After realising just how many projects I had on the go at the minute, and knowing that I have painted a lot of figures in the last year, but would be hard pressed to know which ones exactly, I've decided to keep a bit of a diary of what I've got on the go, and what I think should be next to be painted.
I'll try and put some photos up, but would rather spend time getting figures painted, than setting up everything to take photos - I might try some in situ photos with flash to see if they are any good.
Dec 28/29th End of year catch up.
I decided to get a bunch of units finished, as I had lots of nearly finished troops on the go. These are all Warmaster units, so 3 bases with 20-30 infantry figures or 9-12 cavalry in total. In general these required a bit of a touch up of the paint job, a couple of coats of varnish and the bases flocking.
GW High Elves
4 Units of Reaver Horse Archers
1 Unit of Knights
1 Unit of Bowmen
(these were mostly purchased off ebay, and needed rebasing)
Pendraken Late Era Romans
2 Units of Archers
2 units of Spearmen
2 Units of Horse Archers
1 unit of Light Cavalry
1 unit of Cataphracts
1 unit of slingers
6 command bases
The majority of these just needed their bases flocking
3 bases of Pendraken Bat Swarms - a bit of highlighting and the bases finishing
10 Roman dead markers - I have added these to 1p coins, and made a small 'box' to hold a small dice so they can be used as wound markers in Hail Caesar. These figures are fairly generic humans in mail or clothing so are quite versatile for casualties. These have had a couple more coats of varnish added as they have become chipped quite quickly in use.
28mm Saxons - sprayed undercoat on about 30 figures
Next up
2 units of GW Araby spearmen, these are about half painted already, painted turbans and flags.
1 unit of GW High Elf spearmen (bought painted) need to highlight armour, and paint shields then these are finished
What's undercoated and on painting sticks ready to go
Dogs of War
32 Pendraken Minotaurs - to make 4 WM units of Ogres
1 Mammoth (part painted)
1 unit of birdmen
1 unit of Crossbows (based)
2 units of Bretonnian knights
4 individual PD trolls - which just need the finishing touches, which would give me a 3rd stand to complete a unit.
Araby (TB Line and Magister Militum)
2 units of Horse Archers
2 units of light cavalry
1 unit of spearmen
2 units of archers
The following are hidden away in another set of drawers so don't have to be thought about too often
2 units of Warriors that were bought badly painted off ebay, need finishing, and a good black wash to make them presentable
20 units of Warriors that are base coated and based
4 units of warriors, not yet based that need various degrees of rescuing.
lots still in blisters...
WWI French
Around 10 painting sticks of troops. These have all been sprayed white, and around 2 sticks have been block painted
WWII British and German Armour
More tanks than I can count need highlighting, decaling and their bases flocking. These are definitely on the back burner.
Got some painting done today
28mm Saxons
Dry brushed armour, painted bases brown, and painted shields white. Added designs to the last 3 with yellow and black shields.
Arranged image file of shield designs to show similar patterns and colours together (a bit OCD, but looking at them all jumbled up was driving me crazy)
I'm quite pleased with this photo - used flash and large aperture, and was able to get good depth of field hand-held.
10mm Araby
2 units of spearmen. Made good progress with these, painted second tone on skin, tidied up overpainting on the robes, and added some light grey detailing to the robes. These are nearly ready for basing.
Hail Caesar Casualty Markers
Gave these a couple more coats of Future, they will get a coat of matt varnish in the morning.
Overhead shot
Nicely done 8)
Great painting, Fred. One query, though - what are the indentations on the casualty markers for?
Small dice - allows you to see how many casulties the unit has suffered would be my bet!
Yep - check the second post:
Quote10 Roman dead markers - I have added these to 1p coins, and made a small 'box' to hold a small dice so they can be used as wound markers in Hail Caesar. These figures are fairly generic humans in mail or clothing so are quite versatile for casualties. These have had a couple more coats of varnish added as they have become chipped quite quickly in use.
Yes, the little boxes are to hold 6mm dice, to show the number of casualties caused on a unit. The idea was to make it easier to manage the dice, as they have a tendency to roll over when a unit is moved. The markers help, but aren't perfect.
Once I've given these a coat of matt varnish (probably tomorrow evening) I'll take some photos with dice in place.
That's a great idea Fred.
After taking the tree down, and generally putting away Christmas, managed to get some painting done later this afternoon and this evening.
Araby and High Elves
The last of the quick wins, 3 units of spearmen, glued to bases, the bases painted, figures given a coat of Future, then bases sanded or flocked. Hopefully have chance to give them another coat of future before work tomorrow.
And on to some Pendraken figures! 4 units worth of Minotaurs (to function as Ogres in my Dogs of War Army), these had previously been sprayed brown with Army Painter.
Gave a heavy dry brush of a dark flesh tone, and touched up any over painting on the black undercoat for metal items.
To the right left is a stand I painted in the summer, to remind me what these are going to look like.
Back to work tomorrow, so probably less time for painting. But I feel I've made good progress in finishing off part painted units.
Looking good!
Warmaster Elves and Araby
Managed a quick coat of future on the Spearmen between breakfast and leaving for work - so this had all day to dry. Then gave a coat of matt varnish this evening, and added magnetic strip to the bases. 3 units finished.
Elves off to join a couple of other units - (and in that photo the 5 recently finished units aren't there)
Araby into their storage box, which is now starting to look like an army - need to get some decent photos taken of all these (and there are some Pendraken figures in there - a prize* to anyone who can find them)
Araby forces are now at
7 units of Spearmen
2 of Guards
2 Knights
2 Camels
2 Flying Carpets
1 unit of Elephants
2 illusionary units (for magic spell effects)
Casualty Markers
Matt varnished, over some 6 coats of future, hopefully this will stop chipping.
Dry brushed a flesh tone as a final skin highlight, dry brushed weapons with oily steel, and painted hair / manes dark brown. Hopefully get wooden weapons and horns done next.
* Prize may be of no monetary value at all - may not even exist
More progress with these - painted wood, with my favourite Vallejo Woodgrain - more of a wash than an paint. Then horns in pale sand. Most cloaks done in a variety of shades of brown. Some shields block painted, I've done black and blue ones so far. Probably add red and green or yellow.
Photos show up more sloppy painting than is immediately apparent :-[
There are a couple of trolls loitering in the background - their rather large bones have had a refresh - need to finish off their green skins, and then they will make the final stand of a unit.
Nice casualty markers, and I like the look of those Minotaurs. Any chance we might see some of these in the 2012 Painting Comp?
No painting tonight - but did set up a battlefield for a game tomorrow night.
Its always possible these could feature in the 2012 painting comp - when are you going to announce the categories?
Quote from: fred12df on 05 January 2012, 10:13:28 PM
Its always possible these could feature in the 2012 painting comp - when are you going to announce the categories?
Not long now... :D
Friday 6th Jan
No painting, but did get a game in. Played Hail Caesar (Fantasy variant) with a Charles Grant table top teaser scenario, with Sauron vs Araby armies (if that is mixing enough ideas together)
It was the first outing of some of my Pendraken Late Era Romans Archers and Horse Archers, helping fill the ranks of the Araby army. PD spiders were present in the Sauron ranks too. In the middle of the photo, though rather edge on is a PD elemental, acting as a sand storm spell marker.
This is getting towards the end of the battle - the Sauron forces are trying to exit to the top and left of the photo - but have been blocked by my skirmishing cavalry. At the bottom of the picture my knights have been edging forward over far too many turns towards the massed wargs - who even with 4 units together won't charge the knights. A couple of turns later the knights finally charged and swept away the Warg brigade. At this point my oppo conceded as he didn't think he could achieve his objective and it was getting late.
Had a rummage around the lead pile and part finished projects to see what could be good for the painting comp.
Also based up some trees.
The conifers I have had for ages, bought of ebay, the light green trees are Minibits 50mm ones, the dark green ones are woodland scenics, they come as plastic trunks and branches and you have to glue clump foliage to them.
Both the conifers and the Minibits trees have wire trunks, which need bending to make a bit of a stand, then gluing to coins to act as bases. The bigger ones got some super glue than a layer of hot glue, for the small ones hot glue alone sufficed. Then a layer of sand to cover the coins and hot glue. These will add a bit of variety to my woodlands.
