A place to post your %&$#@s when they happen. Hobby, gaming, otherwise related to minis.
I will start, just now.
Finish a 32 man battalion, go to attach them to their 4 bases, and count 31.
Thanks for listening.
Stick an extra flag in the ground on the command base?
Thought I was spraying a white undercoat when it was actually White Lithium Grease
Quote from: FierceKitty on 02 March 2024, 05:20:16 AMStick an extra flag in the ground on the command base?
Oh I will just paint another. Got it primed now. I just hate that more than anything because the last brush stroke and sticking them on bases is the most exciting part for me, and I even usually add an extra for 33, and just use it for decoration elsewhere, or throw out one I dont like much. To make it even worse, it was a Grenadier, so I couldnt even just redo the facing of some 33rd model from before. But oh well.
Quote from: rct75001 on 02 March 2024, 05:57:55 AMThought I was spraying a white undercoat when it was actually White Lithium Grease
That would be worse than the wrong color...that would be awful to clean up and retry.
Told this one numerous times before but...
Aerosol varnish can.
Not checking that nozzle is facing away from the person holding the can.
Holding can and miniatures to be varnished at eye height, so to check distribution.
Finger depresses aerosol nozzle.
Varnish sprays in applier's face.
Eyes sting, just a bit (understatement).
(Coincidence or not, or hereditary poor eyesight?) Applier now requires use of spectacles to see.
Wow! I painted those really well. :)
I see someone else havs submitting the same figures in the painting competition. :(
... and they're better than mine
Ah, the jimcarrys. I know them well. Not to be confused with the jimmylegs, which I also suffer.
Quote from: rct75001 on 02 March 2024, 05:57:55 AMThought I was spraying a white undercoat when it was actually White Lithium Grease
That's bad...I went to spray a finished unit (15mm Spanish conquistadors if I recall correctly) with Testor's matte varnish. Those cans all look the same...this one wasn't matte varnish, it was matte black. I hit them with a nice swipe of black. Destruction takes mere moments, construction and rehabilitation much longer...
I think my worst was painting a unit of plastic WW2 Germans. They were given a fairly hasty paint job as they were needed for a game later that day.
The varnish was still tacky but ... brainwave! One of the girls in the flat had a sunlamp. Borrowed it and set the figures up to bake the varnish!
What I hadn't bargained for was my girlfriend having returned from holiday a day early and turning up at the flat.
Hugs, kisses, cup of coffee .... and then I remembered the figures.
They might have done as chaos spawn but would never pass muster as the Wehrmacht's finest.
But, to make up numbers, the Germans fielded some blobs of plastic with the odd hand/ head/ arm/ gun/ etc still visible.
Oh! The shame!
Here's one.
I have created a plausible scenario in which competing forces arrive of a flat grey planet sometime in the future.
As I complete the decals on the fourth force I realise that I have created a black force, a brown one, a blue one and now a green one.
Don't you think that someone in this far flung dystopian future woul have thought to have painted their vehicles grey? >:(
Right. Bring on the aliens. Perhaps they're a bit more savvy.
Oh, and decals that curl up when you're trying to put them on. >:( >:( >:(
QuoteHere's one.
I have created a plausible scenario in which competing forces arrive of a flat grey planet sometime in the future.
As I complete the decals on the fourth force I realise that I have created a black force, a brown one, a blue one and now a green one.
Don't you think that someone in this far flung dystopian future woul have thought to have painted their vehicles grey? >:(
Right. Bring on the aliens. Perhaps they're a bit more savvy.
It depends whether you think that in the grim darkness of the far future there is any point in visual camouflage in a battlefield bristling with scanners, recon drones, lidar, radar and tachyon dispersal projectors*
If you don't then you can paint them any colour you fancy.
Salmon Rose for example.
Some all or none of these may be fictional.
Quote from: Ithoriel on 13 April 2024, 09:31:09 PMIt depends whether you think that in the grim darkness of the far future there is any point in visual camouflage in a battlefield bristling with scanners, recon drones, lidar, radar and tachyon dispersal projectors*
If you don't then you can paint them any colour you fancy.
