Welcome to the latest Pendraken newsletter!
Firstly, we hope you're all settled down and ready to enjoy a nice break over the festive period. Pendraken HQ is now closed but we'll be back at work on Wednesday 3rd January ready to work through all of your orders. We'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your support this year, it's been a bit of a tough one but there's a lot of exciting stuff coming in 2024!
Price Increase
As mentioned in our announcement back in August, we'll be having a price increase on January 1st 2024, so you've got a little over a week to get any orders in before the changes take effect. We'd been waiting to hear more information on the minimum wage increases, as well getting an idea on interest rates ahead of our commercial mortgage renewal (both coming in April '24), so we can now confirm that prices will have to go up by 12.5% across all of our cast metal 10mm products. This will mean the following main changes:
Standard 30-man / 15-cav packs - £6.00 > £6.75
Standard 10-man packs - £2.00 > £2.25
WWII 'regular' vehicles and artillery packs - £2.95 > £3.20
Army packs - £36.00 > £42.00
There's more info on the rest of the increases over on our Forum here (https://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,22805.0.html).
Need a last-minute Christmas Gift?
If you're still struggling to get a gaming gift for a certain someone in your life, then why not grab them a Pendraken Gift Card? Available in various values from £5 to £100, you can choose to have them sent directly to the lucky recipient and the sit back and relax in the knowledge that all is well in the world once more...!
Available on our website here (https://www.pendraken.co.uk/pendraken-gift-cards).
10mm Christmas Diorama Set released!
With it being Christmas we've got a little festive release for you next, with this 10mm Christmas Diorama Set now available! This contains Santa and Mrs Clause, some elves, two reindeer, a Christmas tree, Jack Frost, North Pole, Snowman and Snowdog! It'll be fun to see where this crops up on your game tables! Head over and grab your set here (https://www.pendraken.co.uk/specials).
Russo-Japanese flags now available!
We've got a bit of an early Christmas present for all of the people who've been asking for these! The flagsheets for our new Russo-Japanese range are now available, with a single sheet for the Japanese and a trio for the Russians, including a cavalry sheet.
The amount of solid reference material for this period is thin on the ground so Tony of TinyTinTroops has spent a massive amount of time digging through both English and Russian sources to make sure that these are as accurate as possible. The end result is certainly worth it though as they look great.
These can be found on our website here (https://www.pendraken.co.uk/russo-japanese-flags).
Sci-Fi Vehicles Previewed!
After the first batch were previewed last month, we've got the remaining two sets of vehicles and support weapons all photo'd for you now. These will be heading to moulds once we return from our Christmas break.
The first two Sci-Fi ranges have all been production moulded but we ran out of time to get them photo'd for their release. So it'll be easier to get that done in the new year and then they can be our first release of 2024. The second two ranges will then follow on in mid-January and the final two will be launched at the end of the month.
More info over on our Forum here (https://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,22813.0.html).
28mm Covered Wagon released!
We've got a little (although bigger!) addition for everyone next, with a 28mm Covered Wagon now available, suitable for the mid-late 19th Century. This is actually from Dave's personal Schleswig-Holstein range but we thought it would fit nicely with some of the MDF ones that we produce under the RedVectors banner. This new wagon and all of our others can be found on the website here (https://www.pendraken.co.uk/red-vectors-mdf-28mm-wagons).
New buildings from Battlescale!
We've got a couple of new products from Battlescale for you next, with another Clapboard House added to their range along with a second Mediterranean House too. All of the Battlescale products can be found on our website here (https://www.pendraken.co.uk/battlescale).
Important Dates
Mon 25th Dec - Christmas Day!
Wed 3rd Jan - Pendraken Return to Work!
Sun 4th Feb - Vapnartak in York Racecourse
Yet another new range request, I fear: any chance you might tackle the Boxer Rebellion? British and one or two other western forces might come from existing ranges, but you would need Boxers and Imperial Chinese forces but you would need Americans (including Charlton Heston), Germans and one or two others, possibly missionaries and peasants: just a little request.
Kind regards
Michael Parker
Quote from: parkerm17 on 12 January 2024, 11:36:49 AMYet another new range request, I fear: any chance you might tackle the Boxer Rebellion? British and one or two other western forces might come from existing ranges, but you would need Boxers and Imperial Chinese forces but you would need Americans (including Charlton Heston), Germans and one or two others, possibly missionaries and peasants: just a little request.
It's been bouncing around the Top 10 Requests for a few years now but we've not been able to make much progress on it due to everything else going on. After the Indian Mutiny and Russo-Japanese ranges have been received so well, there is definitely a market for those Asian colonial-era conflicts.
What is on the top 10 these days?
Quote from: Lord Speedy of Leighton on 12 January 2024, 08:36:08 PMWhat is on the top 10 these days?
Russian Napoleonics 1812-1815 ought to be in the Top 10, to complete the late Napoleonic ranges. The existing Russian 1812 range is a bit long in the tooth now, and not comprehensive enough.
Quote from: Lord Speedy of Leighton on 12 January 2024, 08:36:08 PMWhat is on the top 10 these days?
This is the last one we did, from just before the pandemic. I need to get an updated one sorted out now that we've got some projects ticked off.
Top 10 Ranges:1. Naps in India
2. War of 1812
3. 1920's/1930's Gangsters
4. Yom Kippur
5. Modern Infantry (US/UK)
6. Modern Insurgents (Afghan/African)
7. Medieval Expansion
8. Boxer Rebellion
9. Napoleonic Russians
10. Renaissance Italian Wars
Two are underway then. 8)
Quote from: Lord Speedy of Leighton on 13 January 2024, 06:49:25 AMTwo are underway then. 8)
Yep, we can probably tick off the Modern Infantry at No.5 as we've made a good start there and plans are underway to add more options going forward. The Yom Kippur range is obviously done too, so that's another tick.