Some masters we received at Triples. Pictures aren't great, I was eating my tea on a short break between casting while taking them!
Officers and surrendering figure:
Artillery and mortar crews:
Boyes AT rifle:
Allied/US Tank commanders:
The infantry poses look really good. Are you planning to sell the mortar and gun crew as one pack? The surrendering figure seems a bit of a waste as it could have been used to give the gunners another pose?
The mortars/artillery will come with crew in multiples per pack. I'll be putting the codes/prices together in the next week or so. These figures are probably going to wait until the May releases, we're snowed under at the moment recovering from Triples/Salute, and we've got another show in two weeks!
The surrendering figure was just an extra figure the designer did for us, so it hasn't taken the place of another possible crew member.
Quote from: Leon on 25 April 2010, 04:52:46 PMwe're snowed under at the moment recovering from Triples/Salute
Just no pleasing some people :P
Quote from: Dazza on 26 April 2010, 04:30:56 PM
Just no pleasing some people :P
Well we get these awesome customers who put in 5 orders at a time, but unfortunately it tends to clog up the system... :D ;)
One complaint of otherwise FF (fab figures) The Officer has obviously 1941 issued boots but yet his binos are Pattern 1956 - ooops , come on Pendraken -get a grip!!! ;)
Quote from: 17-21l on 27 April 2010, 11:51:18 AM
One complaint of otherwise FF (fab figures) The Officer has obviously 1941 issued boots but yet his binos are Pattern 1956 - ooops , come on Pendraken -get a grip!!! ;)
:-\ :D
Figures seam good to me like the Boys anti=tank rifle!
Quote from: Leon on 26 April 2010, 07:31:34 PM
Well we get these awesome customers who put in 5 orders at a time, but unfortunately it tends to clog up the system... :D ;)
only 5 :'( , I'll have to order more next time :P
Now if they were surrendering Italians, (I'm sure there must be a FOW elite unit of these) you would probably sell quite a few just for the comedy! ;D
I like the poses - very lively. The kneeling rifleman is actually what it says, not an "also-ran" on his knees but a rifleman kneeling to get a better shot in.
The AT figure in particular is well done; the guy's concentration clearly shows, which is exceptional in a model this size.
We got a few WW2 masters last week from Snafu, so I've managed to get some pics of these taken as well.
First up are some Early War Germans.
2 x rifle / MG34 pair / 1 x NCO w/ MP40:
Then we've got an Early War Brit, and also some US Para Engineers.
1 x Brit w/ bren gun / Engineer with mine detector / Engineer with bangalore:
Aaagh stop it!
I've got a mortgage to pay!! ;D
Seriously very nice. Now can we press snafu for some resistance fighters ;)
A lot of the SCW range would probably work well as Resistance.
Very nice indeed; does make me want to do France / Poland...just need to wait for snafu to sort nicely complete ranges for those [I can fudge the French though I guess...]
I agree with SteveJ - a judicious use of some SCW figs would easily do for Resistance figures - may be worth Leon looking at a combo pack - which takes a few single figure from a number of codes & re-bundles them?
Quote from: nikharwood on 29 January 2011, 10:27:02 PM
may be worth Leon looking at a combo pack - which takes a few single figure from a number of codes & re-bundles them?
Not more jobs....! :P
Although if someone fancies picking some out for me, I'd be most grateful.... :-* :D
Wait! I just had a revelation!
Superman was weakened by Kryptonite which was what color...?
So he lost all his powers when he was near it.
Leon shows us these new figures which are what color...?
So, when we see the new figures in GREEN we lose all our powers over our wallets!
I'm sure there is no coincidence. I mean, if they were REDS no one would think any differently about them. If there was an announcement that said, "Hey Guys, we've got a bunch of new REDS for AWI figures in Tarletons. Who want's them?" Dazza would say, "Meh, who needs them?" But do them in GREEN and everybody wants them. ("Me, me, me", he said, raising his hand)
So thus, the fact that miniatures are sculpted in GREEN and GREEN is the color of Kryptonite - therefore, any figure which is shown as a GREEN will immediately be desired because we are weak due to the color.
