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Pendraken Releases, Requests and Photos! => Older Previews => Previous Years' Previews => New Figure Previews => 2012 Previews => Topic started by: Leon on 21 September 2012, 03:43:44 AM

Title: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Leon on 21 September 2012, 03:43:44 AM
And moving onto something new!  Ish...

With the ACW revamp almost complete now, we thought it would make sense to make a quick detour and get our Plains War range revamped.  The current figures are one of the only 'old' ranges still in the catalogue, so it'll be nice to get them redone and shifted off to the retirement home.

So, first up we've got four poses of mounted:
( (

This new range will mainly be a straight like-for-like process, but we'll see if we can add some other odds and ends as we go along.  Dave keeps mentioning gunslingers, so we'll see what happens there!

Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: FierceKitty on 21 September 2012, 04:15:55 AM
Goodness gracious me, are those being Indians?
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: far4ngn on 21 September 2012, 05:05:49 AM
Looking good.
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Dickie255 on 21 September 2012, 05:39:39 AM
Nicely sculpted figures! I'll look forward to the rest of the revamp especially as they might be a worthy addition to the FIW Indian range
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: FierceKitty on 21 September 2012, 05:42:16 AM
Quote from: Dickie255 on 21 September 2012, 05:39:39 AM
Nicely sculpted figures! I'll look forward to the rest of the revamp especially as they might be a worthy addition to the FIW Indian range
Tricky. The people up north have little in common with the plains groups.
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Squirrel on 21 September 2012, 06:39:30 AM
Quote from: Leon on 21 September 2012, 03:43:44 AM
Dave keeps mentioning gunslingers

Now that caught my attention  :-bd :D


Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Womble67 on 21 September 2012, 09:24:22 AM
Hi everyone
                At some time in the future I fully intend doing plains war I have already ordered samples of the current range.  Will you be putting the new range alongside the old.  By the way these new sculpts look fantastic.

Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Leon on 22 September 2012, 12:42:45 AM
Quote from: Womble67 on 21 September 2012, 09:24:22 AM
Will you be putting the new range alongside the old.  By the way these new sculpts look fantastic

It'll be a replacement job I think, as the old ones don't stand up all to the newer style figures.
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: FierceKitty on 22 September 2012, 12:47:12 AM
I didn't mention that those new figures look very appealing. My first 10mm forces were for Little Big Horn, and for once paintng horses was fun (it helped that their riders had painted them too, making the most repetitive job in the hobby exciting again. Good work there.
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: nikharwood on 22 September 2012, 02:16:31 PM
Nice...LBH here we come  8) <)
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 22 September 2012, 04:54:26 PM
Quote from: nikharwood on 22 September 2012, 02:16:31 PM
Nice...LBH here we come  8)

Prefer the 'Battle of The Rosebud' - US forces fire 20,000 rounds at the Indians tribes circling them, confirmed kills & injuries on the Indians: zero.
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Womble67 on 22 September 2012, 06:15:24 PM
Quote from: Leon on 22 September 2012, 12:42:45 AM
It'll be a replacement job I think, as the old ones don't stand up all to the newer style figures.

Hi there
          If I wanted some of the old range would that still be possible once you've introduced the new ranges or would I be better ordering before you replace? As I really like the old sculpts.

Thanks Andy
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: nikharwood on 22 September 2012, 06:37:26 PM
This is a useful account with a decent map of the LBH:
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Maenoferren on 22 September 2012, 06:48:43 PM
Quote from: nikharwood on 22 September 2012, 02:16:31 PM
Nice...LBH here we come  8) <)
Excuse me General custer do you mind if I go and change my library book? :-&
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Maenoferren on 22 September 2012, 06:49:20 PM
Quote from: nikharwood on 22 September 2012, 02:16:31 PM
Nice...LBH here we come  8) <)
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 22 September 2012, 07:14:04 PM
This is where we need Dan J and Robin from Lancaster Wargamers, experts on the Pony Wars (and dead nice blokes too)!  <)
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Leon on 22 September 2012, 11:21:51 PM
Quote from: Womble67 on 22 September 2012, 06:15:24 PMIf I wanted some of the old range would that still be possible once you've introduced the new ranges or would I be better ordering before you replace? As I really like the old sculpts.