Salmon Rose for example.
*Some all or none of these may be fictional.
Dayglow Orange if you are more worried of friendly fire in confusing friends as enemies; camouflage if the enemy seeing you visibly is an issue. Go with the rule of cool: whatever looks best to you!
Quote from: Ithoriel on 13 April 2024, 09:31:09 PMIt depends whether you think that in the grim darkness of the far future there is any point in visual camouflage in a battlefield bristling with scanners, recon drones, lidar, radar and tachyon dispersal projectors*
QuoteDayglow Orange if you are more worried of friendly fire in confusing friends as enemies; camouflage if the enemy seeing you visibly is an issue. Go with the rule of cool: whatever looks best to you!
In the far future, I think sensors will be much better than they are now. Camouflage would seem to be irelevant. However, that would suggest that adding two-tone, disruptive schemes would be something of an affectation. :-\
Though they do look cool. :D (Photos to follow)
You could argue that if infantry are carrying helmet integrated equipment to pick out targets, then the arms race to disrupt them will be in full swing, so they will still be using the Mark One eyeball.
This line of thinking reminds me of my biggest rules pet peeve in my past and a recent conversation locally- Space Elves who have the technology to grow ships and trap souls in gems, had weapons that scatter, let alone 66% of the time. No, I can target not just you at two miles with this technology, but the pebble you're about to step on.
My dilemma though, is scattering templates are always fun...
My pet peeve about the Eldar/ Space Elves is that with that technology they are going for fields that make them marginally harder to see rather than some multi-phasic, multi-layer stops almost everything mega shield.
Oh! There are only a few of these ... I don't need to note which colours I use!
... a few months, and a few purchases later ...
- Forking out for Russian flags for the 1904 Russo-Japanese War then finding out that they were usually carried encased as they were sacred. >:(
- Carefully counting your bases to make sure you have enough - then having your painting mojo kick in and you haven't got enough bases to finish what you're doing, and your order of bases is a week away from being collected. >:( >:(
- Carefully counting the number of figures you need for a project, then finding that you're actually 3 short. >:( >:( >:(
- Putting your project on a tray so you can bask in it's growth as you are painting it, then dropping the tray when you're only ONE ARTILLERY BATTERY from completion. >:( >:( >:( >:( (84 minutes to pick up, minor repairs and searching for one f@#*ing office who galloped off under the couch)
Not 10mm obvs...
The manufacturer of a popular range closes its doors.
You've an incomplete army, or were on the cusp of building another opponent.
Hold your breath to see whether another manufacturer buys and revives the range.
Gasp when you see their mark-ups compared to the previous manufacturer.
Reflect that if you (and 100 others) had ordered a year earlier, the original business might still be trading.
Retirement seems a bigger cause of closure than financial troubles.
Reviving a range doesn't seem cheap, so the price hikes are understandable.
I have largely avoided this by putting my faith truly in the One True Scale and Pendraken. :D
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 16 June 2024, 09:42:33 AMNot 10mm obvs...
The manufacturer of a popular range closes its doors.
You've an incomplete army, or were on the cusp of building another opponent.
I avoid this now I have the funds, by buying the entire army in one go.
QuoteI avoid this now I have the funds, by buying the entire army in one go.
That is probably quite sensible.
Wish I did that.
I did that with the Little Wooden Men. Or at least I thought I had. Need more cannon.
Four days without power. I have stuck over 1500 figures to wooden sticks.
Four days! What happened?
About as close to a tornado as you can get without being a tornado. Tree and lines down on every road in the county. We were out running errands and it took forever to get home. Every single traffic light was out. We are also on the county line, so last on the list to get back on.
Silver lining, it's camping in. And I did all the paint prep work that was my goal for, definitely next 3 months, maybe the year. Heck, I could make a new order! Gah....
Wifey took a pic. I have crap to do, but it was in a way pretty nice little forced vacation. At some point soon I will make a little post on fig mounting and planning. I have worked out a lot over the past year or so to cheat a bit.