(And YES, I do want the EW Germans and Brits as well as the American Paratroopers. Along with the AWI Rhode Island infantry and Saratoga command, etc., etc., etc. I admit that I am weak!)
(will be placing an order for new figures on Monday. Thank you. Please return to your regularly scheduled something or other...)
Quote from: Leon on 30 January 2011, 12:21:47 AM
Although if someone fancies picking some out for me, I'd be most grateful.... :-* :D
I'll have a look later :)
Must admit I do have an awful lot of the SCW figs.
Very nice too, but do need some more 'British' feel troops.
I'll leave it at that as there is a VBCW thread ;)
Argh. These look brilliant! Now what's a bangalore?
bangalore is a sat of metal tubes with explosives that were used to blow holes in wire and other obstacles. ( watch the longest day when they try to get of the beach ) :)
Old topic, but I'll still ask: have these tank commanders - the ones that go on top of the tank - made it into models? I'd like a few of those!
Quote from: Pruneau on 03 February 2011, 08:47:50 PM
Old topic, but I'll still ask: have these tank commanders - the ones that go on top of the tank - made it into models? I'd like a few of those!
In the Americans, code A55: (
Dankeschoen Mein Herr! :D
A few more bits and bobs to fill a few of the requests. 8)
Russian Senior Command - complete with map on a tree stump!
German with Russian SMG, and an early German Radio operator:
Russian in pilotka cap with rifle:
Very nice indeed - looks like my Stalingrad project might need to hold a bit while these are cast... :)
very nice :D
love the Russian senior command
I want one, no two... no three... I want a lot!!
PS: if my wife wants a divorce, I send you the bill from my lawyer!! :d
Quote from: jfariahitech on 13 February 2011, 12:20:12 PM
I want one, no two... no three... I want a lot!!
PS: if my wife wants a divorce, I send you the bill from my lawyer!! :d
This is a lovely model, so I had to take a few pics of it! This one has been designed to fill a hole in both the SCW and the WW2 ranges.
Very, very nice 8). Just added to my wishlist.
Ooh - that is lovely :o 8)
I want a battery...or six
Crying out to be on the back of a WWI lorry.
Nice :)
I can see that defending the Liverpool docks against Ed VIIIs planes 8).
Is that orderable? ;)
We've got the axle and wheels as well for it, but I wasn't gonna attempt sticking those on with BluTac! It'll come as separate pieces, so would be very easily adapted for the back of a truck.
great modelling, look forward to painting myself up some of the High Command Ruskis - Inf Regt HQ., Tank Regt HQ., etc
a command tank with radio mast would help - will have to be a fuse wire and glue adaptation of one of your tanks!
great gun model and very useful all round - eastern front, SCW, and VBCW
Regarding Resistance. I am using several SCW and BW models, which are converted by adding flat caps. WW1 brits with greatcoat (i.e overcoat) with flat caps and smoothed over gaiters do for Lewis gunners. These will be used as IRA in an Irish Civil War game, but will turn up as reistance later in WW2.
I have a list somewhere which I will post later
Very Nice must have!
Just when I thought I had finished my WW2 Russian Armies!
The radio operator seems to be wearing a peaked field cap which means he is not 'early', nice figures though.
42+ early enough for me ;)
Barbarossa time! 8)
Quote from: Pruneau on 01 March 2011, 08:38:39 AM
Barbarossa time! 8)
My thoughts exactly!
Now if Pendraken also come up with some 1939-1940 French infantry, I will propose to Leon and yes - we
will live happily ever after.
Quote from: Aart Brouwer on 01 March 2011, 08:44:04 AM
Now if Pendraken also come up with some 1939-1940 French infantry, I will propose to Leon and yes - we will live happily ever after.
Quote from: Leon on 01 March 2011, 09:26:40 PM
Oh m....!
But then - you know what they say about love and war(games), Leon.
Quote from: Aart Brouwer on 01 March 2011, 08:44:04 AM
My thoughts exactly!
Now if Pendraken also come up with some 1939-1940 French infantry, I will propose to Leon and yes - we will live happily ever after.
