Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Archive => Competitions => PPC 2022! => Topic started by: Leon on 28 February 2022, 10:41:27 PM

Question: Which are your 5 favourite entries?
Option 1: Maraviglia's A7V tank votes: 19
Option 2: Maraviglia's Mk V tank votes: 7
Option 3: Maraviglia's Somua S35's votes: 14
Option 4: Mollinary's Marshal coach votes: 28
Option 5: Maraviglia's MkIV tanks votes: 7
Option 6: Lord Speedy's A13 MkII's votes: 7
Option 7: Lord Speedy's Crusader II's votes: 7
Option 8: Lord Speedy's Universal carriers votes: 10
Option 9: Maraviglia's T-28 votes: 12
Option 10: Maraviglia's captured MkIV votes: 7
Option 11: Forez42's M10 votes: 27
Option 12: Streetgang's AML-90 votes: 15
Option 13: Streetgang's Scimitar votes: 14
Option 14: Shrimproll9's SYW artillery votes: 29
Option 15: SoSoPig's Jagdpanther votes: 8
Option 16: SoSoPig's Char B1 votes: 9
Option 17: Fred's Landing craft votes: 14
Option 18: Steve J's SYW limber votes: 7
Title: Vehicle - Add Your Votes!
Post by: Leon on 28 February 2022, 10:41:27 PM
The entries are all in and it's time for you guys to choose our winners!

Everyone has put a huge amount of time and effort into their entries so please take a couple of minutes to browse through the work on show and choose your favourites.  All of the entries for this category can be found here:,21461.0.html and we've also included a reminder of each below.

Everyone gets 5 votes per category, so have a good look through the entries below, choose your favourite 5, and then pop your votes in the boxes at the top of this thread.  Voting will be open for exactly 7 days and the winners will be revealed at 6:30pm on Tuesday 8th March.

So, here they are:

Maraviglia's A7V tank:

Maraviglia's Mk V tank:

Maraviglia's Somua S35's:

Mollinary's Marshal coach:

Maraviglia's MkIV tanks:

Lord Speedy's A13 MkII's:

Lord Speedy's Crusader II's:

Lord Speedy's Universal carriers:

Maraviglia's T-28:

Maraviglia's captured MkIV:

Forez42's M10:

Streetgang's AML-90:

Streetgang's Scimitar:

Shrimproll9's SYW artillery:

SoSoPig's Jagdpanther:

SoSoPig's Char B1:

Fred's Landing craft:

Steve J's SYW limber: