Can someone post some pics of Pendraken's Orcs?
I have some in here
enjoy them!
will have a look - many thanks!
Can someone post pictures of the fantasy range giant skeletons? About what size are they?
There's a couple of them in this one:
I'm interested in the answer to this one as well - having stumbled across my WFB Tomb Kings army today I'm thinking it might be about time to get cracking with a TK army for WM...
I meant to do them tonight with a load of others, but forgot to bring them in! I'll get them done tomorrow hopefully!
Thanks Leon!
I will get these done! Soon!
I dont have a photo, but I did use the Giant Skeleton with teddy for my Warmaster undead army...Its a fantastic figure
Not sure if this is helpful or not but here's the pic from the old site.
Finally! They are approx. 15mm to the top of the head:
Thanks Leon!
'K - so I'm not going to get away with using these fellas as a Bone Giant then?!! Nevermind...