted on FB last night he was having a can of pop 8) and was gonna play X-Box X_X
Quote from: ianrs54 on 24 December 2013, 09:29:27 AM
Holidays - your life is one long holiday :D
Yep, just like you hop out of bed every day with a spring in your step... ;) :D
Quote from: sebigboss79 on 24 December 2013, 10:56:29 AM
I thought I should mention that Leon posted on FB last night he was having a can of pop 8) and was gonna play X-Box X_X
Yep! I've now had several cans of pop so I'm quite tipsy on sugar, and I'm playing Xbox with the eldest.
Oh good....You haven't deserted us completely. ;D ;D ;D ;)
New battery ?.... New starter motor ?
Take care Matey !
Cheers - Phil
I've not got the battery out yet, need to do it this afternoon before we head off to the in-laws for the official Christmas Eve tea (that would be dinner to the more posh members out there... ;) )
Super, a superb supper!
Hope its charged okay. <:-P
Quote from: Leon on 24 December 2013, 01:30:27 PM
I've not got the battery out yet,
One of those jobs that
used to be SO simple.....But ......Nowadays !!
Piece of widdle to swap the batteries over....So the car will start..... But the other stuff that the battery can effect!!
I just hope your car's even older than mine.
Good luck Matey.
Cheers - Phil
Battery effects on mine - randomly :
cancels power steering
Opens front windows when I put key in
Lowers and retunes radio
zeroises the clock.
IanS :( :( :o
Sounds about right Ian ! ;)
The only thing I've noticed is to do with the radio....
But seeing my car is so ancient.....It's the rubbish radio...Which I never bother to switch on anyway....combined with the cassette player.
CD/IPod player in the car ?....Forget it ! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil
Merry Xmas to all,
and to all the Pendraken crew : have a good holiday
Merry Christmas to Pendraken staff and to all forum menbers!! Have good hollidays!! m/
Have a great Xmas everyone!!!!
And a happy new year! <:-P
Wishing everyone at Pendraken a Happy and Successful New Year.
And it's time to go back to work now! I hope everyone has enjoyed their Xmas/New Year, and you're all raring to go in 2014!
Loads of stuff to get done this month, so keep an eye out for some news coming soon. Don't forget the Painting Competition starts in February as well, so get yourselves ready for that!
Quote from: Leon on 06 January 2014, 01:40:56 AM
and you're all raring to go in 2014!
I've been back working since Boxing Day.....No rest for the wicked ! =)
Hope you had a good break Matey......Can I have some more dollies once you've had time to catch up ?....Pretty please !
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: Techno on 06 January 2014, 07:30:28 AM
I've been back working since Boxing Day.....No rest for the wicked ! =)
Hope you had a good break Matey......Can I have some more dollies once you've had time to catch up ?....Pretty please !