This is [potentially] enough to make him [finally] go down on bended knee to his better-half y'know... ;) :P :) 8)
Bring on the French I say
Quote from: nikharwood on 01 March 2011, 10:39:36 PM
This is [potentially] enough to make him [finally] go down on bended knee to his better-half y'know... ;) :P :) 8)
Oh I've done that bit, just haven't bothered making it official yet! Have you seen how much it costs for a registry office these days?! I'm far too tight for that... :D
Quote from: Leon on 01 March 2011, 11:09:21 PM
Oh I've done that bit, just haven't bothered making it official yet! Have you seen how much it costs for a registry office these days?! I'm far too tight for that... :D
A registry office??! Flash b@st@rd :d
Quote from: nikharwood on 01 March 2011, 11:14:06 PM
A registry office??! Flash b@st@rd :d
Only the best for my lady! I took her out for a meal the other week, but they'd sold out of McNuggets...
;) :D
I hope you got the freebie kids meal Star Wars toy [which I hear is great for 10mm sci-fi BTW]
Oh for feck's sake - how sad am I???!!!
Quote from: nikharwood on 01 March 2011, 11:17:23 PM
I hope you got the freebie kids meal Star Wars toy [which I hear is great for 10mm sci-fi BTW]
Oh for feck's sake - how sad am I???!!!
Excellent more Russians for my small army !!! will be ordering a few me thinks they look good as well.
Tom H :d
aka Bilbo
Here's the first vehicle from a prospective new designer, the Sdkfz 231 (6 rad). This was in production from 1932, and began to get phased out in 1937 when they switched to the 8 wheeled versions. Just for fun, they could be driven forwards or backwards... :D
( (
Looking good! 8) A good addition for early war (Poland and France) Germans.
looking like a vehicle my pulp Germans will require :D
Do i have to do my own frame aerial yet again... (sigh)
Does look good tho.
Thanks for the painted pics!
For info, Barbarian designed this vehicle for us! 8)
Looks good to me. The early war always seems to get neglected in vehicle lists.
Quote from: Hertsblue on 22 April 2011, 01:01:42 PM
Looks good to me. The early war always seems to get neglected in vehicle lists.
We've got the Vickers Mk II and III in the works as well, along with the A9 and A10! 8)
I like the PSW 231.
The news of A9 and A10 are even better as my 1940 Desert British really need them for their 1940-1 scenarios.
Vickers Mk II and Mk III?
Do you mean the inter-war Medium Mk II (which was a Vickers) which did not see action in WW2 (about 120 produced and successively upgraded? You could use one dug in at Mersa Matruh in 1940 and a few ressurrected in the UK in the invasion scare of 1940 ....
I thought the Mk III was never actually fielded with only about three produced and used as the HQ of the Tank Brigade in 1934?
Any time scale on the A9 & A10?
Looks like Pendraken have signed talent. The model photographs well. Nice to see it alongside some other Pendraken models, then we get a better idea of scale match etc. But the shape and porportions LOOK right !
When the poor lad has the time it would be a treat to have the Vietnam range 'finished' with a few Soviet made AFVs ,plus a Patton, and who knows, a few British/French post war AFVs for Yom Kippur war, and Bush War Africa etc.
But really - its great to see an AFV on the New Release page...keep them coming !
Sunray Out
Quote from: kustenjaeger on 22 April 2011, 03:42:51 PM
Vickers Mk II and Mk III?
Do you mean the inter-war Medium Mk II (which was a Vickers) which did not see action in WW2 (about 120 produced and successively upgraded? You could use one dug in at Mersa Matruh in 1940 and a few ressurrected in the UK in the invasion scare of 1940 ....
I thought the Mk III was never actually fielded with only about three produced and used as the HQ of the Tank Brigade in 1934?
Yep, these two. They'll be quite popular with the inter-war/VBCW gamers, plus they could probably squeeze into a few other games here and there.
Quote from: Sandinista on 22 April 2011, 04:07:09 PM
Any time scale on the A9 & A10?
I've just received some pics of the A10, and it looks great. I'll get in touch with the chap who's doing them and see if he'd like to put them up here.
Quote from: Sunray on 22 April 2011, 06:59:21 PM
Looks like Pendraken have signed talent. The model photographs well. Nice to see it alongside some other Pendraken models, then we get a better idea of scale match etc. But the shape and porportions LOOK right !
