Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Pendraken Rules! => Blitzkrieg Commander IV => BKC-IV Miniatures => Topic started by: Amra on 15 January 2022, 11:28:04 AM

Title: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Amra on 15 January 2022, 11:28:04 AM
Hi All ,
I'd love to get a Landsverk L-62 and a BT-42 for my Finns . Has anyone got any tips for conversions etc ?
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Orcs on 15 January 2022, 12:06:11 PM
For the Landsverk  I would go for an Ostwind Turret on a pz38t hull, or possibly use a t34 hull and the tracks of a Pz38T.  Neither are quite right though

For the BT 2 Take BT 7 hull and a Bishop turret. Modify the turret with a file, should be passible.
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Ithoriel on 15 January 2022, 01:42:56 PM
I think the Toldi I (HU1) chassis is a better match for the Landsverk L-62, the Toldi is based on the Landverk L-60 light tank.

Would the turret from the M8 'Scott', 75mm HMC (AMV21), work as a turret with a bit of filing and a longer gun?

For the BT-2, BT-7 chassis and the turret from the M3 Stuart 'Honey', late turret (BRV102) might also work.

Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: sultanbev on 15 January 2022, 02:06:35 PM
I'd get them in 3d print from 3D Specialist, if you ask he'll do them in 1/160 scale for 10mm: (which is pretty much identical)

He has done me some M2A2 Lights, M2A1 Mediums, Churchill 3" Gun Carrier, FCM F1 fortress tanks, R-40 and being resin rather than plastic they come out great.
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Orcs on 15 January 2022, 03:21:26 PM
Quote from: Ithoriel on 15 January 2022, 01:42:56 PMI think the Toldi I (HU1) chassis is a better match for the Landsverk L-62, the Toldi is based on the Landverk L-60 light tank.

Forgot Pendraken did Hungarian Tanks
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Steve J on 15 January 2022, 03:39:09 PM
Thanks for the link Mark :) .
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Ithoriel on 15 January 2022, 09:04:26 PM
Hmm! I wrote a reply that seems to have been swallowed by the system .... or more likely I closed the page before posting.

Just wanted to point out that Pendraken vehicles are 1/150 not 1/160.

1/150 is Japanese N Gauge

1/160 is US N Gauge

1/148 is UK N Gauge

... apparently.
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Raider4 on 15 January 2022, 09:19:05 PM
QuoteHmm! I wrote a reply that seems to have been swallowed by the system .... or more likely I closed the page before posting.

Just wanted to point out that Pendraken vehicles are 1/150 not 1/160.
1/150 is Japanese N Gauge
1/160 is US N Gauge
1/148 is UK N Gauge

... apparently.
Almost . . .

1/150 is Japanese N scale, apart from the Shinkansen (bullet trains) which are 1/160.

1/160 is US N scale, and also European (and the rest of the world?).

1/148 is British N Gauge.
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Amra on 16 January 2022, 06:20:45 AM
Brilliant !
Thanks everyone , there's some excellent suggestions here .
Much appreciated
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: sultanbev on 16 January 2022, 12:09:54 PM
Yes, I use 1/160 as that is European N gauge, which means I can use model rail scenery, specifically card buildings, and most of our battles were fought in Europe, so it kinda makes sense. Although I suspect 1/150 will be fine too.
No idea what Egyptian, Peruvian, Syrian, Russian, Indian, Malaysian N gauge scale is though....
Title: Re: Missing Finnish AFVs
Post by: Aksu on 17 January 2022, 06:22:19 AM
Anorak on:
N "gauge" is 9 mm, that is the distance between rails. As all manufacturers in all countries use the same track gauge, but real life gauge is different, we get different N "scales" as the models try to match the look of real track width to model. Well, for UK and Japan only, really. This also explains why UK has a different scale for the bigger models, OO vs HO in continental Europe. Finland, Russia and Spain etc don't mind the difference in their real life gauge and use the standard 1:160 N scale.
Anyway, I think pedantry is de rigeur if one has taken up model railroading as a hobby  :)
Aksu, modeling 1970s East German railroads in N scale