We'd still have the moulds, so could supply anything you need, but they won't be shown on the website or in the catalogue.

Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Womble67 on 28 September 2012, 09:08:00 AM
Quote from: Leon on 22 September 2012, 11:21:51 PM
We'd still have the moulds, so could supply anything you need, but they won't be shown on the website or in the catalogue.


That's brilliant

Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Nosher on 28 September 2012, 11:28:05 AM
Quote from: nikharwood on 22 September 2012, 02:16:31 PM
Nice...LBH here we come  8) <)

Had enough of smoking tanks Nik :o ;D :o

Any decent rule sets out there for this range anyone?
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 28 September 2012, 11:39:14 AM
Pony Wars.
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Nosher on 28 September 2012, 12:21:28 PM
Quote from: mad lemmey on 28 September 2012, 11:39:14 AM
Pony Wars.

Looks very much like its OOP but thanks for the heads up
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 28 September 2012, 12:29:00 PM
Try Cavelier books or QRF...
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: nikharwood on 28 September 2012, 09:19:05 PM
Quote from: Nosher on 28 September 2012, 11:28:05 AM
Had enough of smoking tanks Nik :o ;D :o

Yeah mate - smoking's bad for you apparently  ??? :D

I just have fond, nostalgic memories of playing this with Airfix / Matchbox [?] figures when I was in my formative'd be cool to do...
Title: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Leon on 16 October 2012, 02:48:20 AM
After the preview of the first lot of mounted figures last month, here's the bulk of the rest of the range:

More mounted types:
( (

A variety of foot, with club, pistol, knife and rifles:
( (

Some native folk, women and children:
( (

And finally, a teepee!
( (

Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 16 October 2012, 05:37:49 AM
Looking great! 8)
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Dickie255 on 16 October 2012, 07:06:31 AM
Excellent! I'll put them on the Christmas wish list
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: General Bt Sherman on 16 October 2012, 01:43:12 PM
Looking good
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: sunjester on 16 October 2012, 02:03:35 PM
Very nice, but I can really do with not being tempted into another new period!
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Leon on 16 October 2012, 04:17:51 PM
Dave wants to do some Indian casualty markers, essentially massacred women and children... I'm not so sure...  :-\ :D
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 16 October 2012, 05:00:04 PM
Not too PC, but would be useful.

Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 16 October 2012, 05:23:17 PM
Not a great idea... sorry! Combatants yes, think this maybe a step too far.  :-\
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Leon on 16 October 2012, 05:26:18 PM
Quote from: mad lemmey on 16 October 2012, 05:23:17 PM
Not a great idea... sorry! Combatants yes, think this maybe a step too far.  :-\

Yeah, hence my reservations!  He said we can balance it out with a Custer casualty...

Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Sandinista on 16 October 2012, 06:05:58 PM
Well it was less of a war and more of a genocide
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Leon on 16 October 2012, 06:23:24 PM
We may be heading into political territory now I think...

Quick everyone, look at the teepee!

( (

;) :D
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Rob on 16 October 2012, 09:39:45 PM
MMM nice stitching!  ;D
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: GordonY on 16 October 2012, 10:12:16 PM
Yeah the one and only war the yanks ever won on their own.

Basically an industrial nation vs what was basically a culture just out of the stone age. Fair contest, really?

As a period it has all the appeal of yogurt 3 months past its sell by date, I think I'll pass.

However, thinking about it Souix (spelling?) vs Apache might be interesting.
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Nav on 16 October 2012, 11:46:27 PM
any plan for an updated us cavalry list as I live in Arizona and I love cavalry and indians and material is all around for dioramas
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: FierceKitty on 17 October 2012, 01:39:44 AM
Quote from: GordonY on 16 October 2012, 10:12:16 PM
Yeah the one and only war the yanks ever won on their own.