I have found I am using so many 2ps for basing that I had to get a bag full from the post office the over week. But coins still seem to be cheaper than washers, and don't have an annoying hole in the middle
WWII for Painting Comp
Did some work on some old and some new minis as potential entries for the painting comp. I dug some early French stuff out, based it and gave it a couple of heavy dry brushes of Olive Green - I quite like early war French kit as it has all sorts of funky cammo schemes. These will get sand lines added.
Tidied up a few stands of German infantry - WWII infantry is quite hard to get looking good, as if done properly they should blend together and blend into the base.
Spent ages researching the right markings for a 3RTR Crusader, as when they had Crusaders 3RTR were part of 8th Armoured Brigade, not 7th Armoured Div. But fortunately after I had found what the markings were I actually had them on a decal sheet.
Minotaurs have become a bit stranded over the weekend.
Coming on nicely, I'm looking forward to seeing these in the Painting Comp!
Not done much the last couple of nights - been rather knackered after some busy days at work so have been watching Lewis on DVD of an evening, then staying up too late reading Game of Thrones book 3.5
Did a bit of detailing on the German infantry - trying to move them on from table top standard to competition.
Got a bit of painting done yesterday, and a fair bit today.
Decided to get the Minotaurs finished. Did some detailing of medallions and general tidying up. Added bulls head designs to the shields, and washed with brown magic wash. Glued 3 up to a warmaster base, and added sand. The bases are quite big, so may need a second layer of sand in certain places.
Hopefully get the bases painted and a the figures varnished in the next couple of days
German Infantry
Bit more finishing off, added some small bushes to the bases
French Tanks
Added the start of the sand camouflage on the FT17s
Did a bit of extra basing on the Minotaurs last night - nothing tonight - bloody work.
Did get a delivery today, some silfor tufts, which look OK with 10mm, was worried they might be a bit too big.
Also got some Vallejo water effects - in a surprisingly big jar, tried a couple of sample blobs, it looks like gloopy PVA at the minute - its quite thick and holds any texture you add to it. Also got a few A4 sheets of blue foam to try to make some castle walls.
Had boiler problems last night (gas not wife!!!) so didn't get any painting done - but boiler was fixed today, so nice and warm tonight. 8)
Painted bases of minotaurs brown tonight, and dry brushed with pale yellow brown. With a bit of flock these will be done.
Should then do some more work on the French tanks to get one of them up to scratch for the comp. Tried some water effects to make small puddles on their bases tonight - see how it dries tomorrow.
I'll be interested in how the water effects come out, it's something that I get asked regularly at the shows about the Vallejo stuff, but I've never used it myself.
Friday 20th Jan
Played a game - Hail Caesar High Elves vs Sauron - using a table top teaser scenario, Infantry vs Cavalry
My High Elves initially seemed to be doing well, deploying wide, firing lots of arrows, and clearing away lots of skirmishers. But once combat was joined things went less well for me. A unit of terror causing Wights completely stopped my advance, even a followup charge in the flank wasn't enough to win the combat with the Wights saving 7 and of 8 attacks, when I only needed to score 3 wounds to win that round. In the end 2 units of knights died at hands of the undead while the urak hai ran for the hills.
It was a fun game, which played very differently from a normal line up both sides and attack
Shot some time lapse photos which will hopefully play as a movie
If not here is the link to the web album
Cool, I really like the time lapse as well. Last year, I started playing about with some idea's to recreate one of the AWI battles in 1:1 with our figures, and do timelapse from several angles, which we could then edit together to make a mini-movie. Never got past the idea stage with that though!
Cheers Leon, I quite like the time lapse, and it's much quicker than writing up a full battle report.
Doing a battle 1:1 sounds cool, how big a battle where you thinking? One thing I think is missing is something to indicate that fighting is happening. With gun powder armies this is probably easier as a bit of cotton wool to represent gun smoke.
Painting wise added some flock to the minotaur's bases, now just need a coat of varnish and dulcote and that will be 4 more units done.
Quote from: fred12df on 21 January 2012, 10:20:28 PM
Doing a battle 1:1 sounds cool, how big a battle where you thinking? One thing I think is missing is something to indicate that fighting is happening. With gun powder armies this is probably easier as a bit of cotton wool to represent gun smoke.
It was going to be around 2-3000 per side, so it would take a bit of doing. We'd map out the full movements of each unit through the entire day, and then move the bases accordingly, so it's wouldn't be a game, more a mini-reenactment! We'd then get all the photo's edited up nicely, with some little cut scenes, like the guns firing and recoiling, officers giving commands, etc. to build a movie out of it. Plus edited text of what's going on.
Really it was quite a large project and something which would have taken quite some preparation to do properly.
Sorted out some scenics today - a bit of a family project as both daughters helped with the painting
Started on making 4 loose swamps to act as scatter terrain. They had clear plastic card as the base (I think these come from excess annual reports at work), built an edge with craft foam, some little islands and the odd tree. Then generally painting everything brown, with extra blotches of colours to give a swampy look.
Next stage was to add various extras like stones, rocks, silfor tuffs and lichen bits, and smears of wood filler as mud. The aim is to have all of these half submerged.
Next stage was to add Vallejo Water effects to the central area - this proved harder than expected as the stuff is very gloopy and doesn't flow into small areas - it took quite a lot of pushing to get it in around the various items - it may have been better to have added these into the Water Gel. No photos of this as the gel is initially white, so it makes it look like a snow scene!! I have also filled one with Klear to see how it works - while it filled better it has been soaked up by the greenery.
After using these in a game the other day decided the bases needed finishing off, so got daughters to paint the edges of coins and the sand brown. Then later a bit of dry brushing, then flocked. These should blend a lot better with the board now.
Finished off 2 of the swamps, as the Water Effects had pretty much dried. Added flock round the edges, and clump foliage to the tree. The water effects looks pretty good now it has dried, there is a good shine to it, and quite a bit of texture, which gives a fairly good water look. I have one left to do, and will try putting the lichen into the water effects.
Here are some Roman skirmishers, who have brought their own duck boards with them! The white bits are areas that haven't fully dried - from test pieces they will probably dry within 24hrs. Not sure if the drying time is longer than given on the bottle because it is cold, or that I have put on quite a thick layer.
US Airborne
Inspired by Snafu - had a go at adding shoulder patches to my 82nd Airborne
Looks OK, wasn't too bad (for 4) not sure that I fancy doing the other 200
Anyone know how to do the US flag in this scale - from photos it looks quite pale. Also it doesn't look like it was warn by all the troops during OMG.
Very impressive diary - thanks for posting
QuoteThey had clear plastic card as the base (I think these come from excess annual reports at work)
I think the best use of those endless voluminous reports I heard of! ;D
Quoteso got daughters to paint the edges of coins
Excellent! The modellers of tomorrow
Quote from: fred12df on 23 January 2012, 10:25:29 PM
Anyone know how to do the US flag in this scale - from photos it looks quite pale. Also it doesn't look like it was warn by all the troops during OMG.
You could reduce one with word to required size print and glue, or make into waterslie transfer (dont know 'ow to do that).
Painting - White rectangle with one of top quaters (rear?) blue, and 1-2-3 red stripes - ont try for 6. (From memory got 4 on a 20mm one).
The ones I printed off for some 1/600th PT's were dark, and would be abot right size.
Hadn't thought about decals. I have made some in the past for British Armour, but I think US flags at this size will be pushing the resolution of the printer.
I was thinking a bit more abstract, maybe a pink rectangle with a dark blue corner
i think you're right - you'll need to do abstract. Maybe you could do blue square on white background and then use a fineline pen to do 2 or 3 red stripes ?
Dom Skelton does his 1/600th scale aircraft markings on a printer, but think you could be right about definition.
Quote from: Dickie255 on 24 January 2012, 06:07:14 AM
Very impressive diary - thanks for posting
I think the best use of those endless voluminous reports I heard of! ;D
Excellent! The modellers of tomorrow
Thanks Dickie glad you like the posts. The Diary format seems to be working well from both a motivation point of view and a documentation of what I have been doing.
British Armour
Dug out various tanks and trucks and carriers for my army entry - an excuse to finish off a rather large collection of vehicles that never quite made it to the completed stage.
Most of the force in a drawer
Tonight's vehicles, a bunch of camouflaged Shermans and Carriers got some detailing and highlighting
US Paras
Did a couple of attempts at the US flag, a pink block with a blue corner, and a white block with blue corner, then tried to draw some red lines on. Drawing the lines didn't really work, even with a fine nibbed pen, it was too wide.
Close up view
A more arm's length view
Not sure either version really works :(
I've got a Sherman just like those sat under the monitor in front of me...! ;)
If 1 Sherman was good , then 20 should be better?
