The pace is going to be glacial, but I've decided to start a diary to help motivate me to get some stuff done. Here's some of the task based and undercoated:
AI11 Ancient Indian Forest tribesmen
DNP5 'Domain of the Drow'
DNP6 'The Goblin Stronghold'
Fantasy Heroes from DNP7 Heroes Booster, plus others
3x AC31 Unicorns and an AC32 Pegasus
There are other bits and pieces in various states of preparedness, but this is my first big block.
Horde of Things
These are almost ready, just got to sort the eyes and figure out suitable bases.
I decided to base the colour scheme on that of a Cassowary becasue they looked vaguely avian befoer I started. Probably some form of featherd dinosaur! One adult male, one sub-adult male and four females. They're a bit darker in ral life.
I like the 'Things'! I'll have to get them added to the catalogue at some point.
Quote from: Leon on 28 September 2011, 03:36:31 PM
I like the 'Things'! I'll have to get them added to the catalogue at some point.
Thanks Leon, definitely characterful little chaps ;)
Think I need to zoom out a bit on with the camera though. I’ve been going a bit OTT since I found the Macro settings! :-\
Quote from: O Dinas Powys on 28 September 2011, 09:46:08 PM
I’ve been going a bit OTT since I found the Macro settings! :-\
I've just got a new one this week, with a 'Super Macro' feature which I'm quite daunted by... so expect some Extreme Close-Up pics from the Derby show this weekend!
Quote from: Leon on 28 September 2011, 10:15:13 PM
I've just got a new one this week, with a 'Super Macro' feature which I'm quite daunted by... so expect some Extreme Close-Up pics from the Derby show this weekend!
Cool, looking forward to seeing the whites of their eyes 8)
A Fungus Forest!
So, inspired by Steve J's "A Tale of Four Gamers" thread -,5917.0.html (,5917.0.html) - I decided to shoehorn some painting time into my life. Since I'm almost exclusively into fantasy RPGs I've decided to morph the basic idea of a Warhammer unit each month into an encounter/area each month.
Further inspiration provided by Maxwell's pictures -,4524.0.html (,4524.0.html) - of Germy's fantastic pasta plants (
Always loved Fungus Forests, probably inspired by Erol Otus artwork in old D&D modules or something!
So, here they are primed and ready to go:
Back Row: I think I've had the resin giant mushrooms for the best part of 20 years, possibly Grendel Miniatures!
Second Row: Germy's marvellous pasta plants, here appearing as trumpet fungi.
Pendraken goodness: DN12 Giant fungus; DN38 Funguy; AC22 Pixies with large sword.
Extreme close up of the denizens!
My natural inclination would be BLACK, but after a search of trumpet fungus decided to go for something a bit brighter!
The outsides will eventually be creamy white :D
Going green:
Many things base-coated, some DN1 Grubs have decided to take up residence. Painted these up over a year ago and wasn't really keen in them. However, I think they'll fit in nicely!
Goblin Green highlights!
Excellent 8)
Love it, they look great.
Glad the 'A Tale of Four Gamers' has inspired you, which was exactly the point of it :). It has certainly helped me and maintained focus on the project in hand.
Thanks for the kind words guys :-[ :-bd
Quote from: Steve J on 15 September 2012, 07:53:21 AM
Glad the 'A Tale of Four Gamers' has inspired you, which was exactly the point of it :). It has certainly helped me and maintained focus on the project in hand.
Yeah, also breaking down the lead mountain - or hummock in my case! - into manageable chunks is definitely helpful. I've got very limited time to paint, so mission focus is the order of the day: I keep thinking of things and finding figures that could be added, but keeping it to the original batch gives a palpable feeling of making progress.
Only one more picture this evening: one undercoated; one almost finished; and one, well, hmm, just don't ask!!! :-/
Great stuff !!!! Very inspiring !!!
Might try this at home :)
All very good!
Great fun Meirion !
Cheers - Phil.
most excellent...
Thanks for the kind words guys.
Quote from: Annatar on 16 September 2012, 05:52:54 AM
Great stuff !!!! Very inspiring !!!
Might try this at home :)
Go for it, look forward to seeing them ;)
Busy evening yesterday, as mentioned elsewhere I managed to paint 10 pixie hats!