I know a lot of Southerners who'd punch you in the teeth for claiming that.
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: sunjester on 17 October 2012, 10:30:40 AM
Quote from: FierceKitty on 17 October 2012, 01:39:44 AM
I know a lot of Southerners who'd punch you in the teeth for claiming that.

That would be because they suffer from the common colonial misunderstanding of the English language.

They believe that the words "Yank" or  Yankee" refer to persons born north of the Mason-Dixon Line, whereas we Brits realise that correct use of the word is to refer to anyone from the United States of America!  ;) :)
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Luddite on 17 October 2012, 10:50:59 AM
Quote from: sunjester on 17 October 2012, 10:30:40 AM
That would be because they suffer from the common colonial misunderstanding of the English language.

They believe that the words "Yank" or  Yankee" refer to persons born north of the Mason-Dixon Line, whereas we Brits realise that correct use of the word is to refer to anyone from the United States of America!  ;) :)

Which is why, to avoid confusion I tend to use the term 'Colonials'*.   :D ;)

'Yank' has always sounded far too foreign a word for my liking...hehe...

It's unfortunately true though that our Colonial cousins get very tetchy when we point out they've never actually won a war on their own. 

They also go a bit purple in the face when, without denigrating their effort and sacrifice, you point out that their soldiers aren't actually that good and never really have moved beyond the 'militia' phase.  I guess that's why they've always put their store in technology and logistics rather than fighting quality.

*Ducks back below the parapet*

However, onto the OP - lovely figures! 

Like others though I share the reservations (no pun intended) concerning the sensitivities around this particular conflict. 
Which 'battles' would you fight with these figures?!?

*A term in fact that can be readily applied to anyone from the parts of the world we used to run.
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 17 October 2012, 03:42:24 PM
Dont forget why the White House is White  :d ........mind you dont take the "only one they won alone" too far, Perfidious Albion usually had her allies - who did the fighting !

Agree they are loverly figures.  :)

Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Luddite on 17 October 2012, 03:50:23 PM
Quote from: ianrs54 on 17 October 2012, 03:42:24 PM
Perfidious Albion usually had her allies - who did the fighting !

Aye recently it's been the Americans!   ;D

Hehe...cheers chaps.

Its our unfailing sense of fair play you see.  No point in having allies if you don't give them a crack at the French.   :D
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Leon on 17 October 2012, 03:57:01 PM
Quote from: Luddite on 17 October 2012, 10:50:59 AM
Which 'battles' would you fight with these figures?!?

Little Bighorn would be the big one, plus any of the other conflicts during the Sioux Wars, and then any random Cowboys vs Indians games people wanted to do.  With the possible re-release of the Pony Wars ruleset as well, there could be a boost in popularity for this period.

Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: sunjester on 17 October 2012, 09:39:03 PM
Quote from: Leon on 17 October 2012, 03:57:01 PM
Little Bighorn would be the big one, plus any of the other conflicts during the Sioux Wars, and then any random Cowboys vs Indians games people wanted to do.  With the possible re-release of the Pony Wars ruleset as well, there could be a boost in popularity for this period.


I'd be more inclined to go for Red Clould's War than LB. More variety of engagments, stand-up fights, hit-and-run raids and, of course, an army massace. Plus you get a fort at the centre of the action!
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: FierceKitty on 18 October 2012, 01:02:31 AM
Quote from: Leon on 17 October 2012, 03:57:01 PM
Little Bighorn would be the big one, plus any of the other conflicts during the Sioux Wars, and then any random Cowboys vs Indians games people wanted to do.  With the possible re-release of the Pony Wars ruleset as well, there could be a boost in popularity for this period.

Bear in mind that they spent plenty of time fighting each other too. For a given value of "fighting", anyway.
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: TinyTerrain on 08 December 2012, 10:41:54 AM

Any idea on final release date for these please, looking to get my FIW project started early next year.

BTW any interest in masters of 10mm buildings for the indians, started making some last night!


Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Rob on 08 December 2012, 01:09:32 PM
For anyone interested in this period I would heartily recommend *Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown. It is constantly available off the shelf in booksellers. It is full of battles as well as the sad stuff. It covers mainly the Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho wars around the Powder River country. There is also a remarkable chapter on the flight of the Nez Perce tribe in their attempt to flee to Canada.