Quote from: fred12df on 24 January 2012, 10:41:57 PM
US Paras
Did a couple of attempts at the US flag, a pink block with a blue corner, and a white block with blue corner, then tried to draw some red lines on. Drawing the lines didn't really work, even with a fine nibbed pen, it was too wide.
Not sure either version really works :(
I think the pink block with blue corner works in this scale. It gives the right impression. I think it works by your brain filling in the stripes that are supposed to be there, even if they aren't!
are the two figures at the back the pink block technique ? they look pretty good to me!
Thanks chaos.
Yes the 2 at the back are pink block.
British Armour
Tidied up a few more Shermans
And some more Shermans, along with Stuarts and M10s
Added a few decals to a couple
Thats the quick bit over - the rest of the battle group will take rather more work as they only have base coats done
Looking lovely 8)
Missed a few days of diary entries:
Played Saga - with those big 28mm figures - my first game playing and my host let my Anglo-Danes thump his Welsh, mainly by equipping his Welsh with rubber javelins. This is a great set of rules - very simple on the surface, but the battle board gives a strategic element to it, and allows several different methods of play, great fun.
It would also work well with 10mm figures, either single based or 2-3 to a 2p coin - with less than 30-50 figures to a battle group you could probably have all 4 factions for less than the price of the rules from Pendraken
Saturday & Sunday
Because of Saga, I did some more work on my plastic Saxon figures, finished off 2pts of troops, 4 Hearthguard and 8 Warriors. Also glued sand to the bases of the other figures I have assembled, 8 more Hearthguard, 8 Warriors and 12 Levy.
I nearly had a major disaster spray varnishing my Minotoaurs - and not the usual spray varnish disaster. I had taken the minotaurs and a few tanks to the shed to give a spay of matt varnish. I was using a sheet of cardboard as a tray to allow the figures to be rotated easily. As the shed was a bit dark I picked up the figures on the cardboard tray to have a better look at them in door way. At this point the weight of figures on a slightly damp bit of corrugated cardboard was too much and the card bent in the middle - I managed to stop the tanks and most of the figures falling on the floor. But 3 stands of minotaurs landed on the paving stone just outside the shed. Fortunately damage was remarkably light, 2 figures popped off their bases and one figure had a bent and scraped horn. It was only today that I noticed 2 more stands were missing - and discovered these lying on the floor of the shed, with bottom of the bases facing the door way, where I hadn't seen them. Luckily I hadn't stepped on them!!
Had a flexi day from work, and was able to paint, as I had looked after the kids all weekend while the missus was away.
Did more work on Saxons for Saga, got another 8 warriors mainly painted along with a Warlord. Painting 28mm figures is slow - and for figures like these not in uniforms it seems to be constant swapping of paint colours.
Took some photos of Minotaurs for the Comp in the sunshine!
Had a Catch 22 moment when phoning the doctors - phoned in the morning - to be told to phone after 2pm for test results, phoned in the afternoon to be told that the GP made his calls to give out results in the morning, and would I like him to phone me tomorrow. >:(
More painting of Anglo Danes for Saga (not 10mm, sorry)
I've got 2 x 8 man units of Warriors pretty much painted, along with a 4 man unit of Hearthguard.
At intermediate stages are a 12 man Levy unit, 2 units of Hearthguard with Dane Axes, and a another unit of Hearthgurad and 2 warlords. Most of the figures are from two sets of plastics, but I did get a few metal ones over the weekend.
Quote from: fred12df on 01 February 2012, 11:03:04 PM
More painting of Anglo Danes for Saga (not 10mm, sorry)
Double plus good day.
Got home to find a weighty envelope from Pendrakan and played (and won) in the evening
Lots of lovely 10mm goodness, assorted wagons, some very nice pack camels and Arab civilians, palm trees (which say they can be microwaved!!). Water and fire elemetals. Nice ballista for my Romans and a pontoon bridge. It's like Christmas,
The only bad bit is the halflings who are huge, they are as big as the historical humans and up to the shoulders of the high elves, who ar being figures. Also think with my messing about with the order some extras may have been forgotten - but I'll check and email Leon about that.
Hail Caesar gaming
Played HC with fantasy Addons in 10mm. Played our typical Elves vs Sauron, but this week swapped armies so I played the hordes of evil. And swept all before them. the elves spent most of the game rather too close to their table edge, and only very late on where able to make much use of their shooting.
Quote from: fred12df on 04 February 2012, 09:25:42 AM
...palm trees (which say they can be microwaved!!).
I hadn't realised the tubs said that on them!
Saturday & Sunday
Watching 6 Nations and Work came ahead of painting.
Got some assembly done from the latest order - but the Roman ballista together, and did some very basic conversions to make some crew from the Late Roman figures. The Napoleonic dead horses look perfectly acceptable for earlier periods, so will make some little dice holder walls so they can be used as HC wound markers.
The ECW tumbrel carts are really quite big, makes you feel sorry for the poor little horsey that has to pull them - smallest daughter wanted to know how everything wouldn't slide out the back of them...
Took lots of photos of a few models for the comp - taking photos seems to be rather time consuming - then the results are never quite what they seem on the back of the camera.
Also based the palm trees - used some left over plastic circular bases from BoFA which came with a hole that nicely matched that "stalk" on the bottom of the trees. They need a quick dry brush to tone down the shininess of the plastic.
Added some little green stuff "walls" to the base of the horses to make casualty dice holders
To the left are the ECW tumbrel carts, and in the background the GW BofA Storm Giant - which I assembled as I had the green stuff out. Big monsters like this are great in 10mm, as they are huge.
Quote from: fred12df on 06 February 2012, 08:49:22 PM
Also based the palm trees - used some left over plastic circular bases from BoFA which came with a hole that nicely matched that "stalk" on the bottom of the trees. They need a quick dry brush to tone down the shininess of the plastic.
I think I should have tried that on mine, I used a wash instead aond it didn't work too well.
British Armour
Back to doing some more work on my British Armoured Battlegroup - today it was the half-tracks and funnies. Did some highlighting of the half-tracks, and then a coat of Klear in preparation for the decals. Did 3 stars, which needed 6 decals due to general ham-fistedness, may take longer to do the decals than the painting!
Black washed the funnies and some trucks to darken them up as their base coat was quite pale.
A rather dark quick photo of my desk!
More decals on half-tracks and some more work on Saga figures - including a bit of basing in preparation for a game tomorrow.
Hand painted a set of blank dice to be Viking Saga dice - The coat of Klear to seal the Anglo-Dane dice that I had added stickers to at the weekend didn't go to well. Might need to redo a few faces were the Klear pooled then stuck >:(
Played a six player game of Saga - which turned into 2 three player games on the same table :o My Anglo-Danes on their first outing were slaughtered to the literal last man :'(, but in doing so took such a toll on their enemy that I won the scenario, with twice as many kill points as anyone else :P.
Still wonder about Saga in 10mm - you'd probably get a 4pt war band for about £3!
Saturday & Sunday
British Armour
More decals on half-tracks, highlighting on them and Funnies, then some basing.
Finally feel I am getting there on this battle group, mainly trucks left to finish off now.
Hail Casear Casualty Markers
Some dead horses - block painted, to make some dice holders to act as casualty markers for HC. These are from the Napoleonic range - but I think will work fine for Fantasy and medieval armies.
First dead horses I've seen painted up, they look good.
Looks like those will work particularly well Fred !
Cheers - Phil
Ta chaps. I've made the little retaining wall a bit a higher on these to keep the dice in place, the horse itself works well to retain the horse on the other size.
Hate to say it, thought these were dead rocking horses on first glance! :-[ Actually really good job on those! 8)
Hah! Hah!
Not sure what a live rocking horse is though...
British Armour
More decals applied to assorted light vehicles - this is remarkably fiddly and tedious work - I now know why I have so many unfinished vehicles in my boxes and drawers!
Did some windscreen painting - I have been avoiding this for ages, but found a few sample photos on the web and gave it a go - it was good fun to do, and I think looks OK (it has come out very bright with the camera flash).
In the corner of the photo is my new painting palatte - part of my Valentines pressie from my amazing wife (she also got me a few Really Useful box inserts, assorted double sided tape, and some chocolate!! - proper useful gifts not some commercial tat)
Quite frankly I'm shocked at the vehicular 'skills' of the drivers in the photo.
At least one of them seems to have crashed into the tree in the background !