Here's the little chaps enjoying a photo-call in the garden:
...and getting up close and personal:
You may notice I was being modest, I also managed the swords :D
Bit more work on the swords, then only the breechclouts and bases to go really.
Also managed to squeeze in a bit of work on the fungi, group photos:
( (
( (
Really looking good now! :D
Quote from: mad lemmey on 20 September 2012, 10:35:20 PM
Really looking good now! :D
Cheers Lemmey.
I'm really pleased with how the "chestnut mushroom" and Pendraken figures have turned out :)
Just got to get on with the pasta fungi now, its finding time during daylight that's tricky. Dry brushing and the like I can do in the evening, my eyes just seem to prefer natural light for anything which requires depth perception! :-\
Yep - these are coming together nicely 8)
Terrific !! Love 'em !
Cheers - Phil.
Looking really good! Great use of colours :-bd
Are those Smurfs carrying chocolate swords?
Quote from: FierceKitty on 21 September 2012, 10:07:21 AM
Are those Smurfs carrying chocolate swords?
Yes, they're Aztec Smurfs: death by chocolate!!! ;)
Quote from: FierceKitty on 21 September 2012, 02:16:38 AM
Aztecs do it to people, not for them. With nasty clumsy knives of volcanic glass. And they stew you in chocolate sauce afterwards.
They're just cutting out a step and using nasty clumsy knives of chocolate... =) :d
Quote from: FierceKitty on 21 September 2012, 10:07:21 AM
Are those Smurfs carrying chocolate swords?
NO: your eyes and/or monitor are on the blink... @-) :d
I thought smurfs were blue....
I've probably gone colour blind from looking at so much green stuff.
Quote from: Techno on 21 September 2012, 09:08:50 PM
I thought smurfs were blue....
I've probably gone colour blind from looking at so much green stuff.
No, you're right, the northern European ones are. So, either:
- South American Smurfs are actually green
- Colour perception being highly cultural, South American Smurfs are exactly the same hue as northern European Smurfs, it's just the locals perceive it as green AND only having gold to work with, copper just looks like dirt - or chocolate - to them
- FierceKitty's eyes or monitor are on the blink, so HE's perceiving them as being blue
- FierceKitty is so desperate to become a Colonel he'll post any old tosh for the last 20 posts ;)
Hmm, it's a bit late isn't it! (Especially for all this philosophising!) :!! (:|
Goodnight all! I-)
You're not implying that I'd stoop to inflating my postings just for a promotion?
Are you?
I thought you were my friend! :(
Quote from: FierceKitty on 22 September 2012, 12:57:28 AM
You're not implying that I'd stoop to inflating my postings just for a promotion?
Must be dodgy eyes then! ;)
Congratulations on your promotion Colonel! <:-P =D> m/ :-bd
Quote from: O Dinas Powys on 22 September 2012, 05:42:48 AM
Must be dodgy eyes then! ;)
Congratulations on your promotion Colonel! <:-P =D> m/ :-bd
Thank you, Lieutenant. Carry on.
Your round in the mess later them Kitty!
Right, time for a few more photos of yesterday's handy-work. I took them in the garden thinking today's beautiful sunshine would be perfect, but unfortunately most of them appear a bit saturated! :(
So, first up: the pasta-fungi base-coated with a bit of red added in the trumpets to spice them up a bit (unfortunately, not terribly visible!):
Right, next up: the Pendraken lead :D; spots on the fungal caps painted in:
The Fungyus are pretty much there, just need to sort the bases:
Stalks and gills of the Giant Fungi need a bit of work:
I also noticed that there was a bit of yellow peeking through round the edge of the spots so have gone over them again.
Finally, dry brushing on the "fly agaric" and "the white one".
The agaric is a more mellow, orangey-red now so just need to sort the spot and stalk. Still not quite sure where I'm going with the other one! I was going for an ink-cap effect, but the model's not really close enough to pass for one... (Grumble, grumble, perfectionist biologist, grumble... :-B )
Anyway, here's a group shot of the work to date:
My absolute 'fave' is the 'brown' one. That works particularly well.
Cheers - Phil.
Those are looking great!
Oktoberprojekt is go!
