Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Pendraken Releases, Requests and Photos! => Requests => Late 19th C./Colonial Requests => Topic started by: Chad on 25 June 2011, 09:39:23 AM

Title: ACW Zouaves
Post by: Chad on 25 June 2011, 09:39:23 AM

The French 1870 Zouaves are wearing the Chechia rather than the Turban. Are the ACW Zouaves the same? I am looking to do the Tirailleurs Algerian, but would prefer to use a Zouave in turban for them.

Title: Re: ACW Zouaves
Post by: nikharwood on 25 June 2011, 10:17:33 AM
They're not in turbans - here are mine:




Title: Re: ACW Zouaves
Post by: mollinary on 25 June 2011, 11:39:28 AM
Introducing a bit of heresy here - but Magister Militum do what you are looking for.  Just to set the record straight however, they have the following disadvantages, from my personal point of view:
i) five pounds a pack of 30 figures;
ii) Long thin and very brittle rifles and bayonets. I found it very difficult keeping them either straight or even in existence!
iii) Only one pose for infantry, advancing in a rather upright pose. Officer with what looks like a nasty broken arm holding his sword up.

However, they are compatible on the table with Pendraken, and perhaps for providing something which you feel is not covered in the Pendraken range (not a lot of mileage there!) then they may be your best option.

Title: Re: ACW Zouaves
Post by: Leman on 25 June 2011, 11:59:06 AM
I have bought some very nice Pendraken ACW zouaves in marching pose to give variety to my 1870 zouaves and Turcos, but unfortunately they are wearing kepi and will need a bit of filing to turn it into a chechia.
Title: Re: ACW Zouaves
Post by: Chad on 25 June 2011, 12:35:37 PM

Thanks. Obviously I would prefer Pendraken. I think the Tirailleurs also wore the Chechia, but think they look far better in the turban.

I will check out MM, but as you say they are expensive by comparison.


Title: Re: ACW Zouaves
Post by: mollinary on 26 June 2011, 10:12:38 AM

   Like you I would prefer Pendraken, I have thousands of them, and the FPW range is one of the best!  Perhaps the turban mod might make it's way onto Leon and Dave's "to do" list?
