Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Archive => Competitions => PPC 2011! => Topic started by: Leon on 01 March 2011, 01:36:30 AM

Title: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Leon on 01 March 2011, 01:36:30 AM
The Painting Competition is now offically closed for entries!  There have been nearly 200 entries, which is astounding, so thanks to everyone who has entered, and good luck to all!

We'll go through and double check that they are all OK, and then it's over to the judges to decide the winners!

We're aiming to receive the Judges decision over the weekend, so watch this space for the results!
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Maenoferren on 01 March 2011, 01:43:16 AM
Was fun  :D, well apart from when I put a hole in my finger :-[
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: exilesjjb on 01 March 2011, 05:27:48 AM
some great looking figures there :o.
real life got in my way and I failed to complete any of my planned entires :'(
but watch out for next year :D
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Arsenus on 01 March 2011, 06:44:00 AM
That was so cool!

Good luck to everyone! I have seen amazing stuff!

I think some of the competitors have lost visual acuity to do some of the details! ^^
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Sean Clark on 01 March 2011, 02:38:54 PM
Yes, very interesting to follow and some great painting. Along with that some interesting use of figures paerticulalry in the open category. Well done to all who entered and good luck 8)

Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Kassad on 01 March 2011, 03:45:13 PM
Good luck to everyone. I saw a lots of beautifull works.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Aart Brouwer on 01 March 2011, 04:45:38 PM
Quote from: exilesjjb on 01 March 2011, 05:27:48 AM
real life got in my way and I failed to complete any of my planned entires :'(

My painting skills barred me from entering at all... But 200 entries is amazing indeed. I guess this goes to show that many members find this  forum inspiring and they love to share their work and ideas here.

Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: fred. on 01 March 2011, 08:37:17 PM
The level of skills on the entries are really high, well done to us all!  ;)

The painting, the composition and conversions are all excellent - I think it says something about such small figures that such creativity can be generated.

I don't envy the judges trying to pick a winner out of all the entries.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Pruneau on 01 March 2011, 08:45:45 PM
I think we can safely say that that was a success!  Congrats to all the contestants for contesting  ;)
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: mike40k on 02 March 2011, 01:54:12 AM
Good luck to my fellow competitors! Some really nice entries. I think the judges are going to have a tough time deciding.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: rexhurley on 02 March 2011, 04:34:16 AM
Good luck to all and I'm sure they are even more beautiful in  real life as our amateur photography doesn't always do our figures justice.  :'( :'(

As for Pendraken figures they are just sublime and poor Pete at Baccus has to loath these guys for nicking my custom  =) =)

I haven't enjoyed painting figures this much in a long time and not to mention the service  :) :)

Well enough brown nosing for one day  :d :d Good luck to all.

Regards Rex
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Leon on 02 March 2011, 05:15:52 AM
Quote from: rexhurley on 02 March 2011, 04:34:16 AM
poor Pete at Baccus has to loath these guys for nicking my custom  =) =)


Quote from: rexhurley on 02 March 2011, 04:34:16 AM
I haven't enjoyed painting figures this much in a long time and not to mention the service  :) :)

Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: AndyT on 02 March 2011, 11:00:08 AM
What does everyone think about including a unit and/or army category in any future Pendraken painting competition?
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 02 March 2011, 01:39:51 PM
Oh please, My Franco-Prussians would certainly be best suited for that, seeing as I'm painting divisions with 30 infantry on a base at a time!
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Shecky on 02 March 2011, 03:26:09 PM
I need to set up better lighting for next time - or at least figure out how to take better pictures. My pictures came too dark for my liking.

There were a lot of entries which inspired me to step up my painting skills.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: chortle on 02 March 2011, 05:28:23 PM
Quote from: AndyT on 02 March 2011, 11:00:08 AM
What does everyone think about including a unit and/or army category in any future Pendraken painting competition?