Cleaned, 'based', primed and sprayed black:
Since these are going to be a more uniform bunch that the Fungal Forest I'm going to attempt a Harwoodesque speed job on them!
So, fingers crossed; stopwatch ready...
~23 minutes of slapping on the brown and we have:
Behold the Trollkin Horde up close and personal! (Gnomes: FGN1 with sword; FGN2 with spear and FGN3 with lance)
Really like how these have turned out, probably wont faff with the skin-tones too much - just a light highlight and then onto the accoutrements...
Good start - now keep going ;) :)
I like the look of those, they don't look like what I would have expected gnomes to look like. Must got some on my next order.
Ohhh tempting! ;)
Quote from: nikharwood on 02 October 2012, 08:50:10 PM
Good start - now keep going ;) :)
~18 more minutes today; heavy dry brush with a lighter dark brown:
Before and after shot with the spear-man and lancer:
Up-close and personal:
Quote from: mad lemmey on 02 October 2012, 10:39:40 PM
Ohhh tempting! ;)
Yeah, they are pretty cool aren't they. Saw them on and thought they might fit the kobold/trollkin low-level RPG critter mould. (The front page has been down for a while, but you can still find the Pendraken gallery here at the moment: (
Quote from: fred 12df on 02 October 2012, 09:45:03 PM
I like the look of those, they don't look like what I would have expected gnomes to look like. Must got some on my next order.
Definitely more wild spirits of the woods than garden or D&D gnomes. AC20 "Little People" cover the latter two - possibly coming soon to a painting diary near you ;)
The Gnomes are one of those funny little Fantasy ranges which look a bit odd in the bare metal, but come up a treat with a bit of paint on them.
Very, very effective Meirion.
I really like those ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil.
Quote from: Leon on 03 October 2012, 11:24:08 PM
The Gnomes are one of those funny little Fantasy ranges which look a bit odd in the bare metal, but come up a treat with a bit of paint on them.
Yeah, I'm loving them and the pixies. They're almost painting themselves!
Short session lunchtime: 13.5 minutes of hair, wood and caps! Before and after photo of spear and sword & shield:
Quote from: Techno on 04 October 2012, 05:50:51 AM
Very, very effective Meirion.
I really like those ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil.
Thanks Phil - and everyone else - for your kind words and encouragement. It's boosting my confidence no end :-[
Obviously I've discovered the
ONE TRUE SCALE, but now I'm getting effective techniques to paint the little blighters too :)
Quote from: Techno on 23 September 2012, 06:48:51 AM
My absolute 'fave' is the 'brown' one. That works particularly well.
Cheers - Phil.
Yeah, mine too. I'm
really pleased with how it turned out: quite possibly my greatest piece of painting ever ;)
So, inspired by a demo game of Tusk at Colours 2011 and an academic interest in the period, I've been collecting figures and ideas for a Pleistocene mega-fauna hunt game for a little while now.
A fortnights holiday gave me some free evenings to start a new project so I finally got cracking on the animals. The first cohort comprises virtually every "naked" animal in the Pendraken catalogue:
I've also got some unicorns to trim the horns off at some point for horses and I'm looking forward to acquiring the new camels next month at Colours. The only figures I know I'm missing are the orc boars, not keen on the unnatural leg positioning!
I've also picked up a 15mm Tusk set from Irregular thinking it would be a quick and easy way to get a game on the table: didn't know the mammoth were multiple piece castings! :(
Anyway, I finally got round to assembling them, so here's the second cohort comprising the Tusk mammoth and a selection of Irregular's 10 and 15mm animals:
The project is progressing quite nicely, but I've got to get to bed for an early start tomorrow so more pictures as and when! ;)
Cool! Love tusk, great rule set.
The Orc boars are a little oddly positioned. There's the Warboars, which are just standing, with some shields on them. There's the various wolves in the ranges as well.
That's a nice menagerie you've got going there 8)
Cor !!!
Cheers - Phil.
Quote from: Leon on 16 August 2013, 10:09:47 PM
The Orc boars are a little oddly positioned. There's the Warboars, which are just standing, with some shields on them. There's the various wolves in the ranges as well.