Windscreens look really good Fred ! 8)
Cheers - Phil.
Quote from: Techno on 15 February 2012, 07:09:47 AM
Quite frankly I'm shocked at the vehicular 'skills' of the drivers in the photo.
At least one of them seems to have crashed into the tree in the background !
Cheers - Phil.
Damn RASC drivers - couldn't care less! :D
Probably could be avoided if they didnt paint their windscreens black.
Very nice paintjobs Fred 8)
Quote from: Techno on 15 February 2012, 07:09:47 AM
Quite frankly I'm shocked at the vehicular 'skills' of the drivers in the photo.
At least one of them seems to have crashed into the tree in the background !
Good eyes there Phil. I'll have to do more background items!
Quote from: goat major on 15 February 2012, 09:44:08 AM
Probably could be avoided if they didnt paint their windscreens black.
I'll have you know they are dark blue!
Quote from: Hertsblue on 15 February 2012, 09:38:19 AM
Damn RASC drivers - couldn't care less! :D
Hadn't decided which Arm of Service markings to put on these but it will have to be RASC now.
Thanks chaps
Missed lots of diary entries - and have done lots of hobby stuff in the last week! :-[
Friday - Played Hail Caesar Fantasy - this week my High Elves vs Steve's Demons. Started badly for Steve when he realised that he'd left 4 units at home. So assorted proxy-ing of my evil figures ensured. A good battle with many turn to turn swings of fortune. Steve finally conceded after a blunder forced his last full brigade back into a damaged brigade causing much disorder, while my elite infantry smashed through the other side of his force.
Weekend - Took lots of photos of my British Armour for the painting comp - and have still to finish sorting though them. As this is barely 1/3 of the vehicles and none of the infantry, and they quite happily filled a quarter of the table, I started to wonder if I have too many...
Started to paint a couple more units of WM High Elves to even up the number of WM units for HC. Strip mounted figures are quick to paint, but it is a bit of a production-line rather than fun.
Took advantage of the sunshine to cut up some lumps of insulation foam into two hill/cliffs and a tall hill (like the motte of a norman castle) - even done outside this was very messy especially as the slivers of foam stuck by static electricity to my fleece. Looked like a bad snow storm.
Also made a start on some castle walls from blue foam. I'd ordered a few A4 sheets from Antecentics Workshop over christmas and made a start at cutting them up (this created less mess as it was linear cuts rather than shaving off bits to make slopes). Had a go at making a "press mold" to do the stone work. This sort of worked. I scored a wall section with a pencil to give the impression of stones - both linear and curved, which seemed to look OK. Then made up a big ball of fairly wet Milliput, which took ages, smoothed this on a piece of hardboard, and then pressed the wall section down into the milliput. Applied lots of pressure (by standing on it!) The left overnight with a heavy book on top. The next evening I tried to separate the parts - which proved tricky as my oil release agent hadn't really worked. This left a thin layer of blue foam attached to the mold. I tried to dissolve this with acetone with limited success, some picking away with a sharp point and then a scrub with a nail brush removed most of the foam.
Using this positive master was then pretty quick and easy, but the results are underwhelming - it makes a decent impression on one side of the blue foam wall, but its just lots of small holes, rather than a stone pattern. Its probably OK as it breaks up the smoothness of the foam, and a few extra brick lines can be scored in. I wonder if the foam was the wrong material to create the initial "sculpt" in as it has a hard surface but is softer below, which leads to narrow grooves that are wider beneath. Or maybe my extend clean up had damaged the master - but I don't think the bits that needed cleaning look any difference from the other parts.
Tuesday - a box of plastic 28mm normans arrived for Saga. Being plastic they are easy to convert so I intend to make some into Anglo Saxons with bits from other boxes. I've put together 3 so far, and have made magnetic bottomed riders so that riders can be swapped as there are an extra few rider bodies compared to horses in the box.
Now I need to focus to get a few more figures finished for the painting comp.
So many project, so many distractions
Another week - and only writing a diary entry at the end of the week :'(
Plastic Norman knights - assembled all of these, 12 horses and 15 riders. Did slight conversions of 4 with Saxon heads and weapons form the GB box set, the heads need necks creating, and as I made up far to much miliput I made a sand-bag barricade for a 10mm MG stand. Sprayed the horses brown and the riders black - but have now parked these for a bit.
Completed the 2 units of WM High Elves - which gives me 8 spear and 8 bow units.
Based and painted the first 3 sections of castle wall - these look pretty good, so need to make battlements for 2 of the sections, and texture the bases.
A largish WM Empire vs Lizardmen game is in the offing in a few weeks time, so I've been cleaning Empire figures to get a few more units on the table, so far got 2 Halberdiers, 1 Knights and 2 skirmishers cleaned and on painting sticks. Have another unit of knights to do, then hopefully get these sprayed if its dry tomorrow.
Photo's.....NOW ! ;)
Looking forward to seeing them Fred !!
Cheers Phil.
Photos of anything in particular?
If you keep shouting like that we'll start calling you Ian :d
Fred I am really impressed with your breadth of interests and the quality applied to all. :)
Any shots of your WW1 french available?
Thanks Si. I'm less impressed by the genral half-finished-ness of all my random projects.
The only WWI photos are the ones on my website, which can't even claim to be half-finished and (don't tell Leon) they aren't even PD
Quote from: fred 12df on 05 March 2012, 05:18:37 PM
Photos of anything in particular?
Anything you've got on the go Fred....Really enjoy this thread ! :-bd
Quote from: fred 12df on 05 March 2012, 05:18:37 PM
If you keep shouting like that we'll start calling you Ian :d
No !.....I promise I'll be quieter ;)
Cheers - Phil.
Cheers Mate.
I've just had a look back through and am quite surprised at the amount of things I have already done this year, and its good to see photos of early stages, really makes it seem that progress has been made. I have also realised I have not taken photos of several projects when they have been finished, so will try and do some photos tonight.
I agree, it's nice to see pics from a professional/expert other than Nik... :-<
You should post photos of any new work you've done... like British armor, or maybe those castle walls, or something... ;)
Peter, not sure that I would describe myself as either expert or professional, but thank you for the kind words. As the British Armour models are in the painting comp, I'll not post any more photos of them until tomorrow.
As photos are well liked, I've taken a bunch tonight, unfortunately a few are a bit blurry, but they give the right idea.
Cavalry Casualty Markers
Following comments that these looked a bit like rocking horses, I've added some green paint to disguise the "rocker" a bit more
Anglo Danes for Saga
4 points of Hearthguard with Warlord, mostly Gripping Beast plastics, with 4 metal Dane Axe armed figures (28mm sorry )
Two 8 figure units of warriors and a 12 figure unit of Levy Archers, with a second warlord figure
Home made Saga dice, the Green Anglo Dane dice are made with stickers, the white Viking ones are painted as the runes are nice and simple
(http://Norman Cavalry for Saga)
Plastic Cavalry from Conquest miniatures. The left hand figures are Normans, the right hand ones are conversions to make Anglo Saxons. Only with a basic spray under coat at this stage
Late Era Romans
At last some Pendraken Figures !!!!
Some Ballista from the Imperial range that Leon was good enough to supply without crews, and some slight conversions of Late Roman light infantry and archers to make crews
In my last order I got a bunch of different wagons to be used as generic wagons when required
Left to right they are
German WWII 4 wheel wagon (GR35)
Seven Year War wagon (long and thin)
Medieval Wagon (high sided)
ECW Tumbral Cart (surprisingly large)
Dogs of War Birdmen
These are a conversion using GW Empire figures and Pendraken Wings (from the Barbarian Birdmen). A blob of greenstuff makes it much easier to get a good join
Warmaster High Elves
A couple more units of High Elves, to give me 8 archers and 8 spearmen - which make 4 archer and 4 spear units in Hail Caesar, bases need finishing on these
Warmaster Empire
Next up on the painting table, are half-a-dozen Empire units. The knights should paint up very quickly, black spray, silver dry brush, brown base, horse legs, and then shields and plumes, this lot will probably have a red based colour scheme
Scratch Built Castle Walls
I've been constructing some castle walls from blue foam. These are the first 3 sections.
They are based on custom cut MDF bases from Minibits - and the walls deliberately overhang the bases, with the idea that the towers will be on large bases, to create an interlinking effect.
Side view - the battlements are cut from some thiner pieces of blue foam, and PVA glued to the top. In the base of the wall I have inserted a couple of 1p coins to give a bit of weight and stability. The wall is attached to the base with a couple of flat headed nails to try to give some grip.
