Evening all
I have discovered (in my drawer of shame) an unpainted bag of French cuirassiers - I don't need any more French (even in Spain) curassiers
My book and tinternet trawling has drawn a complete blank, does anyone have a suggestion for a curassier unit with horsehair plume that would substitute for French please ?
Duchy of Warsaw 14th Cuiraissers used french style uniforms, including the horse hair plumed helmet during the Napoleonic period... only 2 squadrons so a single pack should cover your figure requirements, depending on the rules you are going to use?
Quote from: rangerdad on 12 December 2023, 09:44:37 PMEvening all
I have discovered (in my drawer of shame) an unpainted bag of French cuirassiers - I don't need any more French (even in Spain) curassiers
My book and tinternet trawling has drawn a complete blank, does anyone have a suggestion for a curassier unit with horsehair plume that would substitute for French please ?
Have you thought about the Regimiento de Coraceros EspaƱoles, a Spanish regiment formed in 1810 which used captured French cuirasasier helmets and cuirasses? Two squadrons each 180 strong, red jackets with green facinings. See this site https://www.littlewars.se/spanish/coraceros.html
Marvellous - thank you both for your tips
I've earmarked them for the Regimiento de Coraceros EspaƱoles - I've always thought of the Peninsular theatre as favouring mainly light horse units so didn't think of Spanish cuirassiers