I'd forgotten the wolves! The smallest size were already half painted so didn't come on holiday with the rest of the figures ;)
The bigger ones may join the hunt later :d
Also missing from the picture are the Pendraken mammoth. This lot went to Wales with me and I decided the tusks might be a bit at risk of damage in transit once glued on.
Plus < :-B > this is my interglacial assemblage, </ :-B > so no big, hairy proboscideans are required until the next ice age descends... ;)
Quote from: Techno on 17 August 2013, 10:22:18 AM
Cor !!!
Cheers - Phil.
Did you spot what was top left in the Pendraken herd? 8)
Seeking inspiration a quick web search for images of mastodons turned up this cracking photo:
( (
Megafauna Menagerie ( by Travis S. (, on Flickr
Key to the project are the "elephants", the tallest being a Columbian Mammoth, the middle one is an American Mastodon whilst the shortest is a Rhynchotherium gomphothere. :-B
Giant camels, bison, cats and wolves are also pretty cool 8)
I'm wondering whether the orc boars might be convertible into giant armadillos, only one way to find out... ;)
Anyway, enough background; on with some slap!
Here they are (mostly) primed with bases (mostly) textured!
The Pendraken herd:
Wolves added, water buffalo and oxen removed. Not quite sure what to do with the cattle at the moment, so I've saved them for later. Some snow trolls crept into the mix at some point!
The Irregular herd:
Finally some paint! Bases textured and base coat on :)
ACR11 Phil's excellent Elephants, here standing in as Rhynchotherium :D
AC35 Rhinocerous
FB4 Bison
FSA8 (scarily large) Tigers
FG6 Warwolves
Small Irregular animals
Medium Irregular animals
The Irregular mammoth! Since they look nothing like mammoth - and aren't particularly hairy - they're going to be GIANT American Mastodon
Coming along nicely 8)
Hear, hear.
Wish my cutting mat was as clean and nice as yours M.....
Probably time for me to get a new one. ;)
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: Techno on 18 August 2013, 07:43:30 AM
Hear, hear.
Cheers guys :D
Quote from: Techno on 18 August 2013, 07:43:30 AM
Wish my cutting mat was as clean and nice as yours M.....
Probably time for me to get a new one. ;)
Cheers - Phil
Umm, yours probably gets rather more use than mine though Phil! ;)
Apologies in advance if anyone's eyes go a bit weird from the different angles on the cutting mat in the adjacent photos! @-)
As I mentioned in 'A Tale of Four Gamers', I've managed a couple of overbrushes with light and lighter grey (on the left and right respectively). Probably just need a last dry-brush and/or wash on most of them and to then pick out the details on the tusks, etc.
"Mastodons": the hair on the head will need a spot of work, but do I go blond, auburn or brunette?! :-\ ;)
Probably see how the "baby mammoth" turns out and match it to that.
( (
Grey - and green - Irregular animals
( (
( (
"Gomphotheres": not really happy with how these are turning out. Although you can't see it in the photos, the grey-on-brown base-coat isn't really working too well with the grey. Think I'll try a brown wash to see if that improves things.
( (
Definitely 8).
Cheers - Phil.
Coming along nicely - a wash'll work nicely too :)
Right, time for the last catch-up post on previous work! Takes longer to photograph, upload and post the damn pictures than it does to slap on the paint! ~X(
So, time for a bit of work on some of the brown creatures.
Plain base-coat of Calthan Brown on the tigers:
Spot of heavy over-brushing on the Irregular camel and "baby" (6mm) mammoth:
Finally, a quick wash on the Gomphotheres. This has improved them a lot and differentiates them nicely from the mastodons - as if pure size wasn't enough!
Cheers - Phil.
Looking good thus far.
Hmm, unfortunately last Friday's efforts have come out a tad dark, whilst Sunday's efforts are a bit washed out from the bright sunlight! :-<
Bison and hyenas get a dark brown over-brush:
As everyone knows, extinct North American hyenas were golden, as were mans' earliest best friends on the continent...
Heavy light-brown dry-brush on the tigers, who are fast evolving into plains lions ;)
Lighter dry-brush on Techno's elephants and the bison:
Irregular's medium beasties. Who knew that infant giant mastodon were very wooly and extremely GINGER whilst adolescent ones were bald and grey! The camel got a nice, heavy overbrush of light-brown:
Various washes on the small Irregular beasties:
Last, but not least, collars and cuffs on the mastodons:
( (
A little something for the weekend madams?