Hard to get the whole lot in photos. Some people have the lighting for it, but many don't. There would be a big contrast in entries just down to photography skills. Going through individual photos for units in the army would also be a chore. Best to leave that sort of comp to shows like Salute. Pendrakan could sponsor a category there.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: clibinarium on 02 March 2011, 05:45:43 PM
I think a unit is a good subject for a painting competition, it plays to 10mm's strength; numbers, and it would be a bit less harsh on competitor's skills as a single base blown up big can be a severe test for anyone's painting.
Its a test of a different side of painting. I could paint a base of figures really nicely, but can I produce an army? No, I am way too slow. There's a lot to be said for someone who isn't perhaps technically brilliant, but can get hundreds of figures painted in a reasonable length of time.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: fred. on 02 March 2011, 05:48:15 PM
I think that an army category would be good. This comp has really highlighted the detail that can be shown in 10mm. But the other side of 10mm is the mass effect.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Leon on 02 March 2011, 06:47:09 PM
I was thinking about this the other day, and instead of an 'Army/Unit' category, I was thinking more an 'Anything Goes' style category, where it could be a unit, an army, a whole table, a Dungeon piece, a large diorama, anything that didn't fit into the other categories.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Pruneau on 02 March 2011, 06:52:11 PM
Yeah, that would be fine, maybe even a set up game, dressed for effect, where the visual impact is key.  Photographic skills will play a role, but they also did in this comp: some of the entries were just blurred, and you're not easily going to impress a judge with a blurry picture, I think.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: AndyT on 03 March 2011, 07:52:26 AM
Quote from: Leon on 02 March 2011, 06:47:09 PM
I was thinking about this the other day, and instead of an 'Army/Unit' category, I was thinking more an 'Anything Goes' style category, where it could be a unit, an army, a whole table, a Dungeon piece, a large diorama, anything that didn't fit into the other categories.

Good idea - that would be a good incentive for me to get my dungeon painted and populated !
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Nosher on 03 March 2011, 08:49:59 AM
There have been some staggering entries to this competition which needs to be applauded, but try as I might I cannot take a decent photo to save my life which IMHO penalises those that cant take great piccies or dont have access to lighting equipment.

I welcome and would fully endorse any new categories - painting an army is far harder than a stand of 6-10.

I also hope that a similar volume of the forum traffic this competition has generated continues once the competition prizes have been handed out.

I know I dont hold a vote but if I did I am not embarrassed to say that 17/21's Naps would get my vote.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: chortle on 03 March 2011, 01:18:00 PM
It would be good to have a category for conversions, to recognise those people who have gone to the trouble of modifying figures. Chopping the head off a 10mm figure, and replacing it, is quite a job!
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Pruneau on 03 March 2011, 02:26:13 PM
Some people have spilled blood during such conversion processes!  I think a GBH category would be well in order!  :D
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Maenoferren on 03 March 2011, 02:49:33 PM
Pruneau I totally agree how much damage can you do to yourself in a painting competition, I think I won last time, I have photographic proof of my blood :)
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: MiniPatton on 03 March 2011, 08:23:19 PM
Unfortunately you would probably end up with people lopping off fingers just to win a prize...

There I was making a small conversion to my Pendraken miniatures with my chainsaw...
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Dazza on 03 March 2011, 08:47:12 PM
Quote from: clibinarium on 02 March 2011, 05:45:43 PM
There's a lot to be said for someone who isn't perhaps technically brilliant, but can get hundreds of figures painted in a reasonable length of time.

Hey Nik, clib has got ya sussed  :d

:P ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Pruneau on 03 March 2011, 09:07:34 PM
Quote from: Dazza on 03 March 2011, 08:47:12 PM
Hey Nik, clib has got ya sussed  :d

:P ;D ;D ;D

Hahaha!  Spread the love I say  8)
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: rexhurley on 03 March 2011, 10:21:28 PM
Quote from: Leon on 02 March 2011, 06:47:09 PM
I was thinking about this the other day, and instead of an 'Army/Unit' category, I was thinking more an 'Anything Goes' style category, where it could be a unit, an army, a whole table, a Dungeon piece, a large diorama, anything that didn't fit into the other categories.

Oh me like this idea a variation of the "open" class
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Leon on 03 March 2011, 10:40:16 PM
Quote from: Nosher on 03 March 2011, 08:49:59 AM
There have been some staggering entries to this competition which needs to be applauded, but try as I might I cannot take a decent photo to save my life which IMHO penalises those that cant take great piccies or dont have access to lighting equipment.