I was surprised by how little I knew about the period being brought up on the standard Hollywood cowboy films. What really surprised me was that the indian nations won nearly all of the battles fought in the open.

Cheers Rob  :)
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: sunjester on 08 December 2012, 03:40:51 PM
Quote from: Rob on 08 December 2012, 01:09:32 PM
For anyone interested in this period I would heartily recommend *Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee" by Dee Brown. It is constantly available off the shelf in booksellers. It is full of battles as well as the sad stuff. It covers mainly the Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho wars around the Powder River country. There is also a remarkable chapter on the flight of the Nez Perce tribe in their attempt to flee to Canada.

I'd also recommend the same author's book on Red Cloud's War, "The Fetterman Massacre". I think it was originally published as "Fort Phil Kearny: An American Saga".
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Leon on 09 December 2012, 12:28:10 AM
Quote from: TinyTerrain on 08 December 2012, 10:41:54 AM
Any idea on final release date for these please, looking to get my FIW project started early next year.

BTW any interest in masters of 10mm buildings for the indians, started making some last night!

I think they'll be one of the first ranges released in 2013, so either Jan or Feb hopefully.  If you've got some buildings, we'd definitely be interested in them.  Chuck me an email with some pics, and we'll see what we can sort out.

Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Maenoferren on 09 December 2012, 10:33:16 PM
Is there going to be a stage coach?  We need something for them to chase :D
have you ever noticed how when the stagecoach is being chased by the indians, the first they notice is when one of the people inside gets killed by an arrow, not the driver or the guy riding shotgun.
right off to practice my whiporwhill call  :P
Title: Re: More Plains War greens!
Post by: Leon on 09 December 2012, 11:40:41 PM
Quote from: Maenoferren on 09 December 2012, 10:33:16 PM
Is there going to be a stage coach?

Yes, not sure exactly when it'll be arriving though! 
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Maenoferren on 10 December 2012, 09:33:40 PM
Yehaw :D
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Swill on 11 December 2012, 12:38:32 PM
Those mounted Native Americans in the original post are great!  

Just a couple of weeks ago I was reading an account of the Battle of Little Big Horn from the Indian perspective.  Let's see if I can find it and quote a bit.  

Here is some from :

Flying Hawk said he had followed Crazy Horse down the river past the center of camp. 'We came to a ravine', Flying Hawk later recalled, 'then we followed up the gulch to a place in the rear of the soldiers that were making the stand on the hill.' From his half-protected vantage at the head of the ravine, Flying Hawk said, Crazy Horse shot them as fast as he could load his gun.

This was one style of Sioux fighting. Another was the brave run. Typically the change from one to the other was preceded by no long discussion; a warrior simply perceived that the moment was right. He might shout: 'I am going!' Or he might yell 'Hokahey!' or give the war trill or clench an eagle bone whistle between his teeth and blow the piercing scree sound. Red Feather said Crazy Horse's moment came when the two sides were keeping low and popping up to shoot at each other, a standoff moment.

'There was a great deal of noise and confusion', said Waterman, an Arapaho warrior. The air was heavy with powder smoke, and the Indians were all yelling. 'Out of this chaos', said Red Feather, 'Crazy Horse came up on horseback blowing his eagle bone whistle and riding between the length of the two lines of fighters. Crazy Horse...was the bravest man I ever saw', said Waterman. He rode closest to the soldiers, yelling to his warriors. All the soldiers were shooting at him but he was never hit.

After firing their rifles at Crazy Horse, the soldiers had to reload. It was then that the Indians rose up and charged. Among the soldiers, panic ensued; those gathered around Calhoun Hill were suddenly cut off from those stretching along the backbone toward Custer Hill, leaving each bunch vulnerable to the Indians charging them on foot and horseback.
Title: Re: New Plains War Indians!
Post by: Chad on 11 December 2012, 09:47:07 PM
"A Good Day to Die" is a good read.