This weekend we set up two "identical" (as much as we could make them) for the Battle of Cedar Mountain, General Stonewall Jackson against Federal general Banks.
Here are some of the setup pictures.
These are the two tables, looking at table 1 from the northwest.
Table 1 from the southeast
Table 2 from the southwest.
Three Rebel brigades on table 2.
Same brigades looking west.
Yankee guns on table 2 with two brigades in the cornfield.
Stonewall Jackson and General Winder at Crittenden Lane going to the right.
The battle will happen next Saturday using Brigade Fire and Fury, with 8 players; 4 per table and 2 per side.
Very nice 8) .
Great looking setup.
You are very organised, having everything setup 5 days ahead of the game (and lucky to have the space to setup). Normally I'm pleased if a game is setup 30mins before the players arrive!
With the two tables, are you playing the game twice, or is it a double blind setup?
Same game twice, but different players at each table. Will see how the games turn out.
Great looking table and playing with one of my all time favourite set of rules.
I'm currently half way through S C Gwynnes biography of Jackson 'Rebel Yell' (and thoroughly enjoying it) so look forward to more photos and an account of how things went (please). ;)
Cheers Paul
That's a really nice looking table.
:-bd =D> :-bd
I hope all have a jolly good time and look forward to seeing & reading how both games went