Hi all,
New to pendraken and new to 10mm. Interested in WWII, Modern, Sci-Fi but, specifically, Cold War. I've had Blitzkrieg, Cold War and Future War Commander for some time but have yet to have the pleasure of playing. Just ordered the Cold War, US, Soviets and British and will be ordering Egyptians, Syrians and Israelis for Arab/Isreali wars. Would love to see more love in these periods for 10mm. Anyway, that's me. Thanks,
Welcome Werwulf.
Welcome Werwulf :-h
Welcome to the forum, Dave. :-h
Arternoonn - have fun and welcome
Welcome on board Dave!
Welcome WerWolf.
I'm going through a Napoleonic phase at the moment, but am also a fan of the post-war.
What more would you like to see? Apart from Leopard, S-Tank, Stalwart, Merkava ... oh. I understand.
Welcome. Hope you find oot aboot some real periods soon, of course. ;)
Welcome Werwulf!
As you can see from the replies here the forum is warm, welcoming and slightly weird!
The members of the forum have a great deal of knowledge about things historical and or game related which they will usually share when asked .... or sometimes even when not asked.
If you ask a question and the thread veers off wildly into the weeds, as they often do, before you get a sensible answer do not be afraid to cough politely and remind the posters that there was a question at the start of the thread! :)
If a comment could be taken as a joke or a gibe it is 99% likely to be the former.
Enjoy your time here!
Hello and welcome
Welcome to the Forum!
Welcome Werwulf.
As Ithoriel has said, this is a friendly and helpful forum, even if it degenerates into gentle mickey taking.