A poor picture of the press mould for the walls, made from greenstuff. It gives a fairly crude pattern, so I have scribed some extra brickwork into the walls by hand.
Lots of good stuff Fred! Keep those pix coming :D
Quote from: Blaker on 06 March 2012, 12:43:47 AM
Lots of good stuff Fred! Keep those pix coming :D
Ditto !!
Cheers - Phil
Fred - Really good work sir.
A lot of city walls had an earth bank sloped behind the wall for extra stability, might that work with yours?
I notice you say Fantasy for Hail Caesar (or Hail Cheesy as it's known round our way), I'm just doing the same, how are you finding it? Any hints on list building?
Thanks All.
Lemmy - the bank at the back of the wall is a really good idea, I will give that a go.
Hail Caesar has been my main rule set for over a year now, my main oppo Steve and I have been playing it loads, but we can't get the rest of our gaming group interested in playing with Fantasy armies, they have a slight interest in playing with Ancient armies. We have worked up army lists for quite a lot of the Warmaster armies, and a few Lord of the Rings based ones. Steve has posted these on the Hail Caesar Yahoo group. The army lists are based on WM, with the odd WHFB unit added for a bit of extra colour, it seems easier to add special units to Hail Caesar than WM. The WM magic and flyers rules have ported across almost directly. I enjoy HC more than WM, it seems to remove most of the fiddly bits of WM while leaving the command uncertainties.
Got several Empire units spray painted the other night, knights in black, infantry in white.
Given the knights a couple of dry brushes, firstly with oily steel and then a lighter coat of mithral silver. Done a dark red base coat on lances and plumes of one unit, I think they will have a red and white colour scheme. The second unit will be red and yellow. I am trying to paint pairs of WM units so they can be used together in HC, but still be distinguishable as single units in WM.
Made a start on 1 unit of halberdiers painted half the figures with red parts - I'm going for a Landschenck look with the Empire infantry.
Close up shot of 1 stand - mainly to see how it comes out, with just a desk light and hand held camera.
Possibly a bit dark - but these figures have had a black wash over the white
Finished the basing on the 2 units of elves - they just need a spray of matt varnish, and the elven horde will be even larger
Friday - played another Hail Caesar Fantasy game, this time trying out Lizardmen for a first time, vs Empire who don't often get an outing. The Lizardmen looked rather like Elves as we wanted to get a feel for the army before buying figures. It was a very different game than usual. I went with a infantry heavy left and centre, with Cold One cavalry on the right. Empire started with Cavalry on both flanks and infantry on hills in the centre. The lizards advanced quickly through the wooded terrain. the Empire left flank cavalry plunged in towards the my centre. Steve's unfamiliarity with the army showed here and he attacked with his medium cavalry supported by knights, rather than leading with the knights. The centre turned in to a fight of skirmshers around a wood. My infantry continued their advance screened by skirmishers and swept away the left. The Lizardmen proved a very different army, and will certainly get another outing, while I consider figure options.
Did a bit more painting of the Empire knights, one unit is nearly done, just need to decide on the flag design. The first halberdier unit is coming along. After the game I had a bit of a sort through of my Empire figures to determine what colour units I should paint next.
That is quite impressive, I miss this threat unitil now. Love your birdmen from DoWar army!
Congratulation for your painting diary Fred
Thanks jchaos
More Empire painting - First unit of Red and White knights is now based - even though flag and shields aren't finished
Red Halberdiers are getting there, clothes, skin, spear shafts and armour all done, need to do assorted browns for hair, beards and small bags. Need to choose a colour for the tassels on the pikes, maybe blue.
Second unit of red knights has had a bit of dark red added to flags, shields and about half the plumes. These will have a red and blue scheme.
Green halberdiers - half the figures have had green clothing done.
Much progress on Red and Blue knights, red highlighted with scarlet, blue painted and given a gentle highlight, figures based and given a dilute ink wash to shade.
Finally received an order of some Late Roman buildings from the baggage train, including a rather nice watch tower. Should go a treat with my Pendraken Roman figures.
Warmaster Empire
Two units of knights finished, based and sprayed with matt varnish. The two units of halberdiers are painted and glued to bases, need to finish bases and varnish the figures.
Next up some Pendraken figures (at last I hear Leon say!), some Elves and some Wagons
Stop it Fred ! ;)
You're making me jealous ! ;D
Wonderful stuff !
Cheers - Phil
Glued sand to bases of the Empire Halberdiers, and gave them a coat of future.
Started worked on my assorted Pendraken wagons, found some appropriate sized bases, and glued horses, sand and wagons to the bases. Did a bit of basic painting on the tumbrel wagons and the horses.
The aim with these is to have generic wagons, so I haven't put figures on the bases.
Pendraken High Elves
Pendraken figures 2 posts in a row! Wooo!!
I got a bunch of PD High Elves off eBay along with GW Elves, I'd previously had a test pack of High Elf spears but had found them a bit big and never finished them, but after seeing more of the range and the figures painted I rather like them now. And have bought various extras to fill out the ranks - though having counted up tonight, I've no idea what units I thought I was building.
Spears 4 bases painted, 39 single figures which will make 5 bases - which would give 3 WM units, but I really need 4 so they can be used for HC as well
Swords 2 bases - no extras??? I need about 32 to make 4 more bases.
Bows - 3 bases painted, 20 single figures which will make 3 more bases, so the right number for 2 WM units
Cavalry - 4 bases painted, 8 new figures which will make 2 WM units or 1 HC unit.
The ebay figures fit with the white and bright blue scheme of my Elves, but need a bit of tidying up and shading. And most importantly they needed re-basing, I'm not sure what glue the original owner had used (perhaps Uhu) but it had caused the plastic bases to warp! After a quick chill in the freezer and then a dip in hot water most of the figures came off easily. Rebased them tonight.
I sprayed the new Pendraken figures black and the weekend - so everything is ready for painting now. I only need to do about 12 spearmen to have 2 units ready, which is cool.
That's a really poor photo - and the painted figures with the nice flags aren't even my work :d
Pendraken High Elf Cavalry
Have now got most of the colours blocked in on the Cavalry, even though the figures have a lot of white, I choose black undercoat to try to match with the painted figures I bought. But perhaps it would have been easier to black line white based coated figures :(
Also got the spearmen's shields painted blue over the weekend - need to decide on a couple more shield logos
Really nice, for the shields of the elves go to japanese ideograms. I made one unit with the ideograme of Joy and it works really good.
If the ideogram is dificult you can always simplify it
Yes something pseudo-japanese works fine for high-elves.
Painted the shield of my highelf, that came with the heroes booster pack, like this.
Now that - I like!!!!!!! =D> =D> =D>
Haven't got much painting done in the last week.
Played a game of HC on Friday night, the fords scenario from Saga, which generated a very different style of game, my Araby forces managed to rush forward in the first couple of turns, then put in enough shooting to stop the demon hordes. A good game.
Sunday I got the spray cans out and base coated some late roman era buildings brown. These have turned out to be very quick to paint with a couple of shades to dry brush the roofs and I've painted in the plaster walls with off white. With a bit of tidying up of the timber they should be done tomorrow.
Another week goes by...
Painted up my dark ages buildings (from The Baggage Train) - these painted up very easily and have come out looking rather nice (if I do say so myself)
Have added a couple of bases of High Elf cavalry to the figures I bought off of eBay - this gives 2 warmaster units. These are big chunky heavy cavalry figures.
Also have re-based the rest of these figures
I'm currently painting up some extras to bring these up to full units, and to add another unit of spears and bows.
The extra spears are nearly done, only a couple more colours to go.
Lots of gaming over the last week - as family is away on holiday.
Wed - Warmaster, met up with a new player (I watch / helped with this game rather than played)
Fri - Warmaster, the concluding part of a 4k a side Empire vs Lizardmen battle that we started a couple of weeks ago. Empire (me and Dave) just won, the lizards had spent most of the game retreating one flank, until finally the Empire knights crashed into their flank rolling up multiple units in 1 turn. In the centre it got a bit close as the Empire infantry made the mistake of getting stuck in and then getting squashed by a Stegadon and Carnosaur - who then made the mistake of charging a hell blaster frontally!!!
Sat - Hail Caesar - in 28mm with Rome vs Carthage - a first for me, playing HC in period and with the right scale figures. We did play with reduced distances as only had a 6x4 table.