When the poor lad has the time it would be a treat to have the Vietnam range 'finished' with a few Soviet made AFVs ,plus a Patton, and who knows, a few British/French post war AFVs for Yom Kippur war, and Bush War Africa etc.
But really - its great to see an AFV on the New Release page...keep them coming !
Sunray Out
We've got a few people having a go at some vehicles at the moment, and so far the results are looking good. I'm not sure if we'll get into the things you mention quite yet though, as we've got a bit of a backlog on the vehicle design schedule.
As requested, the A10:
( (
CIMG1622 ( by Squirrel1340 (, on Flickr
After a break from wargaming to concentrate on my model railway it was nice to see the new SDKFZ 213
and even bordering on exciting to see the A10
I am still holding out for a Pz III with a short L42 5cm gun and internal matlet
now to dust off and start working on my lancia 3RO DA90 conversion
Regards Richard
of New Zealand
As our 'merkin cousins say, 'gosh darn that's purdy'...
No, i must get these other two projects kicked out of the way before i launch into either then WWWII or AVBCW work. Models as good as this make me far too impatient though...
Lovely work guys.
Forum member 'Squirrel' has also been doing some modelling work for us, working on some handy models for all you Early War gamers, the Cruiser Mk I and II, also known as the A9 and A10! These will be heading to Pendraken HQ shortly, and then we'll pop them in the moulding queue!
Mk I, A9:
( (
( (
Mk II, A10:
( (
( (
for June release?
Quote from: Sandinista on 15 May 2011, 02:05:52 AM
for June release?
They're en route to us, but they won't be ready for June. Maybe July, but we over extended ourselves slightly getting both the LoA and Sch-Holstein ranges out in May, so June's probably going to be a bit quieter on the releases front. I've edited the initial post.
Brilliant. They look great. And fills a major hole for the early war.
Cheers, Martyn
Thoght the A9 had two sub turrets, that one seems to only have 1 ?
Yes two mini turrets on the A9. Is only 1 on the master as you are going to cast the turret separately then attach it to the final production master?
Quote from: ianrs54 on 15 May 2011, 07:57:03 AM
Thoght the A9 had two sub turrets, that one seems to only have 1 ?
Quote from: fred12df on 15 May 2011, 08:17:17 AM
Is only 1 on the master as you are going to cast the turret separately then attach it to the final production master?
This ^^^. I should probably have put that in the initial post as well. It's pretty tricky to sculpt two turrets exactly the same, so just one is done to save time.
I had better start saving for July then as Squirrel has done a great job on those two
I do hope he will continue his fine work
Regards Richard from N
That's a relief as I'm was trying to catch up on the painting mountain in June and not buy anything new until July. ;) ;D ;D ;D
I'll only need a couple of models won't I. There's A9s for my BEF and A10s for my early Western Desert. But then I'll need A10s for France as well....and they still used A9s in the desert.......and I'll need CS versions as well.................. :-\
Looking good. By July I might actually have time to paint some for my 1940 desert operations ...
I'll need 4-5 A9s and 2-3 A10s in due course and I imagine I'll be able to scratchbuild the 3.7in CS for the A10 CS.
Shouldn't need to do that, just add a sleve to the Barrel. An old trick with the Airfix Crusader was to fit 6pdr gun to the 2pdr turret.
Very nicely done Squirrel 8)
Just to update, these have arrived at Pendraken HQ, and we're hoping to get them into a mould tomorrow. There may even be a small number available for anyone lucky enough to be at Triples this weekend! ;)
Nice painted model.
Some great VBCW vehicles there 8)
Just finishing the backlog so good timing for me :)
I saw the samples of these at the Triples, they looked fantastic, I'll be getting some soon. Althought I'm not convinced by Daves "exotic" green paintjob!!
Quote from: sunjester on 24 May 2011, 03:53:14 PM
I saw the samples of these at the Triples, they looked fantastic, I'll be getting some soon. Althought I'm not convinced by Daves "exotic" green paintjob!!
You wanna see the one he tried to paint luminous pink tonight then...! :D
We picked this up at Triples from Mark at Under The Bed. This one comes in two variants, the first is the troop transport version, the second is the artillery tow:
( (
In this last batch of figures we picked up from Snafu, we've got some additions for the Russians, Brits and the German WW2 ranges.
