If I'm playing hits stay on, is there a change to the assault rules, for determining the winner?
Should the winner be determined as the unit the suffers least hits in the combat?
Any thoughts or rule amendments appreciated.
Cheers, John
Can't answer that myself, John...but as that was your first post, welcome to the forum. :-h
Likewise welcome.
If I'm playing hits stay on, is there a change to the assault rules, for determining the winner?
Should the winner be determined as the unit the suffers least hits in the combat?
Any thoughts or rule amendments appreciated.
Cheers, John
Welcome John
I'd certainly play it that way - I would include hits caused by Overwatch on the assault move, as well as during the combat itself.
OK - having remembered....
Defender - gets opertuneity fire form target and close proximity units
Attaker - needs fire support from freinds - aim to suppress target befor launching the assault.
Once the attack goes in ensure the attacker has at least 2 supporting elements.
All hits scored in the entire phase remain if useing hits stay. Results are not altered.
Hi Fred
Unsuppressed defenders can fire at assaulters and any hits, whether stay on or not, are added to hits received in the assault. Thats why its important to suppress defenders before assault goes in. We always play hits stay on.