Glad you are both okay
Thanks! In a strange but good way, the worst I heard was one car got hit by a tree and that was it. They were fine. It wasnt high enough winds to pick things up, but enough to cull a ton of half dead trees and all the power lines under them.
Last year I undercoated a base of 3 Star Wars droids too thickly and then used what I thought was plastic safe paint remover on the individual droids ... it wasn't so after an hour or so only chemical smelling Blobs remained. As they were part of a set I had to resort to eBay for replacements.
Ho hum.
QuoteGlad you are both okay
Same here !
Thanks guys.
We have power. Back to work. I enjoyed my 10mm camping-in vacation.
New annoyance.
Miscounting your Japanese infantry wants and so have to put in (and wait for) another pack. :(
Then ... finding out you miscounted again and have to order (and wait for) a second additional pack. >:(
Upside: Since it is unbecoming to put in an order for less than £25, also have some Hesse-Darmstadt infantry on the way.
#-o :-w
"Count thrice, order once"
Thrice - now that's a word that should get used more often.
Engineer: measure twice, cut once.
Manager: Measure once, cut twice, give the ruler a bad performance review.
Quote from: Last Hussar on 09 July 2024, 09:00:43 PMManager: Measure once, cut twice, give the ruler a bad performance review.
Sounds like BT!
I fully expect to find I've over-ordered. :)
Only on the stuff you don't need. The stuff you do will be underordered.
Very Deep
Basing some "J class" WW2 ships. I have no idea how I made the sea on others years ago. I know it was some combo of pva, various layers of shades of blue, with a white dry brush, but actual technique I used? Not a scooby.
I feel your pain.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 10 July 2024, 01:57:22 PMVery Deep
On the surface people think I'm deep, but deep down I'm really rather shallow.
That's so profound ... and moving. :(
I have been consolidating odds and ends of figures to complete units. I have Just spent two evenings making up units for my warband armies.
I had just sufficient javelin armed figures to put together three skirmisher units for "To the Strongest" rules. Two were regular units with 6 figures on each, the third was to a a veteran unit with 8 figures.
As I picked up one of the figures to tidy up the paint job, I dropped him into a pot of flesh paint.
OH *&%$ !!!! said I. Fished him out with a pair if tweezers, and took him to the main bathroom to rinse him off under the tap.. Phew the flesh paint came off ok and he looked all right ................
At that point I dropped him and discovered the plug mesh was wide enough for him to fall down into the u bend.
This would have been alright if it had been any other sink the house. this is the original bathroom installed when the house was built 50 years ago. The u bend is covered with multiple layers of paint and is positioned behind the pedestal making removing the U bend awkward at best. The plastic pipework is imperial so if I undo it and damage it I have to replace the whole lot, so now I really swear .%£*(~@:ing,)*&^:@~~ Sodding @@~~>>??<.
After checking numerous boxes of figures I finally found a Dacian Spearman from the old range, sitting on his arse doing nothing. He has now been recruited, and I am a little more sane ( or is that a little less insane?) :D :D :D
What a pity, never mind :d
Did you shout "This is Sparta" as he descended the pipe?
Could you tip a bucket (or similar) of water down the plughole...having positioned an old sieve underneath the outside pipe. (To stop the deserter from going into the drain, Mark ?)
That previous post has just (almost..but I spotted it) had a particularly good piece of corrective spelling.
It wanted an "outside Pope" instead of an "outside pipe".
Modern plumbing requirements (and I apologise if this suggests your arrangements are antediluvian, Techno) probably mean the waste outfall has no open outside Pope (or pipe) and is plumbed seamlessly into the waste water sewer. I could be wrong, it has happened before.
Any hope for a hooked bit of wire (eg old wire coathanger)
Quote from: Techno 3 on 31 August 2024, 09:29:27 PMCould you tip a bucket (or similar) of water down the plughole...having positioned an old sieve underneath the outside pipe. (To stop the deserter from going into the drain, Mark ?)