Sun - Maurice - had a couple of play thoughs. Using Marlburian British vs Elves ( as my French aren't painted yet). A very different style of game to HC and WM with short moves, card activation and strict movement. But I quite like it. Not sure that any of my gaming group are interested in this period or style of rules.
WSS French
Sorted through assorted WSS figures that I had, mostly bought as a job lot, with the aim to make a French force to oppose my already painted British. On sorting though the many bags I discovered that a couple of bags were latter figures with turned back coats and waistcoats. There were also lots of bearskin wearing troops - probably Austrian grenadiers.
But even after putting several bags to one side I had enough figures to make a French opposing force. Most of the figures are Pendraken, but I'm not sure about the infantry standing to attention and the Dragoons with the large muskets at the side of their saddles. The slighter cavalry figures I think are Irregular.
6 battalions of infantry, 2 cannons and 6 cavalry squadrons
Are these Pendraken?
Nope, not ours from that pic. I can't tell on the Dragoons though, I'll need a closer pic to ID those.
The French Infantry are pretty much done, painted hat lace last night, and tidied up the extras tonight, then based the 6 regiments. They need a brown wash to give a bit of shading, and then the bases finishing off.
Cavalry are nearly there as well need to paint some horses in different shades, then add some detailing to the horses and hat lace to 4 squadrons. Then there are two still to do, 1 French and 1 British.
I think the unidentified figures from the previous post are probably Old Glory from seeing some photos posted on the Maurice site.
Talented in every scale.........................................I think I hate you LOL
Really admire your dedication Buddy. What's your secret?
Thanks, I think....
The secret is that my missus is a teacher so she spends lots of time preparing lessons / marking so I get lots of painting time.
Lovely stuff again Fred.....You swine ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil.
Nice progress 8)
Coming along well
Value for Money
I'm sure my fellow Pendraken forum denizens hardly need reminding of the great value for money that is Pendraken, but I happen to have received orders from both Pendraken and GW 10mm this week, both of which cost about £35
Pendraken on the left in lots and lots of little baggies - and a grand total of 4 (yes just four) blisters from GW. The GW figures are Salamanders and a Slaan mage that I can't find proxies for anywhere else. To give GW their due they do deliver quickly. But from a cost perspective there is no comparison.
As a change of pace, and as I had lots of shiny stuff, I decided to do some test paints of my new Lizardmen. I made use of white, black and green spray paints as base coats.
At the front are GW Salamanders - these have painted up nicely very quickly, the body was a dark brown wash, the sail a deep red, with the spines highlighted in orange. With the fangs and eyes picked out for a bit of detail.
The GW skinks and PD newtmen got the green spray - I have picked out a few details (the yellow stripe continues down the back) and will next give these a strong black wash to bring out some detail.
The PD Lizard riders have only had the top part of the lizard mount washed dark red - I plan to leave the bottom part white (following the paint scheme on the GW site which looks quite effective) the riders will be green.
I haven't decided if I want all the lizardmen in green yet, or will add in some red or blue ones as well.
Haven't neglected these guys totally - got sand on the bases of the infantry and guns.
Gaming - Friday night
Went round and watched the second half of a WHFB battle - in which the players were getting to grips with the new rules. Lots of detailed stuff happens then it comes down to a few Leadership tests and if these go wrong half-the army can rout in one big ripple. Not sure about how this plays. But we have several people in our group who are big fans of WHFB and WAB. They tend to dislike WM and HC because of the random command rolls. But having seen WHFB it seems to have much more capricious leadership rolls which affect your army far more.
Then played a Saga battle, were my Anglo-Danes comprehensively smashed the Normans. I had some excellent battle-board dice, while my oppo had generally better melee and shooting dice. A slightly strange game were the Normans advanced rapidly on one flank, then withdraw back to their starting positions, and ended up blocking themselves so only one unit could get to fight at once.
Lizardmen Riders
Painted the riders of the lizards tonight. Blocked in the green and yellow - given a brown wash, but think I need to add some more detail - especially seeing the figures in close up on the full size photo.
Added a black wash to the small lizards - which has picked up a lot more detail.
Sorry to disagree with the sainted Leon, butI think those WSS infantry at attention are Pendraken,as are the Dragoons with the big musket (ooh, Matron!) . But they are such old Pendraken's that poor young Leon may never have seen them. I on the other hand, being as old as the hills, have 'fawsands of 'em! 'cos in those days, when the world was black and white, there were no variants, and everyone looked the same. So they march (or, if you are feeling pedantic, stand) in the French, Bavarian, English, Scots, Cologne,Spanish, Danish, Prussian, Dutch and Schleswig-Holstein service.
Interesting. The chaps at attention in tricorns are nice, and I wouldn't mind more of them. But the grenadiers and the dragoons both suffer from big heads.
Got my test figures based up:
I'm quite pleased with how these have come out - and most are quite quick to paint as well. Not completely sure about the dark turquoise on the the Kroxigor (15mm lizardmen)
For the bases I want a dark brown earth, with assorted jungle style vegetation.
Close up of the Pendraken figures.
Excellent, the 15's are coming up nice. I think I might get some more poses/conversions done once I bring the range over to Minibits.
More poses for the 15mm lizardmen would be good, these 3 are very nice, and fit well as bigger cousins of the tribal lizardmen.
Photo Backgrounds
Inspired by some of the photos by fellow forumers with realistic backgrounds I've had a bit of a play this afternoon.
Lizardmen in the jungle
French Dragoons on a hill
French Dragoons in the woods
Photo Backgrounds
I had been thinking of making a little photo booth, and printing backgrounds. But I then realised that a different answer was staring me in the face - use an image on the computer screen. There are endless images available on google image search, the option to search by size allows you to easily find nice large images rather than just thumbnails. And lots of people have posted lots of landscape photos as desktop images.
With a little balancing of the figures to get the right height, then these are quick and easy to setup. I had an initial issue with focus, and realised that I was leaning on the corner of the desk, causing the figures to move slightly :-[
I need to make up a little terrain board to put the figures on, as I'm currently just using a bit of MDF.
That's a dead clever idea Fred! It also avoids trying to merge in a background later with software. :-bd
A very nice idea and so easy to do (famous last words ;)).
Like it :)
Dogs of War Birdmen
Finished off this unit today, added some blue to the clothing, dry brushed a golden brown on the wings, and flocked the bases. These are GW Empire figures with PD wings.
Photographed against some sky and trees.
WSS French Infantry
Based this unit, photographed against a different part of the same image as used for the Birdmen
This photo setup is really only good for a WM unit or so. Not sure how to set it up for the several units of French infantry that are just waiting for flags.
Ages since my last update.
Done more work on WSS French - they are nearly there now, the infantry have flags, the cavalry are based. Just need to do some finishing off.
Inspired by Matt's recent photos on the forum I've even had a go at cuff lace!!!!
I got a fish tank plant off ebay, which turns out to be just right for jungle style leaves
Added various bits to the lizardmen bases - do they look jungle like or too cluttered?
There are many things in the aquatic stores that can be used for wargames scenery. They tend to be expensive though. :(
For this stuff I paid the princely sum of £2.36 inc postage. And for that there is a good 4' of plant (I know this as my smallest daughter joined all the pieces together and found they were longer than she is tall!)
The fish plants look kind of shiny, so maybe you should turf the tops.
Otherwise it looks fine, not crowded at all. 8)
They need a spray of dull cote - which should tone things down. But a bit of flock stuck on the top of some of the branches could look good.
Again ages since the last update.
Weekend of 26-27 May - Big Warhammer Game
Spent a weekend away with my gaming group to play a high Warhammer game - Orcs vs Empire. I handn't played WHFB since 2nd Edition at school!
It certainly had a good look to it - but ultimately it was an advance for the Orcs while Empire cannons in the towers shot them up. Extra Orcs arrived in the landing craft on the left flank. In the end the Orc's numbers tipped the advantage. The Empire caused wasn't helped by the reserve cavalry ending up too close to their own board edge, then charged in the flank and pushed off the table!! Magic was hugely tedious - each magic phase took about 30 mins, and perhaps resulted in 1 spell being cast after dispels.
All in all I'd much rather play HC or WM - but it was still a great weekend away.
28mm War of the Roses
Bought a box of the new Perry 28mm Mounted MAA - which are really nice, lots of horse variants with different armour. Riders have lots of heads, right arms and weapon options - the only downside is the 4 rider poses are very similar, just in different armour.