Apart from needing to sort out horns, tusks and eyes these are mostly done I think. Then comes he tricky bit, basing...
Nicely done!
Surely you just stick them all in the freezer twelve hours before the game?
Quote from: mad lemmey on 30 August 2013, 10:27:57 PM
Nicely done!
Surely you just stick them all in the freezer twelve hours before the game?
;D :-bd
Quick visit to the dentist today for a spot of tusk whitening:
Great work Meirion. :-bd
Cheers - Phil
Love em
Yep, looking good
Bought these up at Warfare to use for fire tokens in Tusk:
I figured octagonal ones would work best with a compass d8.
Picked this up yesterday at Lidl:
Spludge of raw umber craft paint and I was good to go:
Not entirely sure about the result.
I keep forgetting how small 10mm figures are so the grains in the paste come up rather large. Also I probably over diluted it with paint so they are rather sparsely distributed across the surface.
Anyway, I'm sure with a dry-brush and a load of flock they'll come up fine.
I also decided to use the excess mixture for some pit edgings. Not a great success due to the over-dilution, but I'll have another go with the raw paste and paint them afterwards.
Managed to get the dry-brushing done, but building two scooters for my twins scuppered my flocking!
I have a plan for the pits! 8)
Inspired by Lemmy, I've managed a spot of cracking on with my Dark Elf horde, so here's progress so far:
Sprayed black then overbrushed dark grey:
Slashed sleeves and house, hair and faces overbrushed white:
Unfortunately one of my second base of raptor riders have suffered from a lancetastrophy, so will be needing a spot of green-stuff to get him fully erect again :-< but in the meantime:
I painted the competition entries pre-stuck to the base, but found it a bit cramped for these chaps, so have reverted to lolly-sticks and double-tape!
Looking good so far
Nice so far dude! :D
Just re-read my thread: so many projects, so few completed! :-\ :'(
Anyway, back to Tusk: fire bases and pits. Did these a few months ago, but forgot to photograph them! :-[
If anyone produces MDF flames I'd like to get some, but in the meantme here's some Litko ones I got at Colours last year:
Gave some of the Tusk beasties a go-over with Rustic Oak woodstain. Worked okay(-ish) :-\
Apologies for the dark and crappy photo, have to try for a better one soon...
The terrifying Terraguayan Saddle-backed Nanotyrannus - test pieces for the raptor colour scheme.
They're not consciously based on any particular real-world reptile, but influenced by several months poring through herpetology books at work and a desire to avoid a biologists "nothing that big would really be THAT colourful" mindset! :-B
There may be a chameleon out there somewhere that comes vaguely close ;)
Missile element, two units of crossbow-men and a unit of skirmishers:
Nanotyrannus skirmishers. These guys seem to have dazzle camoflage - or magic protection! I can't seem to get an in-focus photo of them! #-o
Great work, Meirion.
Will your camera let you 'spot focus' ?
If it will, I'd try 'aiming' at the heads/bodies of the riders.
Otherwise move a little further away, and use the highest resolution you can...and just crop the shot.
Might work ?
Cheers - Phil.
Looking great sir! 8)
Are the raptors with crossbows a conversion? ???
Quote from: Techno on 16 March 2014, 08:23:41 AM
Great work, Meirion.
Will your camera let you 'spot focus' ?
If it will, I'd try 'aiming' at the heads/bodies of the riders.
Otherwise move a little further away, and use the highest resolution you can...and just crop the shot.
Might work ?
Cheers - Phil.
Umm, to be honest Phil I ought to get my camera out, all my photos are taken with my phone! #-o :-[
Saves time uploading them to photobucket: if I took them with a real camera then I'd never post any photos... :!!
Quote from: mad lemmey on 16 March 2014, 08:26:24 AM
Looking great sir! 8)
Are the raptors with crossbows a conversion? ???
Ta, that they be!
The riderless raptors are great for twisting into animated poses 8)
..the crossbowmen less so :-S
One got ripped in half at the waist - dangerous beasties these
Nanotyrannus :D