Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Archive => Competitions => PPC 2011! => Topic started by: Leon on 25 February 2011, 01:55:54 AM

Title: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Leon on 25 February 2011, 01:55:54 AM
This is the your last weekend folks!  All entries must be in by midnight on Monday!
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Arsenus on 27 February 2011, 01:13:35 PM
Damn! I am just finishing my giant owls and my mage...

Just at time...^^
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Maenoferren on 27 February 2011, 02:59:26 PM
Eeek, argggggh and more unprintable quotes, never got any painting done last night :(
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: count_zero99uk on 27 February 2011, 04:09:52 PM
Ah cool, midnight monday, may have them finished :)
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Arsenus on 28 February 2011, 02:03:06 PM
YES!! Finished! Just at time! ^^

I have finished my self-hostage operation too! ^^
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Maenoferren on 28 February 2011, 02:09:32 PM
Yey finished and photos taken this morning. Don't know what they are like as the battery died on the final shot.
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Blaker on 28 February 2011, 11:13:40 PM
Howdy Yall,

How do I upload a picture to the Vehicles Catagory?

Any help would be very cool  8)
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Maenoferren on 28 February 2011, 11:27:27 PM
Hi Blaker, use photbucket is the easiest way, you can use the image straight from your computer, but to be honest I dont know how :-[ :-[ :-[
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Maenoferren on 28 February 2011, 11:31:45 PM
just found this with a search:
If they're a small enough file size, you can click 'Additional Options' when you're typing your message, and upload the file from your computer.  Alternatively, upload them to an online picture site, like Flickr, Photobucket, etc. and then link them from there.
Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 01 March 2011, 10:07:54 AM
What is the file size ?

Title: Re: Deadline approaches!
Post by: Leon on 01 March 2011, 09:23:02 PM
It's 128kb per pic, 2 pics per post.