Unfortunately it goes into the main sewer manhole, which I can get into, but ...... I think that would end up being another entry on this thread
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 31 August 2024, 10:05:32 PMAny hope for a hooked bit of wire (eg old wire coathanger)
This also came to mind, but the drop to the u bend is over 8 inches. it would really need a tripple fish hook and a piece of line to stand any chance.
As I have a replacement there is no need for me to collect this successful deserter. Perhaps one day if we replace the bathroom (I hope Mrs Orcs is not reading this, as it may give her "Ideas" I do not want her to have) :D
QuoteUnfortunately it goes into the main sewer manhole, which I can get into, but ...... I think that would end up being another entry on this thread
Yes...I think I'd give that a miss, too ! :D
Even get last minute stalling?
My current project is for the French 1813. 9 infantry battalions, 13 part regiments of cavalry and 5 artillery batteries. So far, I've done 7 of the infantry, 11 cavalry and all 5 of the artillery. Just 2 battalions of infantry, 2 small cavalry regiments and the staff to complete.
Now I'm looking the next project - either Anglo-Portuguese or Franco-Confederation for 1810. For goodness sake, I've just painted 4 regiments of French dragoons, and for 1810 I will be painting another 4! The 6 battalions of French infantry in 1810 are not terribly different from the 1813!
Why then, with so little left to do on my current project am I looking over the fence at the next project instead of buckling down to finish off my current one? >:(
Before anyone asks, yes, I could use the 1813 infantry in 1810 and save myself some painting - but then again, I now have 15 battalions to invade Russia with.
Quote. . . I now have 15 battalions to invade Russia with.
Don't. It never ends well.
For a change, I'm painting some Samurai.
Three units in and I hate back-banners. >:(
Quote from: fsn on 13 October 2024, 07:33:49 PMFor a change, I'm painting some Samurai.
Three units in and I hate back-banners. >:(
That's why I have never thought of doing a Samurai army. Thank you for confirming the correctness of my decision.
Back banners - don't try to paint them (beyond a base colour) print out the mons and patterns to the right size on plain paper and simply glue these in place over the banners. Works great, might take a bit of faffing to get them the right size, but once that is done you can create pages very quickly.
There are lots of online resources so you don't need to create the designs yourself.
Good tip there Fred :) !
Quote from: fsn on 13 October 2024, 07:33:49 PMFor a change, I'm painting some Samurai.
Three units in and I hate back-banners. >:(
When you have converted 8mm Shakos to Czapkas, then you can moan.
I plan to do to the Japanese what I have done with the Barons' War.
Instead of having two historical forces, I have 8 made up ones. These are neither historical nor equal.
For the Japanese 4 are "mixed foot" - Samuari & Ashigaru, Bow, Spear Sword and Naginata*. Then there are 2 mounted units, and 2 small "elite" Samurai only units. This way, I can have 2 equal forces, or I can mix and match for various degrees of inequality. There would be something romantically heroic about the 800 mixed foot being opposed by the 200 elite and mounted Samurai.
Armour will be predominantly in one colour per unit - black, red, blue or brown.
Banners will be simple, geometric designs. My first unit has black banners with yellow bands at top and bottom. The problem is coming up with suitably poetic names for them. The first unit now rejoices as "the Reflected Dawn". The second (so far) marches under a purple banner which I'm contemplating adding three white dots to. Perhaps these could be the "Snow on Iris"
I know it's not historically accurate and frankly I'm not that bothered. It's a less than serious period for me. I took great care to research the plume colours of the Paris National Guard in 1810, but I'm going to enjoy being a bit creative with the Japanese.
*No, no gunpowder.
Quote from: Last Hussar on 14 October 2024, 11:49:12 AMWhen you have converted 8mm Shakos to Czapkas, then you can moan.
I certainly would.
Quotepurple banner
Very dark elvish.
Something about duck and rabbit banners...
I've just seen "TECHNO'S NIGHT TERRORS", and I really wish I hadn't...
Those are cute and cuddly compared to some of the things I dream about after eating cheese, last thing. :P
Get sculpting Phil!