For the Russians, we've got a standard bearer and SMG in pilotka caps, and also a 50mm mortar:
( (
For the Brits, we've got a handy Early War Vickers team:
( (
And finally, number 6 on the Requests lists, the Early German Anti-tank Rifle! :D
( (
Quote from: Leon on 24 May 2011, 10:14:51 PM
You wanna see the one he tried to paint luminous pink tonight then...! :D
Photos? :d
Thanks for the kind comments guys. My first attempts at this kind of thing, so I'm quite pleased with how they turned out.
Great work by Snafu, those early war vickers teams are definitely on my list!
Those are really good 8) I don't think I'm going to be able to resist the early war/Operation Sealion project for much longer ;D
Are there going to be any other prone or atleast kneeling figures in the early German range as I've said before it looks a bit daft with one prone figure on a base with a bunch of others running around.
Very nice! I'll be needing some of those.
Just a question though, what sort of size do you sculpt the masters? Are they 3-ups or the same size as production models? :-\
Gonna need drivers/crew. A sculptor's work is never done.... ;)
You could also add a PaK36 to the artillery one.
Quote from: Chris on 25 May 2011, 09:23:25 AM
Just a question though, what sort of size do you sculpt the masters? Are they 3-ups or the same size as production models? :-\
Same size. They do lose a small amount of size during moulding, but it's only slight.
Quote from: Hertsblue on 25 May 2011, 01:02:46 PM
Gonna need drivers/crew. A sculptor's work is never done.... ;)
Very nice vickers team.
Now for VBCW we need some Vickers, and maybe a virger ;D
These all sound good to me.
Esp' the interwar and early war stuff, well done.
Quote from: NTM on 25 May 2011, 07:34:41 AM
Are there going to be any other prone or atleast kneeling figures in the early German range as I've said before it looks a bit daft with one prone figure on a base with a bunch of others running around.
Would you want to fire an anti tank rifle stood up :D maybe he is providing covering fire
Luvverly 8)
Stop. You're killing me with all this loveliness :d
Nothing wrong with the pose (I've recently changed my mind about prone figures which I detested but have started a unit of prone and kneeling WWII Brits [15mm] which look pretty good) I'm just asking for either an advancing version which would fit in with the existing figures in the range or kneeling/prone rifleman to go with this one.
There is a kneeling riflemen in the early german set. cant remeber code.... ;)
You're right GR218 forgot to click on the pic to expand that one :-[
Sorry wasn't having a dig NTM I was exactly the same with prone figures, the other one is immovable terrain modelled onto the base eg walls, or other structures. The one thing that would have stopped me buying the updated space hulk was the genestealer hanging off the pillar :( sad I know)
Quote from: Maenoferren on 27 May 2011, 10:51:34 AM
the other one is immovable terrain modelled onto the base eg walls, or other structures.
Don't start me on that one, why are there so many PIAT and Bren gunners resting the weapon on a rock/box? :-\
Atleast Pendraken have not produced my all time most hated pose the MG34/42 gunner firing with the No 2 resting the barrel on his shoulder! >:(
No offence taken btw. :)
Quote from: NTM on 27 May 2011, 11:52:25 AM
Atleast Pendraken have not produced my all time most hated pose the MG34/42 gunner firing with the No 2 resting the barrel on his shoulder! >:(
That did actually happen. I have photographs to prove it. :D
Quote from: Hertsblue on 30 June 2011, 05:18:36 PM
That did actually happen. I have photographs to prove it. :D
I have never disputed that it happened I've seen photos of it too (some even look like they weren't staged) but in the eyes of figure designers (particularly 15 & 20mm) it seems every other German LMG team wandered around joined at the hip!
But I have lots of MG teams, in all scales form 20mm down, and the only one I have with a guy holding the gun on his sholder is one I concerted using figures from matchbox kits.
Of the top of my head the following do them Platoon 20 (where I first encountered it), Essex, Peter Pig, Battlefront (worst offender) & Command Decision.
Not aware of any below 15mm and fairly sure there are quite a few in 25/28mm.