These caused me to rummage in the "lead mountain"* and I made up most of the other 2 boxes of infantry I had, to make a pike unit, a couple of bow units, and 1 more of bills. I also rummaged through my old metal figures and made most of a bow unit and a couple of cross-bow units one already painted!. Now these are really coming together to make a playable army.
One of the other members of our gaming group has a similar army that isn't getting table time so we are planning a WotR game using Hail Caesar which will be novel for me to actually play HC with historical units.
*not sure if it can be a lead mountain if it is mainly plastic
I've been busy with painting and gaming - but I've not been updating the painting diary :(
At Phalanx I picked up a great big bag of lizardmen from Leon, and have started painting up some of these
First up are a couple of units of tribal lizardmen to act as Skinks - a small skirmishing lizardmen in the WM lists
Basic fast paint job, over green spray. Basing still needs doing.
I've also picked up a couple of dinosaurs to act as stegadons - this one is an Ankylosaurus and has a scratch built fighting platform
The crew aren't painted or fixed in place yet.
Photos taken using my new ring LED light - which goes around the camera lens, and seems to provide a good light from these couple of test shots.
Looking good - nice flash too 8)
I like the idea of the LED ring, I'll have to see if they make one for mine, as that could be really handy for getting pics of the releases each month.
This is the amazon link for the LED light
It attaches to the filter screw thread at the front of the lens.
Good looking Lizzies sir!
This week I've painted up some more cavalry for Maurice. 2 units of cuirassiers, who have gone from bare metal to based in a week, and a unit of French (I think Irregular figs) and a British or Irish unit on black horses. These last two have been lingering in the painting queue for far too long so have been finished off.
They should all get on the table tomorrow, they may even get a coat of dull coat first!
Talk about prolific !
Great stuff as usual Fred !
Cheers - Phil.
Hmmm..From what you've said....I'll have to try and dig out my old ring flash (wherever it is !)....and see if there's anyway of finding an adapter ring to fit the lenses on the new camera. :-\
The new cavalry got on the table for a game of Maurice last night - and true to form for new units ended up dead :o
It was a good game, I commanded the French who were quite cavalry heavy, vs the English with more Infantry and better shooting. The English massed on the left flank and pressed forward, leaving his guns in the open on a hill. My right flank cavalry formed into column and swept round to attack the artillery in the flank and infantry in the rear - this nearly worked well - but didn't quite come off and the English infantry were able to get turned around and start shooting. I did manage to get the 3 guns though, but for the loss of 2 cavalry units, which wasn't the best trade.
The mass of English infantry pressed forward and shot up the rest of the French cavalry and the French infantry, taking a few casualties. At this point it was looking really bad for the French, the right infantry had marched round a central wood, but had ended up out of the fight, rather than in the rear of the English. The French artillery managed to get turned round and start shooting up the English infantry who started to loose units. The English infantry had become rather spread out by this time, so were struggling to move a strong force towards the objective as night fall was rapidly approaching. The English managed to take the objective, but only very temporarily as this left their unit rather exposed and it was shot up then charged, allowing the French to re-take the objective. There wasn't enough time left for the scattered English infantry to pull back together to re-take the objective. So the French won a technical victory. Both sides were down to single digit morale scores (from starting points of 14 and 16) but couldn't quite deliver the killer blow to break the enemy.
Anther fun battle - the cards really make the game play differently. None of us has quite got the hang of cavalry yet - it isn't much good frontally, but if it can get round the flank it is devastating.
I'm now rebasing my English artillery as they were based on 40x40mm squares a while ago and are far too wide for the other units based on 20mm squares for Maurice. So far 7 of the 8 gunners have come off the bases with a soak in water this morning - hopefully the last one will pop off soon.
Then to put in an order for some League of Augsberg figures - which should give me the infantry of another Maurice army, then Clib can get the cavalry and guns sorted for the autumn (please!!)
New units = lost units! Isn't is always true! ;)
A bit of a gap in updates as I've been away for a week, and the Olympics have got in the way of painting this week!
Some Arab cavalry (not Pendraken) that I did some block painting on last week while away. These are very highly detailed figures, but I am finding them hard work to paint as there is so much detail.
Four more bases of Artillery for Maurice, 2 as British, and 2 as French in dark blue, who can probably double up for other nations if needed. These need a wash and the bases finishing.
Spiffing work as usual Fred !
Cheers - Phil.
Far too long since the last update, so I will do a few posts to catch up on lots of painting (though not that much Pendraken I'm afraid.
First up Warmaster Empire
Over the summer I have pretty much doubled my painted troops, and am now very close to having 4k painted
Newly painted troops are:
3 x Knights (+ 1 that was bought painted that need a little tidying up).
2 x Crossbows
4 x Halberdiers
2 x Pistoliers
1 x Great Cannon
1 x Mortar
1 x War Altar (that has been in progress for ever)
Lots more over on my website
The above Empire army got a big run out yesterday. A group of us went down to Warhammer World at GW in Nottingham to play a 7500pt a side Warmaster battle.
More details over at specialist games
The combined Empire / High Elf army fought off the Chaos / Dark Elf incursion - it was a close run and good battle - and attracted lots of attention from the many other people at WHW.
EXTREMELY impressive Fred !!
Superb stuff ! :-bd :-bd
Cheers - Phil.
Played a game of BKC the other week - it was supposed to be BKCII but due to my rustiness with the rules it was more like BKC1.5 :-[
This has caused me to have a rummage through the not inconsiderable amount of german WWII kit I have to get some kind of handle on what I have. For my allied stuff I have built units very much off of the TO&E of actual brigades or regiments so it is a bit more known. But for the late war germans I have been a lot more ad hoc, because really that's what most of their formations where like, especially so as my historical focus has been the Arnhem campaign, which brings ad hoc to another level!
So after a bit of procrastination, a got down to making a list of the 2 1/2 storage drawers of german stuff - which came to 141 bases of troops and vehicles - of which pretty much everything is at least on a textured base and has a base coat of the right colour applied. I have found a handful of figures and motor bikes still in packets, but I'm slightly less sure if these are for something in particular or are just left overs...
The totals are
Finished 42 bases (30%)
Painted, but need bases flocking 66 bases (47%)
Basecoated, 33 bases, 23%
So it looks like with a quick bit of flocking I could have 3/4 of my late war germans sorted - which would be good. Not sure why I didn't finish off the bases on so many troops.
Here's a photo of the mass, which does rather show the p*ss poor basing
Holy Tamoly! That's a lot of kit! :D
I second Lemmey's comment ! 8)
Cheers - Phil.
There's not that much german kit, really. I'm not sure I dare add up all the British stuff...
You did see this thread in the summer -,5786.msg55703.html#msg55703
Impressinve display, Fred. And flocking's the easy part - compared to painting, that is. :)
Quote from: fred 12df on 27 November 2012, 10:41:14 PM
There's not that much german kit, really. I'm not sure I dare add up all the British stuff...
You did see this thread in the summer -,5786.msg55703.html#msg55703
Indeed we did, fabbo!
Quote from: Hertsblue on 28 November 2012, 10:25:32 AM
And flocking's the easy part - compared to painting, that is. :)
Indeed it is. So I've spent the last hour flocking 50+ bases, and they look so much better for it!
Hopefully I'll get chance to give them a spray varnish over the weekend and this force will be a major step on the way to completion (well except for the couple of battalions of Paras that are on the way...)
Quote from: fred 12df on 28 November 2012, 10:51:48 PM
... (well except for the couple of battalions of Paras that are on the way...)
Have you written a nice letter to Santa? ;)
I hope his little elves have been in touch!
Quote from: fred 12df on 29 November 2012, 07:45:39 AM
I hope his little elves have been in touch!
Possibly! ;)
The recent request for Lizardmen photos made me realise how little I have updated this thread in the last few months. And it is due to laziness, not lack of gaming and painting.
Most recently I have been playing Kings of War, by Mantic, which while generally 28mm rules, seems to work well with 10mm. We are currently playing with standard distances and one Warmaster unit equals a regiment in KoW. This does reduce the frontage of units compared to standard but seems to play OK.
The army lists for KoW add a few extra units that aren't in Warmaster but are probably in WHFB, which has meant adding a few units to my Elven horde. These are mainly woodland sprits and walking trees.
I'm enjoying how KoW plays, it's quick to play. There needs to be quite a lot of thought, as movement is fairly strict so you need to be thinking ahead a turn or two.
