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Pendraken News & Info! => General Pendraken => Old Newsletters => Topic started by: Leon on 06 May 2022, 03:45:25 PM

Title: May Newsletter!
Post by: Leon on 06 May 2022, 03:45:25 PM

Welcome to the latest Pendraken newsletter!

Welcome to another round-up of the latest news at Pendraken HQ!  This month we've got big news so read on...


Cold War Commander 2 incoming!

All of the files for the new edition of Cold War Commander have gone off to the printers and we'll be launching at the Partizan show on Sunday 22nd May!

Pre-orders are open now and we've reduced the new book down to £20 for the launch as well, so head over and place your grab your copy here (

All pre-orders will be shipped out on Monday 23rd May and you can also choose to collect your copy at the Partizan show as well, by simply choosing the 'Collect at Show' postal option.

If you'd like to order anything else at the same time, no worries at all.  We'll get the rest of your order ready and everything can ship out once the rules have been launched.

Cold War Commander 2 will cover the period from 1946 through to around 1990 and will contain 3 example army lists to get you started (British, Soviet, USA).  Further lists will then become available as online downloads, as well as a wide variety of Optional Rules and a Quick Reference sheet.

We'll be updating everyone with more info on the new rules in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for that.

A pdf version will be available through Wargame Vault on the same day.


Books for Sale!

Keeping on the theme of books, we've now updated the full spreadsheet of the books we've got available for sale so have a look here (  There's around 3500 on there covering all periods of history.

If you see anything you'd like, just drop us a message through the Contact page here ( and we'll get them out to you asap.


Partizan Show!

We're only a couple of weeks away from the excellent Partizan show now, so we'll need any pre-orders sending through by midnight on Friday 13th please.

Orders can be placed as normal through the website by choosing the 'Collect at Pendraken/Show' delivery option and then adding a note in the Comments on the following page.


Peninsular Napoleonics!

And finally just a quick note for all of the backers of our Napoleonic Peninsular project.  The casting has all been done and the first packages will start being posted from Monday.  It should only take a day or two to get them all sent out to you so the wait is finally over!

There may be a few pledges still waiting on the buildings but those are due to be delivered next week so we'll get them out to you in a separate package.

Important Dates

Sun 22nd May - Partizan in Newark (pre-orders by Fri 13th May)
Sun 22nd May - Cold War Commander 2 launch at Partizan!
Sat 4th June - Broadside in Gillingham (pre-orders by Fri 27th May)
Sat 18th June - Phalanx in St Helens (pre-orders by Fri 10th June)
Sat 16th July - Pendraken 30th Birthday! (more info coming next month!)
Sat 6th August - Claymore in Edinburgh (pre-orders by Fri 29th July)

That'll do for now, there's some big projects finally reaching fruition so exciting times ahead!

Title: Re: May Newsletter!
Post by: Steve J on 06 May 2022, 07:36:40 PM
I'm looking forward to my package arriving on the doorstep soon :) .