We've got some new I-94 decals for you this month with their very first foray into 28mm / 1:56th sheets!
The first of these bigger designs covers German crosses in regular and early war options, plus some very handy US stars which I'm sure will be popular. They've also added German early war markings for 6mm / 1:285th scale, and revamped their US aircraft Stars & Bars sheet for 1:285th too.
As always, these packs contain 2 identical sheets, priced at £2.75 per pack.
I-94 Decals - https://www.pendraken.co.uk/i-94-850-c.asp
GR-123 - WWII German Early War Markings + Bulgaria/Romania/Hungary [1/285]
GR-125 - WWII German black/white crosses and low visibility white crosses [1/56] 5mm smallest / 9mm largest
GR-126 - WWII German Early War yellow, white and black/white crosses and registration/license plates [1/56] 4mm smallest / 7mm largest
US-105 - Post-War US Aircraft low visibility insignia [1/285]
US-111 - WWII US Stars armour insignia [1/56] 7mm smallest / 24mm largest
We'll get these added to our eBay store next week and we'll have them with us at Claymore in Edinburgh this weekend.
As a slight change to this subject, Flight Deck Decals (https://www.flightdeckdecals2400.com/) has a good discussion on how to correctly apply decals. I hadn't done so for decades but now that I am doing more 1:2400 ships, and some aircraft carriers, these instructions were great.