Most years for Christmas I have a good selection of books and CDs that I have collected on my Amazon wish list over the year - but not this year. So I put together a little list of gaming stuff which my family were good enough to get me. I received the following
Pendraken German Paras - an army pack with some extra heavy weapons, this will give me a couple of battalions for BKC. I even sorted these into bases last night while Downton Abby was on!
Roman Fort from the Baggage Train - a very nice resin model, which has an impressive length of walls.
A Citadel Modular Hill - to provide the extra 2 quarters to make a very big hill with the other parts I got with the BoFA set some time ago
Lots of 6mm WWII aircraft from Heroics and Ros - I've decided that I want my aircraft a size down - and this means you can get lots for the money - these haven't arrived yet, but will hopefully be with me in the next few days.
Sylvan Kin for Kings of War
I've Kings of War a few times in the last couple of weeks - using 10mm Warmaster Armies - and the KoW army list has a few units in it that don't feature in WM, so I've been doing a bit of shopping. The first unit up is the Sylvan Kin, who are described as "Spirits and faery folk of the forest realms ... humanoid elementals of nature, fighting with the fury of the Great Wild"
There are some Pendraken spirits, the tree dryads are Splintered light 15mm, the small fairies are 6mm from Micro World Games, and the other humanoids and dogs are Eureka. I'm quite pleased with how these came out - as when I had the different figures on painting sticks it was all looking a bit odd. I have a few Centaurs coming from Pendraken to finish off the other stands, and am going to try to make some flying fairies as well.
Warmaster High Elf Dragon Princes
Managed to pick up a couple of these very rare Warmaster units of eBay just before Christmas - for a fraction of the normal £100 a unit they go for. They weren't listed under their correct name, but did have a clear photo - so not sure why other people didn't spot them, perhaps because they undercoated, they don't appeal to collectors?
They have painted up nicely - I particularly like the red unit
Both these units may well get an outing on the table tomorrow.
Looking great!
It's a real shame what those older models go for ately!
I play epic 40k and am sometimes amazed at what prices they dare to ask for such small models. The top of the ladder being an imperator titan that will cost You over 100£ on the bay, and it ain't even metal, it's freaking plastic!
Warmaster High Elves
Had a the gaming table out, so took the chance to sort through my High Elves, which are now up to 3 boxes, and take some photos. This army is now over 7000 pts in Warmaster terms - there are even half-a-dozen Pendraken units in the army now.
They look like a real labour of love Fred 8).
Or perhaps an obsession....
Looks fabulous Fred.....
But try and paint a bit faster would you ? ;) :D.....We need to see at least twice as many !
Cheers - Phil.
Quote from: Techno on 29 December 2012, 07:31:49 PM
Looks fabulous Fred.....
But try and paint a bit faster would you ? ;) :D.....We need to see at least twice as many !
Cheers - Phil.
Preferably another race,so we see some variation...
:D :D :D
Is this thread ending at midnight tomorrow ?
IanS :d
I think it might. It started on 1/1/12, so it would seem appropriate to end this one and start a new thread.
Superb Elfes sire! 8)
Pointy-ears...thousands of 'em...
Very nice Forbes, very nice - great to see your progress this year & look forward to seeing your efforts in 2013 8)
Thanks all - glad to see you like the elveses - the army just seems to keep increasing its size.
2012 Review
Looking back through this thread has shown me how much stuff I have done through the year, even though I haven't recorded everything on it. At the start of the year there was a lot of detail, which thinned down through the spring and summer, autumn was a void for updates (even though quite a bit of painting was done), and the end of the year has seen a bunch of updates.
Looking back to the first posts I mentioned Orcs, WWI French and WWII Tanks as long term projects that are lingering in drawers. The first two have seen no change this year - although the French have been moved to a new home in my new Bisley 15 drawer cabinet. The Tanks have seen some progress, a good number of British tanks were finished off the for the painting comp, and I based 50+ german tanks late in the year.
The big volumes of painting have been in the following
28mm Saga - I think I have 8 pts of Anglo Danes now, these started from zero, as they were a present last Christmas
WM Empire - major progress with this army, now up to 4k points, which more than doubles what was previously painted. Still need to do a couple of halberd and crossbow units to make the 4k minimums. New painted figures, 7 Knights, 2 Pistoleers, 4 halberdiers, 2 crossbows, 6 canons, war altar, steam tank.
WM Araby - lots of progress here, lots of infantry painted, need to finish off the knights, camels and horse archers to get this army to 4k as well. Painted this year, 6 spearmen, 6 archers, 1 camels, 3 horse archers, 2 flying carpets, 1 unit of elephants.
WM High Elves - as mentioned above this army seems to have grown without any direct effort. Recently purchased new figures for KoW. New figures are a mix of painted ones from eBay as well as ones I have painted from scratch, but overall 8 knights, 3 Reavers, 10 Infantry, 5 Archers, 2 Eagles and a Dragon.
WM Dogs of War - added 6 units of Minotaurs as Ogres and converted some figures to be Birdmen
WSS - big increase in this era, from half a British force to having good sized French and British forces available - these are Pendraken armies
28mm WoTR - some progress on these figures, including additions of the new Perry cavalry and pikes, and sorting out crossbows from my old (very old) lead figures.
I've played a variety of games this year:
Saga - has been ongoing throughout the year, always provides a good game.
Hail Caesar (Fantasy) - early in the year continued its popularity from 2011, but faded from favour by the early summer
Maurice - had a period of popularity over the summer, but we lost interest mainly due to the problems of small forces getting left out of the game
Warmaster - always a staple of our gaming group
Warhammer - only played one game - and it doesn't appeal
Muskets and Tomahawks - played a few games, but the games feel too random
Blitzkrieg Commander - only 1 game but reminded my how much I like WWII as a period - but not certain on rules.
Kings of War - the current favourite - played a good few games over the last month and really rather liking it.
Purchases and Presents
What new stuff has come in
Lizardmen - purchased a good sized Pendraken army in the summer - but have only painted a handful of units. Really should get on with these.
Araby - added cavalry reinforcements from TB Line, but these need assembling and painting.
WSS - added various bits to my armies - most of these painted up
LoA - bought a fairly decent sized infantry force - no progress on these
KoW - various bits to added a few extras to existing armies, already have gamed with some of these, even though they were only bought in December.
Roman Fort - a Xmas pressie, this looks really good, just need some decent weather to get out and get this base coated.
6mm WWII aircraft, another Xmas Pressie, still waiting for them to be delivered though.
WWII German Paras (Pendraken) - another Xmas Pressie, have got these sorted into units but need to do some clean up and then get them sprayed.
Still in the lead mountain
Late Era Romans - have made next to no progress on these, despite really liking the figures - might have to get them out as a KoW army to provide some impetus - and now they have a nice fort to defend too.
Orcs - lots, still sitting in a drawer, probably for another year.
Not certain what my priority will be for the coming year. I feel I should get the Araby army finished, as there isn't too much more to do, but I am finding the figures hard work to paint, perhaps because they are very detailed, and I feel they need a lot of effort to do them justice. Then there are the new shiney things that came for Xmas. Choices, choices...
And while it's not the longest thread on the forum, it does put some other attempts to shame. =D>
An interesting read on your projects, rules and games etc.
Thanks Steve and OldenBAU - glad my ramblings and photos are of interest.
Roman Fort
I had chance to spray paint this yesterday, and have started painting half the pieces
The whole fort, in splendid brown, along with a few houses that I purchased previously
Front view, with some of those Elves again for scale
Half the pieces, with detailing painted in.
The next step is to flock the banks - but I can't decide how much of the banks should be grassy? I want at least a few mm of flock at the front, and perhaps a bit more at the back. But I don't know if the banks would be grassed over to increase stability, or they would be kept clear? Thoughts chaps?
Nice fort! What manufacturer is it from?
I think it depends on what you want it to be. If it is a fort that has been in place for a while, it would be normal the banks are very grassy. If you want it to be a newly raised fort it would be quite plain and just a bunch of plain dirt.
Now if it where my fort, i would add thornbushes to tha banks, to repell invaders :d
Its made by Baggage Train - they have a saxon one as well (and the houses are by them as well). Its nicely cast resin, took next to no clean up. Postage can be a bit expensive as they are heavy models.
Nice stuff on that site! HAdn't noticed them before,thanks!
That elf army is a real crack!! beautiful, men!
great work
Just from a 'looking nice' perspective Fred, I reckon just a few mm of flock would look good.
Cheers - Phil.