After a decade of resistance I have finally caved and last week acquired a smartphone. I did have a brick cellphone before millennials were born but apparently that doesn't count...
Anyway - I was advised to add a "screen protector" which seemed reasonable, and whilst applying it occurred to me these are quite cheap and very thin and clear. Possibly useful as glazing on scale vehicles/buildings?
Has anyone tried this? Downsides could be the weird coating on the "sticky" side that might be difficult to remove, plus it claims to be tempered glass so could potentially fire out eye-lethal splinters if one tried to cut it...
What do you think?
Unless you desperately need that thin a sheet I'd go for Slater's Plastiglaz. (or similar). Plastiglaz only appears to be available in 1mm thick sheets now but it is easy to cut and glue with any liquid or tube poly cement and has no sticky gunk on it. It can be easily cut to any shape or size and is safe without risk of glass splinters. £4.13 for a 297mmx210mm sheet.
I would think the first issue would be cost, but if a guy got ahold of some free, then possibly.
Some I have handled are indeed just plastic. Some are more of a glass and would not want to take a knife to them.
"Clear plastic stickers" - 25mm; £5.99 for 2000. That'll keep you going. :D
Thanks all for the comments - I think on balance it's not such a good idea (I have various thicknesses of transparent styrene that do the job).