Next year we'll look at having a load of tutorials to hand on taking good photo's with standard photography equipment.  There are quite a few good threads around here already, but we'll make it easier to find them next time.
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: nikharwood on 04 March 2011, 01:25:01 PM
Quote from: Dazza on 03 March 2011, 08:47:12 PM
Hey Nik, clib has got ya sussed  :d

:P ;D ;D ;D

Mate - I've never said I'm "technically brilliant"...astonishingly witty, debonaire, handsome, charismatic, saviour of maidens, slayer of dragons, fun at parties, yes - but "technically brilliant"? Nah.  :P

Mind you, I do have an awful lot of very nice looking armies round here which I have painted - in an "astonishingly witty, debonaire, handsome, charismatic, saviour of maidens, slayer of dragons, fun at parties" kind-of-way :d
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Nosher on 04 March 2011, 02:45:34 PM
Quote from: nikharwood on 04 March 2011, 01:25:01 PM
Mate - I've never said I'm "technically brilliant"...astonishingly witty, debonaire, handsome, charismatic, saviour of maidens, slayer of dragons, fun at parties, yes - but "technically brilliant"? Nah.  :P

Mind you, I do have an awful lot of very nice looking armies round here which I have painted - in an "astonishingly witty, debonaire, handsome, charismatic, saviour of maidens, slayer of dragons, fun at parties" kind-of-way :d

Only through painting....... and being astonishingly witty, debonaire, handsome, charismatic, saviour of maidens, slayer of dragons, fun at parties! 8)
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 04 March 2011, 04:53:31 PM
Te psyciatric unit at Royal Liverpool is very good at curing delisions.

IanS  :D ;D :d
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Leon on 04 March 2011, 09:15:01 PM
Quote from: nikharwood on 04 March 2011, 01:25:01 PM
Mate - I've never said I'm "technically brilliant"...astonishingly witty, debonaire, handsome, charismatic, saviour of maidens, slayer of dragons, fun at parties, yes - but "technically brilliant"? Nah.  :P

Mind you, I do have an awful lot of very nice looking armies round here which I have painted - in an "astonishingly witty, debonaire, handsome, charismatic, saviour of maidens, slayer of dragons, fun at parties" kind-of-way :d

Posted on: Today at 13:25:01  Posted by: nikharwood

Bit early to be on the scotch!?   :D
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: nikharwood on 04 March 2011, 11:01:55 PM
Not after the week I've had  :D

This is (roughly) what it looked like:

Sunday: 3-4 hrs clearing inbox; doing prep-reading for week's meetings
Monday: at work from 0815 - got home ~ 1730 - 'normal' day
Tuesday: got in at 0815 - got home at 2230 - various mtgs around county ending w/ community mtg & staff debrief
Wednesday: started at 0730 - got home at 2345 - various mtgs around county including a late mgt team debrief
Thursday: started at 0730 - got home for about 2000-ish - 'normal' day followed by single-team staff mtg
Friday: supposedly a day off: started at 0845 - got home at 1300 - finished work at 2030-ish

so there you go - and the media (not to mention this coalition govt) will tell you that public services are lazy etc etc...

I didn't *actually* have a drink though until about 2100  :D
Title: Re: The Painting Competition is now closed!
Post by: Leon on 05 March 2011, 01:48:08 AM
Quote from: nikharwood on 04 March 2011, 11:01:55 PM
Not after the week I've had  :D

This is (roughly) what it looked like:

Sunday: 3-4 hrs clearing inbox; doing prep-reading for week's meetings
Monday: at work from 0815 - got home ~ 1730 - 'normal' day
Tuesday: got in at 0815 - got home at 2230 - various mtgs around county ending w/ community mtg & staff debrief
Wednesday: started at 0730 - got home at 2345 - various mtgs around county including a late mgt team debrief
Thursday: started at 0730 - got home for about 2000-ish - 'normal' day followed by single-team staff mtg
Friday: supposedly a day off: started at 0845 - got home at 1300 - finished work at 2030-ish

so there you go - and the media (not to mention this coalition govt) will tell you that public services are lazy etc etc...

I didn't *actually* have a drink though until about 2100  :D

#:-S :-t